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As I walk back up to my house I start to reconsider what I just agreed to. I'm such an idiot, my mother will never let me go to a party. I'll talk to her about it. Or lie. Is that what these people do to me? Make me lie? Or do they make me feel so free and alive that I need to lie so that I can get on a excitement high? I'll never know.


This is it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask my mother if I can go to this stupid party that I resent agreeing to.


Oh no.

"Yes mother?" I'm shaking, can she tell?...

"Do you think you could organize something to do tonight? I plan on.... Going out with friends." She smirks gracefully.

Wait. Am I dreaming? This couldn't have gone any better for me.

"Yeah, sure. I actually made plans with Stephanie." I smile to myself that I, Rebecca, was capable of making friends and organizing an outing.

"Okay well, you be careful. I plan on leaving in maybe.... Half an hour?" Perfect.

"Okay well I'm going to go study then I'll leave after you." Yes. This is amazing!


It's been 20 minutes since my mother left and it'll be another 20 before Nathan and Stephanie come and get me. I still haven't chosen any clothing.

I'm not to sure if it's a classy party or a slutty party. Hell, I could show up to a casual hangout party in a ball gown. Or not.

I look through my closet one more time before deciding to call Nick.

Nick is straight. Nick is definitely straight, he just has a girlfriend who teaches him everything about fashion. It's a time like this I need a girlfriend like Grace.

I hear the classic "Ughhhh, I was sleeping. What do you want?" after two rings.

"Hey Nick" My my enthusiasm blows through the roof.

"What?" He repeats

"Do me a favor?" I ask sweetly, causiously.

"Don't tell me you need a kidney?" He laughs through the phone. Although, it's more of a cackle.

"Do you think you could pick up a dress for me? Like really fast. It's for a party."

"Ohhhh okay, okay I gotchu." Nicks voice turns to the "basic stylist" tune.


"See ya soon gurl!" He laughs again.


"Here's the dress I picked" Nicks smile lights up my dark room.

"Thankyou so much, You can come if you want?" I timidity hum.

"Nah, Grace is in the car." His stylist voice switches off.

"Okie dokie, tell her I said bye!" I add through the now closed door.

"Bye gurl!" He yells back.

I like the dress, but I'm not sure if I like it on me.

It's black and short. There's nothing much to it really. It's tight, hugging all of my curves yet somehow I feel powerful.


I hear a knock at the door and my heart starts beating rapidly. I try to gather the courage but I can't seem to open the door. I fumble with the lock a few times before it finally opens and Nathan is standing right in front of me. He's in black jeans and a plain black shirt. I hope this dress looks okay, I'm so stressed. Surprise surprise.

"Wow." He looks taken aback. He continues "you look... Beautiful."

I grasp the words and hold onto them. Suddenly all the oxygen is gone and I'm gasping for air. He rakes his eyes over my entire body stopping at my shoes.

"Nice shoes" he smiles. No way am I wearing heels.

"If you're going to judge the fact that i'm not like all of the other hoes you hangout with and that I don't wear high heels, i'll happily go back inside." i give a cheeky smile.

"Trust me. You're nothing like them." He winks.

"Let's go then? I want to talk about stuff in the car and Stephanie already left."

I simply answer "okay" and look over at him. He's smiling. Thank god.


"How far is it?"

"I'm not to sure.... Twenty minutes?" That's the third time I've asked.

"So you don't know much about me. So I want to start with something almost no one knows." I feel his eyes on me but refuse to look over at him. I'm not that desperate. Well I am for him.

"Well my parents are divorced. I live with my mother and every second weekend I come stay with my father. Steven."

"Okay... So where does Stephanie fit into all of this?" I question.

"Hold on I'm getting there." Nathan smiles, at my attitude I suppose.

"So my dad left and found himself someone else. Her name is Leslie. He loved her more than my mother and myself apparently cause he just left and yeah." He pauses for a moment, reliving the memories I'm guessing.

"When they got together Leslie already had Stephanie so 'Steven' and Leslie brought her up together and I just watched from the sidelines."

I felt it. An ache. The sting of pain for someone else.  I'd built a wall my entire life to block out pain and this amazing, wonderful boy just broke it.

"Then one day he decided to be a father and he came back. He came back and just.. Just expected me to forgive him. I didn't, I haven't. But he tries. God does he try."

"I'm glad he came back." He looks at me as if he's heard this one to many times. I continue. "I'm glad he came back, for you. And for me." He looks into my eyes and I choose my next words carefully. "I'm glad he came back because without him I wouldn't have met you." I smile like an idiot.

"You're definitely something." He looks over at me and smiles.

The car stops and I look out the window to see a big house with a bunch of wreck less drunks in the front yard.

"Well this is it." Nathan sighs. "Maybe our next date will be a little more classy." He touches my hand and I melt into the front seat.

"Date?" The word echoes in my mind.

"Date" he agrees with a curious smile.

I nod.

( Authors note: Hey guys <3 so I'm thinking about doing different point of views between Rebecca and Nathan but I'm not sure because I don't know what Nathan was thinking at the time so I'll think about it. Hope you're enjoying so far! Comment your favorite part!!)

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