Maybe it's impossible

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*Its Rebecca, I'm sorry about everything with Rose.... -Rebecca*

*Its fine. Also you're Becca. I'm Nate we agreed on that remember? See you in a few weeks. Christmas. Goodnight. -Nate*

Christmas, great. As I had heard for the past few months, the family next door celebrated Christmas. They went over the top really. So, as Stephanies best friend I was invited to go.

It realistically just sounded like Stephs birthday. Which I didn't enjoy.

Even though Nathan had broken up with Jay he was always talking about some girl. I realized he'd done it before he 'got over me' but I never payed attention cause I was so wrapped up with my fucking emotions to pay attention to the guy I thought I loved.

Maybe it's impossible to see how small something is when all you see is how big it could be.

Although, after Jay I really hoped I would get the old Nathan back. I had retorted to calling him Nathan because Nate was a completely different person. He was caring and kind and funny, and seemed to actually care. That was his problem. He was constantly fighting between two personalities. And I was fighting them both...

Maybe Nathan wasn't the person I thought he was. And maybe I wasn't the person I wanted to be. He was tearing me apart, piece by piece, making sure the last thing he tore was my heart.

I know that love is something that doesn't exist now. Love is described as something beautiful and bright and life changing. But I know for sure that nothing that wonderful could exist in a place like this, in a time like now..

(Short, okay. I'm running outta ideas.)

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