I wasnt going to wait for you to stop making out with that whore!

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Firstly, I'm confused as to why I'm at this stereotypical high school party. Secondly, I'm confused as to why Nathan invited me here with him.

I mean he's some popular, attractive well known man slut. Whilst I'm some unknown, prudish loser whom has never had a boyfriend in her ever so boring life.

I stand up from the couch Nathan left me alone at half an hour ago to make out with some girl in the corner of the room. I glance towards them but I wish I didn't, they're basically eating each others faces before he opens his eyes and looks at me.

I decide that that's my queue to get some fresh air.

I walk through the halls apologizing every so often, there are a lot of people and there's only a limited amount of space. I probably shouldn't have gone to my first ever party with a bunch of people I've known for two days. I mean, I probably shouldn't have came at all. I don't drink, I don't dance, I don't even socialize most of the time.

I hear a distant call of my name.

I speed up and open the door, silently thanking myself for grabbing a sweatshirt before leaving. It's freezing, yet refreshing. I head over to a swinging chair that I realized whilst I was walking up to the house. I sit down when someone rushes out the door, Nathan. I stand in panic.

"What on Earth do you think you're doing out here?!" He snaps.

"Well since you left me on the couch with a bunch of strangers I didn't have much to do did I?!" I surprise myself by snapping back.

"I didn't expect you to go wondering off though did I?!" He mockingly screams.

"I WASN'T GOING TO WAIT FOR YOU TO STOP MAKING OUT WITH THAT WHORE!" I feel as if I should apologize for my language but there's a load of adrenaline running through my body that I don't want to stop.

"I needed a distraction from life okay? You can't exactly blame me. Although I suppose it was my fault that I decided to bring the boring girl to a party." He lowers his voice but his words hurt twice as hard.

I start to feel tears forming at my eyes.

"Rebecca, I didn't mean it like that." He takes a step towards me but I glance away from him.

"It's okay, really." I try to pull myself together. "I know how you meant it" I sigh and start to walk away before tears stream down my face.

"Rebecca wait, I mean't I was with her because I knew you weren't going to- Ugh, I don't know." He tries to explain but it makes me even more confused.

"Wasn't going to what?" I sob.

"Enjoy being with me while you could be making more friends... I guess?"

"Take me home," I announce.

"Home?" confusion flashes over his face before annoyance takes over.

"Yes, I want to leave."

"It's been two hours. At least try to enjoy yourself for an hour or so." He says softly. He's only trying to convince me to stay so he doesn't have to drive. I wasn't born yesterday.

"I hate this! I hate all of this, can't you tell?! I hate this party, I hate drinking, I hate drunk people and most of all I hate the way you're talking to me right now!!" I yell. I want to leave and I think I've gotten my point across.

"You know what? Find your own fucking way home!" He storms off and I start to sob again.


Three hours. I've been sitting alone, outside on this chair for three hours. I haven't left this spot and I only just stopped crying. I know I haven't known Nathan long but I thought he was different. Unlike all the other drunk guys at this party, but hes the exact same as them. He's just like his- dare I say it- Father.

I decide to go back inside, my legs are completely numb. I need to find someone with a phone I can borrow. Or maybe there's a home phone somewhere? I doubt it.

I see Nathan out of the corner of my eye and decide to walk as fast as possible into the kitchen. Unfortunately for me, not fast enough. Nathans hand grasps my small wrist and he pulls me into what looks like a laundry room. I pull away from him and try to leave but he grabs me tighter this time and closes the door behind us. There's only a dim light in here, coming from a small lamp in the corner of the room. I can hardly see but I can make out his facial features. Jesus on a boat. He's flipping attractive and I wish I didn't hate him so much right now.

I sigh "What do you want?"

"Are you okay?" He surprises me by asking.

Is he kidding me right now? Did he not just yell at me? Well... not just, but he still did it.

"Don't talk to me." I snap, preparing myself to leave, most likely in tears.

"Hey, I'm sorry okay? I was starting to get worried. I couldn't find you anywhere." He scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"Really? Cause it didn't look like you were searching for me. I'm not an idiot Nathan."

"Stop calling me that!" He yells.

"Stop calling you what? Your fucking name?!" I'm really mad.

"Please, just... Call me Nate?" That's if I ever speak to you again.

"I won't be calling you by anything, I never want to see you again!" ugh, I hate this.

"Wait, just let me explain." He sounds genuine.

I nod in agreement.

"I only left you there because... I didn't want you to be embarrassed by me." What?

"I wanted you to be able to make friends, and with me there... I just don't want to stop you from making friends." His voice hitches.

"What?..." I didn't expect, well.. this.

I stalk across the room and pull him into a hug.

"I'm not embarrassed by you, okay? I'd never be embarrassed by you. Or to be seen with you."

"Okay." He whispers and pulls out of our embrace, too quickly for my liking.

"You know, for a bad ass man whore you're just a big softy." I smile.

"Man whore?" He asks and takes my hand, leading me out into the hall.

"Yeah, you know? Changes his girl more than he changes his jeans?" I look up at him.

"Trust me sweetheart, I don't even date." He winks.

I'm not surprised but it stings a little.

"Lets go find Steph , she's playing truth or dare with some friends. Want to play?" He asks almost... Shyly.

"Hmph" Is all I say before he pulls me up the stairs.

( I wasn't sure what to call this chapter...)

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