Sound pretty cliche doesnt it?

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"So, tell me about yourself"

I look over to the boy whom I only just met, hes looking at me.

"Well there's not much to tell" I smile, again.

"There has to be, tell me what your heart enjoys?" He raises his voice in a low hum and I  laugh.

"Well I enjoy classic novels, the way they're set out in their perfectly unperfect way."



"Nothing, i'm just surprised."

I give him a confused glare, egging him to tell me more.

"You're different to the people I hangout with that's for sure."

"And what kind of people do you hangout with?"

"Idiots, drunk, high idiots"

I tilt my head back and laugh.

"What's so funny?" He stops.

"Sounds pretty cliche doesn't it?"

He scrunches his nose at me and laughs a real laugh and it makes me feel special. Wanted.

What? girl falls for boy that she has nothing in common with? Yeah pretty cliche.

I keep walking one step closer to my house, I want to live in this moment forever.

"Well Nathan" I sigh

"Yes Rebecca?" He hums quietly

"I should go home." His face straightens

"Yeah, you probably should." He whispers.

I smile at his confusion of what to do next so I step back from him and take the path back to my house without turning back around. Okay maybe i do a few times.

By the time I reach my house i'm glad to see that all the lights are out. As i fumble for my key's i suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn quickly to find the only person i want to see. Him.

"Hey" His voice is tired and dead sexy.

"What are you doing here?" i get straight to the point and try to ignore his disappointed glare.

"Well I was thinking... You should come over and hangout with all of us tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure, Beverly, Stephanie and Jessica aren't exactly the type of people i'd 'hangout' with.." I purposely leave out his name.

"Just try. What's the worst that could happen?" He smiles a forced smile.

"Okay, okay fine." I step away from him and turn to the door.

He turns me around and i try my hardest not to look into his eyes before he lifts my chin to look at him.

"Thank You, Becca." he whispers and slowly turns away to walk back to his house.

I find myself reevaluating my nick name before I finally fall asleep.

(Authors note: Sorry this was a shorter chapter today :)

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