A horrible idea

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Throughout my completely heartbroken stage I only ever had one person to turn to, Stephanie. Although I'm sure -given the chance- Jay would find it quite interesting that I knew all about her without even meeting her. She seemed like someone I could talk to. as long as I didn't bring up the fact that I was basically in love with her current boyfriend. that was before I met an amazing friend, Rose. She was kind, understanding and absolutely stunning. Her eyes were a piercing blue and her hair represented a long, golden, sandy beach.

I told Rose the entire story. How we met, how we confessed our 'dying love' for eachother, and how he completely threw me in the ditch.

*Does Nate have Facebook? -Rosey.*

*His name is Nathan. Not Nate. And yes, he has Facebook. Why? -Tina*

*I'm going to talk to him tonight. Don't bother telling me that it's a terrible idea, I already know. And you can't stop me ;) - Rosey*

*Oh god. Tell me what he says... -Tina*

"This is a horrible idea." I speak to myself. This boy is making me crazy, and Roses input is unlikely to smoothen the citation.

Roses advice to me was to talk to him myself. To tell him how I feel now, and felt then. The thing was, I didn't know how to approach him about it. Plus he seemed so happy. I didn't want to ruin his happiness. One thing you never do to someone you love is ruin their happiness. Even if it hurts you. So I decided to go with Roses other piece of advice. Getting the fuck over it.

*I sent him a message and he saw it.... -Rosey*

*What did you say?! -Tina*

*That you still like him and want him to break up with Jay... -Rosey*

*ROSE!! -Tina*

Imma die.this was a thing that happened. You can always rely on Buddyandlusa (Rose) to do something like this..... Btw go read her book! It's AMAZEBALLS!!! Ily Rosey. Do we even need to mention Dans diss track? M8.)

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