Theyre so... Different to me

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I rush to get ready, silently thanking myself that I wore my hair down today. I put on a blue sleeveless crop top and some tight high waisted shorts. I run all around my house to find my other shoe and by the time i leave the whole group of teenagers are waiting out side my house.

I instantly stop "Umm hey?.."

"Whats up girl?" Beverly leans in for u hug before she realizes what she is doing and pulls back.

I stand uncomfortably while everyone introduces themselves once again. I feel like the new kid at school although i'm the tallest apart from Nathan. I find myself trying to look anywhere that's not his face, when i finally look up at him we lock contact and I cant seem to break from his mesmerizing gaze.

I think Stephanie catches on that I need help so she suggests we go to her house.

As soon as i walk in the gate I regret coming, there's parents drinking, smoking cigarettes and swearing everywhere.

"Hey newbieee" a mans voice slurrs from somewhere.

"That's James, hes Beverlys dad" Nathan speaks up. I realize the other girls have gone inside.

"He seems pretty intoxicated.." I cringe.

"I'd get drunk every night too if i had to deal with her.

"Who Beverly? She seems nice though?"

Strange but nice.

"That's cause you don't know her." His look tells me she's done something to him. Or he's done something to her.

I laugh and look over into the big, brown eyes staring at me. A big smile plays on his face.

I smile back "What is it?"

"Nothing" he snaps out of his smile as soon as a dark chubby man walks into the light.

"I'm Steven, Nathan's father" He has a deep voice, its deeper than Nathans and definitely not as sexy, sweet. He's a lot taller than me although so is Nathan. God Rebecca stop thing about him you barley even know him. Its's true. I know nothing about him. It's crazy how that works really, you could know nothing about someone but you know they would be a big part in your life.

I smile and introduce myself " I'm Rebecca, the neighbor."

There's a odd amount of silence before someone speaks again, just my luck. Its Nathan.

Some people's voices are just very appealing. You can't explain it. There is no way to describe it. It's just like. How? Why? Why does your voice do things to me? Why does it make me feel things? Why? How? Why?

I decided that ever since I first heard Nathans voice that it was the most beautiful thing i'd heard in my life. it was deep yet it squeaked on certain words, It was slow, sexy with a slight lisp. Nothing could replace that voice in my head, and his face. His face was plastered in my brain so that it would never leave. I'd always compare any guy to Nathan from this point hoping to find someone quite as perfect as he was. That's the only word i could ever think of when i saw him. Perfect.

"Maybe we should go inside?" Nathan looks at me and we lock eyes once again.

"Well it was nice meeting you Rebecca" the man smiles and lengthens his arm. I step closer, close enough to smell the alcohol on his breath. My hand touches his, he gives a strong handshake and i smile and remove my hand from his.

"You too" I simply say with a smile. What is it about these people that makes me smile?

We walk inside and i find the house small and cozy, it smells like Christmas and mint. I look around at my surroundings before following Nathan into the living room. I smile at the girls sitting around a mattress in the living room, I don't know much about moving but I've seen on television that people don't own all their furniture until 4 months after they move.

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