Hey we're the new neighbors

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As I walk to my room I count 6 Windows 4 doors and 3 mirrors. Counting objects had always been a way for myself to deal with my anxiety, growing up I was always so confident throughout anything but by the time I reached high school I found that I always cared about what everyone else was thinking of me. I ate in private in fear of others judging my food preferences, I always wore my uniform on 'no uniform days' in case people wouldn't agree with my clothing choices and it just escalated from there.

When I finally reach my room at the end of the hallway I open my bedroom door and walk straight to my bathroom to turn on my shower. As I wait for the shower to warm up I check my phone. No messages, who would've guessed? I shower, brush my teeth and get dressed choosing my clothing thoughtfully so I don't have my mother sending me back to my room to change into something more 'reasonable.' I decide on a white tank top, a plaid shirt to wear over it and black skinny jeans all hugging my curves quite comfortably. I brush my hair out so its knot less and straight. I then blow dry it so its thick and at its natural state. I retrieve the socks from my earlier decision and place them on my feet before putting on my black vans. I take one more look at myself in the mirror and leave my room closing the door shut right behind me.

"You're looking nice Becca"
"Thanks?" I say trying to read my mums facial expressions, she looks almost... Nervous?
"So you're ready to go then?" She asks picking up the keys.
"Yeah, you do realize she lives right across the street right? We don't need to drive" I fit all the words into one sentence. Something my English teacher would be appalled about.
"Okay, yeah, yeah I know. I'm just a little tired." the she gives me a uncomfortable glare. "Hurry up now."
Is she okay? Should I ask? Nah she'll be fine.


"So I've heard there's new people moving into the house next to you?" The purple haired woman says whilst drinking tea with my mother.
"So have I, hopefully no young children. Although I'm sure Rebecca could do with some friends" my mother laughs and I can't help but join in.
It's true. Sad but most definitely true. I don't exactly enjoy being social and the only friends I like to be with live an hour away. Friends are what I need most right now.
"Oh yes there's plenty of children there, saw them starting to unpack the other night. all around Rebecca's age aswell."
My mother turns to me as my face lights up.
People? My age? I couldn't be anymore excited.
"Sounds nice" I answer trying to control my excitement.


"So how was brunch?" I see my best friend Nick roll his eyes through the computer screen.
"Don't be like that! It was... Ear aching" I laugh and he joins in.
"What else were you expecting? He smiles at me and I blush.
What is it the then Becca?" He smirks.
"Don't call me that" I scold "what is what?"
"You've been so happy" I give a confused glare "excited" he corrects himself.
I haven't been anything of the sorts. Have I?
"Nothing's wrong, I swear"
"What is it then?" He looks at my facial features, confused.
"I... Um."
What is it? Not even I know.
I stutter "Well I'm getting new neighbors" is all I mange to say.
"That's great" Nick answers, his smile could light up a whole room.
"So how's Grace? You guys still together?"
"If I didn't know you any better Becca, I'd think you were interested in me" he gives my a cheesy smirk.
"I'm not" its true. I'd never want to be anything more than friends with him.
"How's school going?" I ask trying to change the subject.
"Come on man it's spring break! Don't get me worrying about that shit!"
"Sorry" I sink into my chair apologizing.
"It's fine don't worry about-"
"Nicholas you better be off the internet" his mother screams loud enough for the entire state to hear her.
"gotta go" we say at the same time. I log off laughing.


After studying for two hours with no peace and quiet  from the newly moved neighbors I gather the courage to look out my window to see what all the commotion is about. Or, At least to close my windows. I peak through the curtain to see one, two, three, four people around the same age as me! I get a fright when someone calls "look there's a girl through the window!" I disappear from the curtain as fast as possible and try to shake the fear and embrace the excitement before I fully submerge myself in the light coming through my window, grabbing a window pen to write with.

"Hey, we're the new neighbors!" A short, chubby, blonde haired girl with a classic 2008 fashion sense declares.
"Um... Hi" I nervously write on my window.
"I'm Stephanie, and these are my friends!" She points to the now standing next to her group of teens.
"Hey, I'm Beverly" a skinny, dark skinned girl with black hair and modern clothing announces.
I wave.
"I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess if you wanna" I cringe at the pale blonde makeup caked face girls grammar.
I smile and wave.
"I'm Nathan, what's up?" I grin from one side of my face to the other as the tall, tan, dark haired boy emerges to the light.
I reply "nothing really" then jump out of my surreal state.
"Wanna come over?" The dark girl asks, Beverly right? God I'm so confused.What is happening?!
I stand shaking in panic my hand nearly touching the window before snapping out of my daydream and writing a simple "sure."

What have I agreed to? It's eight-thirty my mother will never allow me out, especially to a strangers. I'll sneak. No I can't.
I walk out to the living room and sit on the couch opposite to my mother.

"I've met the neighbors mother"
"And you wish to visit them I'm guessing"
"Could I please mother? I have bearly any friends and I'd love to-"
"Fine, just go"
"I'll study all weekend Mothe- what?"
"Please yourself, GO make friends, have fun"
"Okay, I will."
"Don't get into any trouble!"
"I won't, Bye!!"

(Welcome, welcome. The more I write the mor confidence I lose...)

Hopelessly In LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon