Complete Heartbreak

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I open my eyes slightly, a tinge of sunlight sneaking in. I rub my eyes before trying to sit up, remembering Nathan. I lay back down and untangle my legs from his and move my waist out of his light grasp.

I stand and walk to the bathroom. I decide to take a quick shower. While I wait for the shower to heat up I slowly walk into the kitchen.

"Morning Rachael." Leslie greets.

"Rebecca." I groan.

"I'm cooking breakfast, Rebecca." She says, although it sounds more like a question.

"Uh, no thanks. I'll just have a shower then leave." I smile.

"Okay well, if no one is awake by the time you leave I'll tell them you said bye. Although they might be upset that you've left and they'll miss you." She turns over the bacon and cracks another egg.

"Thanks. Tell Steph I had fun." I start to walk out.

"None of them will miss me..." I mumble to myself.


After my shower I dress and brush my hair. I stare at myself in the mirror for a good 10 minutes before finally leaving the house, my backpack slung across my shoulder and my eyes still slightly red and puffy. I walk out of the house in time to greet Steven who is checking the mail. I take the short walk home and spend the rest of my day aimlessly browsing the web.

Four weeks. That's all I need. I won't see him for four weeks. It's not long, plus I'll still see Stephanie. I just won't visit her when he's there.

I mentally groan.

"This is going to be a long four weeks."


I spend the weekdays at school and the weekends trying to concentrate on homework. I visit Steph on the weekends that he isn't there and the others occasionally peeking out of the window to see if he's outside.... Yes, I know I'm obsessed.

(I didn't explain last time but when I use *** they're texting...)

*Haven't seen you in a while?- Nate*

*Yeah, schools been crazy. See you in two days!- Becca*

That's right, two more days until Saturday. Which means two more days until it's been four weeks. Honestly it's been a struggle. I just don't want to be too clingy. I know, well... I think Nathan likes hanging out with me too but I don't want to look too obsessed...



I knock on the door once before pushing it open.

"Hello everyone." I smile at the four familiar faces.

"Hey, how are you?" Steven asks politely.

Oh, you know. Avoiding your son for four weeks on account of complete heartbreak. I've been unable to sleep, study and I cannot concerntrate. At all.

"Good, I've been quite busy lately." I stand next to Stephanie.

"We should watch a movie?" Steph suggests and looks towards Nathan and Steven.

"Please?" Queue cheeky smile.

"I guess so-" Steven starts before Leslie cuts in.

"So Nathan, when do we get to meet this new girl of yours?" Leslie wiggles her eyebrows before Nathan's eyes widen and he looks at me.

"Oh, not just yet. She's really nice though. Definitely a keeper." His smile turns to me.

It's pure evil. Unless you've experienced it, there really is no way of explaining a smile that just screams 'I'm with another girl and I'm completely over you.' If looks could kill. That smile could bring down millions.

"Oh? What 'new girl?'" I ask kindly.

"Ugh, Nathan's new girlfriend." Steven grumbles.

"Oh." Tears prick my eyes and I struggle to keep my emotions under control. Nathan looks towards me almost... Apologetically? No. Not now.

I look away.

"So what are we watching?" I glance around the room, a slight sniffle escaping. My eyes form into slits as I glare at Nathan.

I'm in shock. Four weeks. That's all it took.

And I think, sometimes we create heartbreaks through expectation.

(Yeah there's going to be a big breakdown. Honestly I feel bad for this. I feel bad for myself. I'm not even sure if it's cause no one felt sorry for me when it happened of because It hurts to remember.... )

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