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"Did he just call you a dork?" Thalia asks as we head inside.

"Yup." I reply. My friends and I get stopped by two teachers. One of them have two different colored eyes. They say that they've never seen us before. I am about to say that we just enrolled... but Thalia manipulates the mist, okay that was pretty cool.

The four of us head to the gym and Grover catches up with us. Annabeth and Thalia hug him, and Percy high fives him, me on the other hand, I only smile at him.

"Tactiles." I say softly. Grover nods understandingly. Grover points out the two demigods, Bianca and Nico di Angelo. Thalia tells us to act natural she then asks who picked the music... apparently Grover did, she then drags Grover off somewhere, Percy doesn't know what he is doing like normal. I head over to the di Angelo kids. I have two reasons why I head over to them; one, where the di Angelo kids are is the quietest place in the gym; and two, I want them to know that I'm a friend.

"Hi, I'm Rauri... I just enrolled." I say when I get to them.

"Bianca and this is my brother Nico." Bianca says. I look at the cards that Nico is playing with.

"Are those Mythomagic cards?" I ask him. Nico smiles at me.

"You play?" He asks.

"More like collect, would you teach me?" Nico's smile widens. He then explains the rules and how to play. Percy eyes me from across the gym, his expression was one of 'what the hell are you doing?' Dr. Thorn, the vice principal, tells the three of us need to come with him immediately. I help Nico put away his Mythomagic cards; I was about to pull out my cellphone and text Percy, then I remember that Percy doesn't have a phone. Great... Dr. Thorn leads us down this dark hallway, I can't see anything.

"You guys do me a favor and stay behind me, I have a bad feeling about this." I tell the di Angelo kids. I activate my shield when I hear footsteps. I see the bronze glow from Percy's sword. I let out the breath that I didn't realize that I was holding. Percy sees me and asks if I was alright, he then gets hit in the shoulder by a spike.

"Percy!" I say. Suddenly weapons start flying... Annabeth more then likely. Everything is happening so fast that I don't really know what's going on, it went into slow motion when Annabeth falls off the cliff... time seems to flow normally again afterwards.

Bianca was denying everything that we told her, Nico on the other hand was super excited. A girl with eyes the color of the moon says that she would like to speak with Bianca and me.

"I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name." I say. The girl smiles.

"Artemis, the goddess of the hunt." She answers. The three of us enter a tent. "I have an offer for the both of you... would you like to join the hunt?" Her offer is fair... but I can't accept it.

"I'm sorry Lady Artemis, but I can't accept your offer. My brothers need me, and I have a feeling if I do accept it that I am going to end up mortal again." I say, looking at the ground. Bianca asks if she can think about it. Artemis nods. I excuse myself and go find Percy and Grover.

"Can you surf really well?" Nico asks Percy when I walk over to the three of them. I start to laugh, and Grover is having a hard time keeping a straight face.

"Jeez Nico, I never really tried." Percy answers.

"Being a child of the sea doesn't mean that you are a good surfer, and Percy don't throw me that look." I say. "Yes I've been surfing and I wiped out epically."

"You're a child of Poseidon too?" Nico asks.

"Yup." I say, I then notice Nico's figurine set. "Dang, do you have all of them?"

"Not yet but I'm close. I also have the holographic cards."

"Now that is impressive. I only have the Hermes holographic card and figure... but I don't know where they disappeared too."

-45 minutes later-

Artemis tells her hunters to break camp.

"You see, Bianca and Rauri are not the only ones that have an annoying brother. It's time for you to meet my irresponsible twin, Apollo." Artemis tells Percy.

"I actually have three." I say softly. Percy throws me a look. "What I didn't name any names." Once outside the tent Percy asks if I joined the hunt. I shake my head.

"I'm one of the idiots that run towards the danger, and that would put the rest of the hunters in danger." I say. Apollo then shows up.

"Wow, Apollo is hot." Thalia says.

"Well he's the sun god." Percy replies. I hit Percy upside the head. Nico points out that not everyone is going to fit in the sun chariot. Apollo sighs and mutters something about sports car mode. The chariot changes into a fancy looking bus. All the hunters go to the far back portion of the bus. Thalia gets to drive, to be honest I'm a little nervous when Apollo mentions something about being blasted out of the sky. To calm my nerves I pull out my phone.

"I feel like I'm about to die." I text Dean. "or at least get blasted out of the sky by Zeus almighty." I press send. Three seconds later I get a reply.

"How is that different then any other day?" The reply reads. I laugh lightly to myself.

"It's only different because Thalia is driving... and we're in a flying bus."

"Is the flying bus a typo?"

"Nope." I then get a shit ton of laughing emojis. Nico sits down by me.

"Can I see the shield and sword that you used to protect us?" He asks. I smile and hand him my deadly ball point pen.

"Bet you never run out of ink with this thing."

"To be honest I've never actually used it as a pen. I'm going to try that when we get to camp... thanks for the idea Nico." I say. Thalia basically crash lands in the lake. Once all that stuff is over with, I spot Beckendorf. I walk over to him.

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