Chapter 3- I Hate To Tell You, That She Died

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A/N: Okay...Okay...I finally updated. YAY! Eheheh....*ahem*'s chapter 3...I'm sorry, I know I suck at makin stories.


I just stared at the ground, my mouth wide opened. Star is gone...I mean, like, actual gone.
"STAR?!" I hollered, looking around.
"What the heck Marco, why are you calling a dead person?" I ask myself. So I just walked around. There were no other footprints to tell of someone took her or dragged her away.

Or maybe Star walked away....
What? Star's dead, she couldn't possibly have walked away!
Oh shut up

After having yet another conversation with myself, I heard some clopping of hooves. I turned around and I see my parents wearing armor (don't ask me where they got those) and riding a horse.
"HEY MARCO! I'M RIDING A HORSE!" My dad screams. I roll my eyes.
"I can see that, dad."
"ARE YOU PROUD OF MEH SONNN???!!!" He shouts, the horse making it's way to me.
"Yeah...hehehe...ughhh..." I mumble, my voice cracking.

My parents reach me and the horse stops right in front of me, it's hooves clomping on the cold ash-y ground. I look up at my dad, who was striking a pose. He looked pretty dumb, to be honest, with the outfit and all but I gotta admit it was pretty cool. My mom jumps down and hugs me, and my dad joins us.
Now I'm being squished by my two armor-wearing parents, OH GAWD IF STAR SEES ME,, Marco, Star is dead, remember?

I pull away from the hug, taking a minute to catch my breath. I was about to ask them why they're here and how they found me when my dad cuts me off, asking a question that I dreaded to hear.
"So, where's Star?" He asks me, looking around and beaming. I stare at my two smiling parents, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes, I don't want to be the one to break those smiles, I don't want to be the one that tells them that Star's dead.

"Mijo? Is there something wrong?" My mom asks her tone full of concern and worry. I don't reply, instead, I kneel down on the ground, covering my face as my tears fall.
"Marco?" My mom sits down beside me, patting my back. "What's wrong?"
My dad sits down beside me as well.
"Marco, what's wrong?" My dad repeats.

"Star is dead."

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