Chapter 15 - Revelations (REPUBLISHED)

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I gasp out, wide eyed, as I take in the sight of the lizard grabbing hold of Camille's collar. He looks back at me, just as surprised as I am.

But only lasts for a few seconds, as his ugly face switches to that of a smug smirk. My blood runs cold at the sight. Maybe I really should've listened to Camille.

"Well, well, well," Okay seriously now, what's up with villains and wells? "If it isn't Marco Diaz."

"How are you even- nevermind. Let her go." I get into my battle stance and try my hardest to remain unfaltering at the sight of the demon I thought I had killed.

Toffee's grin doesn't leave his face, even when he released Camille out of his grip harshly. I look at her to check if she's okay, but she only gives me a look that makes me feel as if I didn't do the right thing here.

That doesn't make sense, because I totally just saved her didn't I? Or rather, I'm in the process of saving her. So why does this just give me a bad feeling?

"Okay, okay, first I need to address the elephant in the room." I glare at the suited reptile, "How are you alive?"

"Fire slows down my regeneration, and although it is excruciatingly painful, it's not enough to kill me." He replies. I bare my teeth, I should've chopped his head off when I got the chance! "Now, my turn to ask. What are you doing here, Diaz?"

I inwardly groan. Why does everyone and their mothers want to know why I ended up here? I couldn't possibly tell them it was a dimensional scissor malfunction - that'll make me appear unprepared and weak.

"I came here for Camille." I say. It wasn't a lie though! I did end up here with an intention to see her because of her purple earth cracks.

Toffee's lips curve up into a sickening smile, "Oh? Did you now?"

I could hear the sharp intake of breath coming from her and I finally realize that I really did do a bad thing after all.

He laughs and reads the unsettling mood, "Oh, you should've just told me you wanted to visit my daughter!"

Wait. Hold the hell up.

"Wh- daughter?!" That was the last thing I'd expect from this conversation. There is no way he'd be Camille's father! If he really was, then why isn't she half lizard or something? Why didn't she have scales? A tail? And why does she look so much like Star??

"I don't believe you." I murmur in response, because this has got to be some sort of joke to throw me off.

"Alright, I won't force you to." Toffee crosses his arms over his chest, "But maybe you could try asking her too."

My attention switches to a shrinking Camille. Oh no that doesn't look good.

"C-Camille...?" I blurt out, dumbfounded at the sight of her scrunched up face. She looks away from me and the silence answers the question I hung up into the air.

This can't be.

I stagger backwards in a whiplash of emotions and I see Camille rushing over to me to probably try and convince me that she and Toffee have nothing to do with each other. But it was way too late for that.


"Don't." I cut her off, I couldn't bare to even hear her anymore.

Camille is obviously distraught and tears were starting to prick in her eyes. "Marco, wait, I can explain-"

"I thought I could trust you!" I snap, slapping her hand away in a swift motion and she stops and looks at me with her mouth wide agape in surprise.

"You- you can! I swear this is just a misunderstanding!" She pleads, "Marco, please listen to me, we're friends remember-?"

I bare my teeth in anger which causes her to stop in realization that I won't listen to her anymore. I couldn't, not when she was deceiving me this whole time. Who knows what she's been telling that lizard? Before I knew anything else, I was blinded by rage.

"No. Not anymore."

In the heat of the moment and the desire to be away from Camille, I pull out the dimensional scissors despite not knowing how to operate them. I slice open a portal and jump in without hesitation, leaving Camille and her stupid fake apologies behind.

I completely underestimated the distance of my portal from the ground, feeling myself collide on the dark asphalt on my back from dropping a few meters from the sky.

"Ow..." I groan, standing up to stretch my back and make sure that I hadn't broken anything from the fall.

I'm in mid-stretch when I finally become aware of my surroundings and how I was absolutely surrounded by....

"Fire?!" I gasp out and whip my head around, only to be met by more.

Then it hit me.

I am in Tom's beloved home town,

The Underworld.

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