Chapter16 - "Visiting"an Old...Pal? (REPUBLISHED)

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Oh you have got to be kidding me! I slap my hand over my face in agony. Seriously, I have got be the unluckiest guy in the world! After a few solid minutes of cursing the universe and its biased hatred towards me, I calm myself down and figure out what I'm supposed to do, I'm really not in the mood for an "ex" meetup.

I automatically reach into my pockets for the scissors

......They're gone.


Okay, okay, calm down, Marco. You got this, it probably just flew off of your hands when you fell. It's bound to be around here somewhere! With that thought I search around - which is easy since I had fallen into some sort of back alley road and I didn't have much to look at except for a few crannies and nooks.

And with the way things were going, I am absolutely not surprised that I found it amongst the burning mass of land to my left that I really hoped I didn't have to check.

Okay, so now my dimensional scissors are gone, and I'm stuck in this realm until I suck it up and talk to Star's infamous ex.


"Why is this happening to me?" I cry out, nobody is around to hear me anyways and I desperately need an outlet. I'm losing my mind here! "Of all places, why did I end up here?"

"I don't know, you tell me." I jump at the sound of a new voice, which seems to come from...above me? I tilt my head upwards and come in contact with a smirking three-eyed demon.

"Tom." I breathe out, watching as he levitates his way down to me from his floating horse chariot. Show off, I couldn't resist rolling my eyes.

This only makes the demon smile wider, "Marco Diaz." He says rather cockily, with his arms crossed for a more snobby effect.

Why does everyone enjoy saying my full name when they greet me?

"What brings you here?" Tom asks, but before I could answer him, he takes his question back. He me a hand instead, I eye him and his sickly gray demon fingers warily, "Nevermind that, we can talk at my place."

And before I knew it, I was lifted over to mister ruler of the Underworld's floating chariot.

I took the time on the ride to watch the scenery below, not really in the mood to chat with Tom since the last time I've ever seen him since the funeral was during the Blood Moon Ball and that definitely wasn't a great start to our relationship.

This place looks way more different if you look at it from a higher perspective, I observed. For starters, it wasn't all just a burning mess of nothing, it's a whole thriving civilization. It almost even looks pretty—

"Holy crap!" I shout out as I lose my footing over from where I peered at the edge, feeling my heart soar over to my throat in panic.

"Woah!" Lucky enough, Tom grabs hold of my arms before I could fully plummet over to my doom. He pulls me back inside the safety of the inside. "We wouldn't want you falling off now, do we?"

I raise a brow at him in question, trying to catch my breath from the sudden adrenaline rush that caused me.

Tom rolls his eyes at me, "Because, that'd be no fun! Geez, don't be so judgemental, Marco, I just saved your life!"

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