Chapter 19 - Sounds Like A Plan

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Okay, so, a plan. Tom and I are formulating a plan as of this moment.

We are hunched over a table he had dragged to the center of his bedroom, scribbling and talking amongst ourselves while Tom pets his pet bunny to refrain from being way too agitated.

I stop talking and look up at him guiltily, "Hey, I'm sorry I got you in this mess." I start sheepishly, remembering that the only reason Tom's working with me right now was because I accidentally fell into the Underworld due to a dimensional scissors malfunction — not to mention he'd saved me multiple times during the course of the battle against Camille.

Tom only waves me off with a smile, "It's no biggie. Great to finally experience some action, you know?"

The conversation fades after that, as we both know that we'd still have to come back and try to bring back Camille, because who knows what Toffee could be using her for as we speak. We are fully aware that it's dangerous, but it's a price we're willing to pay.

We go through the plan one more time and it's pretty simple: our main objective is to find Toffee, because if we get to him there's a chance that we'd be able to bring Camille back to normal, and I'm in charge of that end while Tom tries to create a diversion and distract Camille and keep her full attention on him.  After we capture Toffee, we should be able to restrain Camille...then we just hope for the best.

We prepare ourselves for the battle, suiting up and the likes while Tom runs over to his stereo and inserts a CD that plays: Highway to Hell by AC/DC.

Then a montage of us putting on some armor that Tom had stored in his closet, they were lightweight despite the metallic red look, and Tom said they were fire resistant which we could only hope is also Camille's-purple-ball resistant.

"Wait, Marco I have to show you something." Tom exclaims, pulling me back into the huge closet excitedly, pressing a button on some side of the wall which makes the clothing rack split into two, the wall behind sliding open to reveal a shelf which held various unrecognizable weapons. 

"Holy Hell—"

"Language!" Tom snaps all of a sudden.

"Sorry." I chuckle, "This is amazing." I reach on over to take one of the displayed things which looks like a bracelet of some sort. It's a sleek black material and it looks very fancy and durable too.

"Yeah, I- ah- I actually made that." He murmurs, seemingly embarrassed

I only gape in awe, looking back at all the thingymabobs in the hidden closet, "You made all of this?"

"It's kinda like a hobby of mine after watching a lot of spy movies, it's very therapeutic too." Tom then ushers me to wear the black bracelet on my wrist, reaching into the vault to get one identical to mine and wearing it over his. "They're basically walkie talkies. But only the both of us will hear what the other will say and it'll be easier to communicate during the battle. You only have to say my name to activate it."

"That's so cool!" I place my bracelet over my mouth and say, "Tom! Hey, this is Marco speaking."

"Yeah, I can hear you." Tom replies and speaks into his as well which I hear as if I were wearing earphones. The sound is very clear and crisp as he says, "Marco! This is Tom, your very hot friend speaking."

"Yeah, ok, no."

"Wait, I also have a feature for non-fire users." Tom pipes up, then he pauses and laughs awkwardly because, yeah, why would he have a feature made for mortals? "Okay, I was planning on meeting up with you and Star to make amends since the Blood Moon and all and maybe get you and Star to try these things. But...circumstances made it impossible."

THE WANDS GAME |An SVTFOE Fanfic|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora