Chapter 17 - Decieve (EDITED)

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"Ah, what a shame." Toffee sighs, eyes trailing over where Marco had been just a few seconds before he tore a portal open and jumped inside. Then he averts his attention to where Camille sat on the ground with tears pooling out of her eyes. "I didn't really intend for him to find out right away, but he didn't leave me much of a choice now, did he?" Rhetorical question, as figured, when Toffee carries on talking.

"Now that he knows about your little secret, it'll be harder for us to kill him." He kneels down to Camille's level and presses his palm against her cheek, and although the action was supposed to be tender, the sight of Toffee's sinister smile didn't give it the right feel. Camille turns her head sharply away from the lizard's hold, but he retaliates by grabbing her chin harshly and squeezing her cheeks against each other in a painful manner, "Not to mention you've gone soft already."

Camille desperately claws against his tight grip, pain searing from the sides of her mouth. She breathes in deeply when the demon lizard finally releases her. "I don't want to kill him anymore." She declares, not breaking contact with the other figure before her.

Toffee only smiles wider.

"I figured just as much." He says, "Have you caught feelings that quickly, my dear Camille?"

"I don't have romantic feelings for him." She replies, disgusted by the fact that Toffee would think she's that easy, "I don't want to kill him because he's my friend."

"Are you?"

Camille goes silent. Grief flooding through her system as she tries to stand up and move away from the other male. "I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you."

"And where might that be?" And again, she has no idea what she's supposed to say to that- because Toffee is right. Where would that be? It's not like she could run from him here, in this deserted valley, and she doesn't have any other resources to open up a way to another dimension.

She's stuck.

"Exactly." Toffee's smug reply rings in her ears. "There's no one left for you Camille, might as well just do your job."

"I will not kill him, Toffee."

The said demon smiles, "Sure, but who created you again?"

Defeated, she sighs, "You did. So what? Are you going to kill me? Well go ahead, I've got nothing left to lose anyways."

"So pessimistic, my dear Camille. I can't kill you, I've spent so much just to create you." His hands starts to glow a sickly green shade, "That means I can bend you to my will, because you are indebted to me."

"What the hell-?" Camille sees the green radiate off of Toffee a little too late, mind being warped and engulfed by the sight of it. She tarts to slip into a coma like state, standing still with glowing green eyes.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but now I wonder why I never did this before." He says to himself. "Mind control. Genius."

Camille's blank and empty stare makes Toffee grin monstrously, her body is limp, moving much like a ragdoll would. Camille's a puppet and Toffee has the strings around his fingers.

"Now, my dear Camille, will you be a good daughter and obey my wishes?"

Her voice is monotonous and void of emotion as she says, "Yes, father." The demon lets out a loud cackle in reply, the sound echoing through the vast nothingness.

Marco Diaz wouldn't know what hit him.

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