Chapter 6- A Not Familiar Face. Is it?

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It's been weeks, since Star passed away, 2 weeks to be exact. But hey, who's counting? My mom and dad made me go back to school. They said that I needed to 'move on and accept it'. Well, yeah, if your best-est friend died and you didn't even get her a proper funeral, would you be able to move on? No? Exactly.
They just don't know how hard it's been for me.

Ever since Star's death, I've been locked in my room, constantly crying or just sulking in the corner. Ever since Star's death, I've always had that creepy feeling in my chest that I can't get rid of, no matter hard I try. Ever since Star's death...I've lost all my chances of having a social life...even lost my chances with Jackie, my 'crush'. Yeah, right. The feeling is mutual. I've lost interest in her. Never even knew why I liked her in the first place.

I sighed heavily, checking my watch.
"6:45 am...I better get going." I grab my backpack, another sigh escaping my lips.
"I am so not looking forward to this." I walk out of my room, the bright light of the sun peeking through the windows blinding me. I goarned and rubbed my eyes. Out of habit, I turn my head to Star's room, expecting a blonde princess smiling at me, bouncing up and down, but of course, there was nothing to be seen. I smiled sadly, 'I miss you, Posa.'
And with that, I headed downstairs, hearing my parents mumble a quick goodbye, their faces not leaving their paperwork. I let out a deep sigh, 'They seem to pay more attention to their work than me. Heh. Typical.' I thought, closing the door behind me, not wasting my breath to say goodbye knowing that they wouldn't hear it anyways.

I reach the school, staring at it's gates, students were walking in, some frantically, the others calmly. I let out a long sigh before hesitantly walking inside. As I walked inside, I noticed that some of the students were looking at me. I pulled up my hood, looking down, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Sadly, I already did. Is it just me, or is it getting quiet here? I noticed that some of the students that were in my way quickly moved out, making way and before I knew it, everyone was staring at me. Some were whispering, others rolling their eyes and some giving me a sympathetic look. I stopped, and sighed.
"Why are you all staring?" I say quietly, my voice barely audible. Some people hesitated to answer, others confused.
"Why are you all staring at me?! Don't you all have something better to do?! Just shut up and stop looking at me!" I shout, then out of the corner of my eyes, I see Ferg and Alfonzo making their way towards me. I turn away from them and Alfonzo puts one of his hands on my shoulder, I jerk his hand away.
"Marco what-"

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I snap then look at the two, who were slightly taken aback, then I add, "That includes both of you." I growl and rush to my locker. Luckily, my locker was at a very far corner, away from everyone else's. I throw my books inside, stuffing my hands in my hoodie's pockets and walking towards my first class.

When I arrived, the classroom turns quiet, all staring at me. I glare and they all start looking away and chatting.
I sit at the very back and most people moved their seat away. No one dared to sit beside me. I dump my stuff onto the floor, hanging my head. There were people chatting in front of me but I don't wanna eavesdrop so I ignore them. But then one of them said something about a 'new student', which sparked my interest. I pretended not to listen although I was.

"I heard there's a new student."
"Yeah, I think it's a girl."
"I heard that she's very anti-social."
"Just like this guy behind us."
"Shut up! He might hear you."
"Pft, as if he's listening."

I roll my eyes. 'Great, there goes my chance to revive my social status.' I thought. Just then, the teacher appeared, smiling brightly. Then followed a grumpy looking student, rolling her chestnut brown eyes. Okay, this girl looks strangely familiar. No, she looks nothing like anyone I know. But why did the annoying feeling in my chest seem to grow stronger?
She looked around, her hair waving behind her. She sees me, a sly smirk makes its way to her face.

A/N: Okay, so the new student basically looks like that Star in that pic, only the clothes though. The new student has dark black, shoulder length hair and chestnut brown eyes, she has no hearts or any design at her face. Yes, she has the eyepatch but instead of the devil hairband, she has skull shaped hair clips.
Okay, this chapter is extra long, just a gift for ya'll :)
Okie, until next time!

~•~•Iyah( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)•~•~

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