Chapter 13- Stop Forgetting and Just Accept it

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I fell straight in, falling face to face with the cold, dirty ground. I wipe my face, seeing that some kind of black powder was covering my body. Wait a minute, is this ashes?! I jumped and looked around.

Ha. ha. ha.

I must be one of the luckiest guys.

Note the sarcasm.

I look around the ashy scenery. Yeah, this all seems familiar. A little bit too familiar. It kinda looks like it just recently rained.I stare at the huge crater, the place where the castle used to stand. Before Star blew it to pieces with her wand.

Before Star blew herself up.

I shake my head, trying to get away from the bad memories. But the harder I try to forget, the more I remember. It's almost as if those memories were locked up in my head, no way out and it was just trapped there, making me feel more and more pain and guilt each day.

I decided now would be the time to stop forgetting and just accept it. I walk around the edge of the crater. When I was satisfied, I went to the place.

That one damn place.

I looked at where Star's body was supposed to be laid in. Before it disappeared. I traced across the ground while siting down, not wanting to leave the place yet for it brings back so many painful memories. It hurt so much but felt so relieving. Well, that was a contradicting statement. Everything about my life is contradicting that everything right now is confusing.

I decided to walk around even more even if there was nothing left to explore. I come across some sort of crack on the ground. I traced around it, somehow fascinated. There was something glowing inside the crack. It's kind of...purple? What the heck happened here?

Then it hit me.


I don't know where she is but I know she's here somewhere. And I'm gonna find her. Because, right now, she's the only one that can answer my questions.

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