Chapter 7- A New 'Ally'

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"Okay class, today we have a new student! Introduce yourself, darling." She ushers the new student forward. The girl rolled her eyes, scowling.

"My name is Camille." She says in a rather bored tone.

"Anything else you wanna share, Camille?"


"Uh...okay then...Class, please make Camille feel welcomed..."

I wasn't really paying attention, I drop my head down on my table.
"You can sit beside...Marco Diaz."
I jolt up, everyone looking at me.

"Unlucky.." I heard someone whisper.
I turn my head to the so-called Camille, only to see her smirking at me.
She plops down on the chair next to me, placing her bag down.
The teacher started discussing, everyone turning their heads away from us. Camille turned her head to me, I look away pretending to be focused on the book, staring at it blankly. 'This book seems weird...' I thought to myself, I stared at it in confusion. Out of the corner of my eye, she rolls her chestnut orbs playfully.
"The book is upside down." She chuckled.
I blush furiously out of realization, snapping the book closed. The sound echoes through the room, the teacher turns around, hands on her waist, a stern look plastered across her face.
"Marco Ulbado Diaz." She calls, everyone turns their heads to me, I stared at the teacher, blushing madly. "Is there anything you want to share with us?" I held my breath, I wanted to answer but I choked on my words, I'm not usually like this...probably just the heat of the situation.
Camille smiles, standing up, resting her arm on my shoulder.
"He was reading the textbook upside down."

Wow. You helped a lot. Seriously. A. Whole. Lot.

The class laughs and I laugh along nervously, my face growing 50 shades redder. The teacher rolls her eyes, she quickly got the class' attention back before things got out of hand. She sends me a quick warning glance before she begins discussing again.
Camille tuns her attention back to me, smiling, I did NOT return the smile, instead she earns a glare.
"Why do you keep on looking at me?" I accosted, glancing quickly at the teacher, making sure she didn't hear me. Camille just chuckled.
"Aww...Marco Grumpy Pants, is it? You're not even gonna thank me for saving your life?" She fake pouted, I just sigh heavily.
"First of all, my name is Marco, not Marco Grumpy Pants. Secondly, you didn't save my life, you made it worse." I glared at the black haired girl.
"Ouch." She said, pretending to be hurt.
"Just leave me alone."
"What's the magic word?~"
And she continued poking my cheek, I groaned.
'This is gonna be a looonggg day...'

~Time skip brought to you by: "SCRRRRRAAAAPE THE SIIIDEEEES!"~

As the bell rang, signaling us for dismissal, I sigh, relived.
"I'm finally free." I muttered under my breath. And, no, Camille hasn't left me alone, yet. I mean what is up with that girl! I just a met her and she's acting like an attached girlfriend! She was still babling away, and honestly I am quite surprised with the way she acts. She has a kind of deep voice and at first she gave me an expression of an emo girl but she's actually very talkative and kinda evil.
"Markyyy? Are you in there?" She interrupts my train of thought, waving her hand in front of my face. I swipe her hand away.
"Don't call me that." I retorted.
"Psh. Meanie." She crosses her arms. Okay, this girl is also pretty childish. I fixed my stuff, slinging the bag on my arms and walked away carelessly. She follows. Of course.
"Where do you live?" She asks, catching up with me.
"None of your business."

"Grumpy Pants."

"Annoying Wretched Brat."

"Hey! I'm not a-"

We were interrupted from our arguing by a group of boys, great. It's Thomas, the most popular guy in school. My bully. And now that Star's gone, he earns more reasons to bully me. What? I deserve it!

"Lookie here! Marco made a new friend, the newbie creepy girl." His rather loud and annoying voice echoes through the halls, making the students turn their heads to us.
"Leave me alone. And, no, she's not my friend." For a second I see her have a genuine hurt look, then replaced my anger.
"Yeah, leave or else-" She started then Thomas interrupted her.

"Or else what?"

"You don't wanna know."

"Haha, now look little lady, if you don't wanna be part of this, I suggest you just leave, after all, Marco did say he wasn't your friend."

Camille's glare intensifies and I was dragged away from her.
"H-hey what are you doing?! Get away from me!" I try and get away from their grip but Thomas' 'men' are too strong. The black haired girl was then blocked my two men, as she tried to escape their grip, Thomas approached me.
"You killed Star." He said. I was dumbfounded.
"She was mine and you had to take her away!"
Th-Thomas liked Star?! No way...actually that kinda makes sense, almost everybody is under Star's 'spell'. Except for Oscar...and me...right? My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pain on my stomach area. Wait. I was punched right in the gut by Thomas. Then he punched my face, multiple times, my lip cracking, eye blackening (XD) and face bleeding. I cough up some substance, blood. He grabs my collar, shaking me.
"St-stop!" I heard Camille shout. Thomas looks at her and drops me. I fall on the ground, his 'men' kicking me and stepping on me. They stop for a moment, allowing me to catch my breath. He approaches her, clenching his fists.
"I told you to stay out of it, now you'll pay the consequences." He signals the boys to hold her, facing him. Camille struggled at their tight grip. Thomas punched her right in the face. She hangs her head. Then a chuckle was heard.
"And I told you that you didn't wanna know what I would do if you didn't leave us. Well looks like you do."  Thomas backs away, creeped out of the ravenette.
"Good luck." She says sweetly, raising her head. As her face came to the view, I gasp. Thomas' and his men's faces turned pale. Everyone froze.

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