Chapter 2

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Alison's POV
Wooo! That was a long time in the airplane. And I got a jet lag. Yay. I'm not a good person in tall or high places. I feel like I'm gonna-
(One trip to the toilet later...)
(Two hours later)
Mr. Cleave said that Stephanie lived on the shores of Lake Kawaguchi. So, I went there and I found a house. I knocked. But I guess no one is home. I knocked again, and an old woman opened the door. I didn't mean to be rude, but is she the one I'm looking for? No way.
"A! Anata wa Sutefani-san no yujindesu ka?" She said.
(That means: Oh! Are you Stephanie's friend?)
Good thing I learned Japanese.
"Ie, kanojo wa kokodesu ka?" I asked
(Translation: No, is she here?)
"Hai. Dozo haitte!" She said.
(Yes. Come on in!)
(Sorry if I'm wrong)
The woman asked me to wait in the living room and she went upstairs to call Stephanie. A couple of seconds later, a girl went downstairs.
"Hi! I'm Stephanie! Wait... Do you speak english?" She said.
"Um... Yes! I'm actually from New York!" I said.
"Oh, sorry about that. And please don't mind my grandmother. She's pure Japanese." She said. "Who are you, and why did you came here?"
"My name is Alison. And I heard that you're a water elementalist. Is that true?" I asked.
"Wait... Who told you that?" She asked back.
"My teacher, Mr. Cleave." I said. "He wanted me to assemble a team of elementalists."
"Why should I trust you?" She asked.
"Because I'm like you." I said. "But with a fire element."
"How about we do a bet?" She asked. "It will be an elemental battle. If I win, you will help me bring back my long lost cousin. But if you win, I'm coming with you."
"Deal." I said.
(The next day)
It is time for the battle.
"Ready? START!" A woman yelled. I guessed it's her mom.
We both started attacking. I know, water is gonna win against fire. But, I can fly, and she can't. She's shooting water out of her hands, while I'm shooting fireballs.
(Two minutes later)
Looks like she's fired up! She's still standing! Wait, fired up? Shouldn't it be watered up?
She seems a bit weaker than before though, guess it's time for the big boom. But not that big.
"METEOR SMACK!!!" I yelled like crazy. The fireball that I usually shoot, is bigger! It flied towards Stephanie, and it boomed on the ground, making her knocked back.
"Uh... That's gonna leave a mark." She said. "I yield. I'm out of energy. You win. But can we go tomorrow? I need to rest."
"Of course. You can call me Flame from now on." I said.
"Call me Aqua." She said.
(The next day)
"Hey Steph! I got you something special!" I said.
"What is it?" She asked. Guess she's not that interested.
"Ta-daa!!" I showed her two tickets to Mt. Jaya Wijaya in Indonesia.
"What're those for?" She asked again.
"We're going to find your cousin. And you told me that he lived in Indonesia, and Mt. Jaya Wijaya is the only place that has snow in Indonesia!" I explained.
"You are a genius! But why do you want to help me? I lost the bet!" She asked.
"I don't care. My teacher thought that I'll be here for a week. So, let's go!"
And now we're on our way to Indonesia.
Guys! Thank you for reading this part! And sorry if the picture is disturbing in your opinion. I tried my best to find the best.

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