Chapter 30

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What am I supposed to do now?

I'm alone in this place.

I don't even know where to go.

Why am I even here?

What if this is my last moment before I die?

Alison's POV


Those words repeat every single time in my head. It echoed continuously in my brain.

I am a crybaby.

I run and hide every single time.

I was a humiliation in front of death himself.

I'm just a girl who talks a bunch of crap in front of my enemies.

I walked around in confusion, not knowing where to go. Then I remembered about the writings. In the entrance. 'The gong shall not be hit".

I searched everywhere. Every turn, every room. Tunnels that lead to caves, and rooms that lead to nowhere.

All those finally end up in a grand room. Birds flying, trees standing tall, and a gong in the middle.

I thought it was going to be bigger, but oh well.

In front of it was a stick lined with gold. Looks fancy.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked to myself. "Hit it?"

"Don't!" I was surprised to see Robin. His body is torn by rose thorns. Showing blood dripping from each cut.

"What now?" I turned to him. "You're gonna make my plans fail, because you're dead? And I thought being alive was great. You guys got full on makeovers and new abilities!"

"I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to help." He said convincingly. "The others are on their way to find me. I ran away from them. I'm not going to run back."

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked.

"To help you, dummy." He said. "Ever since my death, I randomly got all of this knowledge from God-knows where. And I know what will happen if you hit that gong."


"That gong is not an ordinary one. It's the Gong Of Worlds. You see, when we "traveled" from Earth to here, we're basically just moving planets, not dimensions. We're now in the Beta Aquarii solar system. Part of the Aquarius Constellation." 

Wow, he's got some serious wisdom.

"If you hit the Gong, this world, also known as galaxy, will be destroyed. And the one who hits the gong will be transported into a different world with a little bit of knowledge from the past world."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Because you could be making that up."

"I'm not lying!" He said. "Look, Alison. Do you trust me?"

"I would love to, but I don't!" I said, "My dead friends are coming back to life and they're against me! How could I trust anyone at this point?"

"Okay! I get it," He said. "You can't trust anyone. But I hope you'll trust me. If you hit that thing, we'll be blasted into nothing. Well, except for you."

"But that is exactly what would happen if I let Sparrow get away with the staffs!" I raised my voice. "He will rule over this world, and everyone will be suffering! If I hit this gong, I will end all of those suffer! They don't have to see the light ever again, and neither will he."

I grabbed the stick and held it tight.

"Is this what you said to Ifkar about sacrifice?" He surprised me. I never thought about that. "You have to sacrifice the world for everyone inside it?"

"Maybe." said Ifkar from the entrance. He looked at us with cold eyes. Every breath he took leaves a strand of mist. "At first, I didn't understand. But now, I kinda get it." His smile was intimidating.

He walked towards us, leaving ice in every step.

"You don't have to do this, sweetie." Sparrow and the rest of the crew followed. "We can just rule together. All you have to do is surrender your soul."

"Never." I started to breathe heavily. Ifkar is changing the heat of the room. It's pretty much freezing.

"I said," He took out a pocket knife. "Surrender. Your. Soul."

"To a guy like you?" I spat on the ground. "Pathetic."

"Alison? I hope you have a plan." Robin said.

"Oh, I do." I said. "And I hope I'll never feel sorry for this."

I turned around and hit the gong. The vibration was felt from every corner of the room. It echoed around. Birds started falling and trees collapsing.

But then, it stopped.

"Hahahahahaha! Looks like your plan has failed!" Sparrow said. "Worry not. Since you really want to end your life here, then why not take it now?!"

Adrien walked closer to me with his hand holding a dark orb. He is broken. His neck had snapped from the fall. His legs are twisted. And his jaw cracked, leaving a sinister smile on his shattered face.

"What's the matter?" He asked. "Mind if I take away your heart?"

"Like it would matter." I panted. He inched closer and held my chin.

"This wouldn't hurt." He whispered to my ear as he pushed down the orb into my stomach. It felt horrible. It was burning and it was cold. Thorns stabbing and water flooding. It felt like my abdomen was in process of becoming a planet.

I was wincing in pain, when the gong rang again. The room trembled and the floor cracked. Everyone ran or took cover, while I just sat there since I couldn't do anything. My stomach is now wrecked. The pain I get from moving an inch is piercing.

"Alison!" I heard Robin yelling. My vision started to blur. My limbs were numb. I felt my blood stop flowing. And those moments didn't hurt.

My eyes closed. I couldn't feel anything. I no longer have control of my body.

Then I heard an explosion.

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