Chapter 12

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Alison's POV

We somehow survived the temple. And now, we are in a weird place.

"Giant mushrooms?" Stephanie asked.

"Winged monkeys?" Adrien asked.

"Pink waterfalls?" Adhara asked.

"Purple clouds?" Ifkar asked.

"Are we in the right dimension?" I asked.

"Yes we are." Mr. Cleave said. "We are in the Od-Dimension"

"Did you say odd dimension or O dimension?" Aridai asked.

"O-D-D-I-M-E-N-S-I-O-N." Mr. Cleave said.

"O-K-A-Y." Adrien said. "I think my mother once mentioned this place in a lullaby."

"Lullaby?" Robin asked.

"She said she saw it in her dream." Adrien said.

"We better get moving." Amanda said.

We walked past mountains, lakes, a farm filled with goats, a soccer field. This place is pure randomness. We saw a gigantic castle in the distance.

"Should we go there?" Ashley asked.

"That castle looks nice." I said.

"Then, let's go!" Mr. Cleave said.

(About 3 minutes later)

"The gate is locked." Adrien said.

"How are we supposed to get in?" Amanda asked.

"Are there any guards?" Ifkar asked.

"Just around the gate." I said.

"Should we climb?" Aridai asked.

"Do you want to go to jail?" I asked.

"We need to convince the guards that we are good." Stephanie said. "But what should we say?"

(Later, in front of the gate.

"We are here to slay a cosmic being." I said.

"Yeah seems convincing." One of the guard said. "That was what those two men and the woman said, right?"

"Yeah, they want to go in." The other guard said.

"Wait, two men, and a woman?" Robin said. "Matt, Sparrow, and Tina! They were here!"

"Please just let us in!" I said.

"No way." The guard said. The Queen's carriage will go through this road you see. You could be wanting to kidnap her."

"Don't be so paranoid!" Adrien said, shaking the gates. "We don't want to kidnap The Queen! We need shelter!" He shook the gates a lot faster.

"Ah, here she comes." The guard said. "Queen Melissa."

We saw a carriage pulled by two white horses, and what I thought was The Queen herself, waving her hand. Then suddenly, she saw us, and she said:

"Stop the carriage!" The carriage stopped, and she walked down, and ran towards us.

"No, this couldn't be." She said. "Adrien?"


Wanting to make a cliffhanger, but now I'm not sure if you take this as a cliffhanger or what. Thank you so much for reading this new chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it!

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