Chapter 19

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(About 5 months after the last chapter)

Alison's POV

So, school's finished, and I moved out of that lame school. I mean seriously. What kind of principal would take his students on a field trip to a PETA office?!

I just finished packing my bags, and I'm ready to move to the Oddimension.

Yup. I finally remembered its name. 

I said goodbye to everyone in the house, and I left the place.

Into the portal.

To another dimension.

That doesn't sound normal.

(1 week later)


I kept hearing my name being called even though I was sleeping. For God's sake, I wasn't even dreaming!


Please stop. I just want to sleeeeep.

"Alison! Wake up!" That voice forced me to open my eyes.

"Huh? what?" I finally woke up.

"Finally. I've been waiting for 30 minutes in here and you just woke up?" Adrien said. "The coronation will be starting soon. It won't start until you are prepared."

And for the sake of this story, I don't even know does a prince needs a coronation or not.

"Kay. What dress should I wear?" I asked to him.

"Purple?" He asked back.

"Well, is there a dress code?" I asked again.

"Purple it is." He said.

"I'll go take a bath." I said. "And you wait outside."

"I'll be waiting." He said as he walked outside.


Yeah, I hate Mondays.

Adrien's POV

"Adrien! You look handsome!" My mother said.

"Thanks mom." I said. "Is the breakfast ready?"

"Of course!" She said. "We have bacon and eggs, pancake, and white toast!"

"There is tea, right?" My father said as he walked towards us.

"There is always tea, since the both of you are addicted to tea." My mom said as she hugged me.

"Alright. You guys go on ahead." I said. "I need to wait for Alison."

"If you say so." My father said.

They walked to the dining room, and I quickly pulled out my phone from my pocket. I got a text from Stephanie?

We're here! Where are you two?

I typed:

Inside the castle. The castle gates are opened for public. You guys should get in easily.  I'm on the second floor, in front of Alison's room.

Then she replied:


Alright. Is Alison done?

"Alison! Are you done?" I knocked on the door.

"Almost!" She yelled from inside the room.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Can you wait until Stephanie came?" She asked back.

"How did you know she was coming?" I said.

"I have a phone too you know!" She answered.

Not long after that, I saw Stephanie, Ifkar, and the rest of the group walking up the stairs.

"Hi!" Ifkar said.

He ran to me and hugged me.

"Dude, this is not normal." I said.

"Oh yeah sorry. I'm too excited." He said, letting me go.

"Hiya!" Alison said as she got out from the room. She instantly walked towards Stephanie.

"Hey-" Stephanie said as she was interrupted by Robin who came out of nowhere, blocking Stephanie, hands out for a hug from Alison.

"Woah, Robin!" Alison said as she stopped right in front of him. "Do you mind?"

"Oh, sorry." Robin said with an embarrassed face.

Alison hugged Stephanie tight. But as Stephanie hugged back, I can tell that Alison couldn't breathe.

"Too. TIGHT!" She said as Stephanie let go.

"Not trying to interrupt, but the coronation will start in 1 hour." I said. "So, you guys wanna get something to eat?"

"Yeah!" They all said.

(After breakfast)

"Alright. It's your coronation, and I will be there for you, okay?" Alison said.

"Okay." I said. "But remind me. After this, we're gonna grab some Poffertjes."

"Sounds good to me." She said.

That's done.

I really wanted to make sure you guys enjoy this story, but I'm afraid I will not make the coronation part, since I've never been in a coronation before. So, yeah.

But anyways, I hope you all enjoy it. If you do, you can vote, but it's all up to you. SO thanks for reading, let me know what you think in the comments, nad I will see you guys in the next chapter or in another story.



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