Chapter 29

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Alison's POV

We managed to get into another room. This one is filled with golden bars. But not even glimmering gold can get us distracted. It's now a life or death situation. The only ways to stay alive are to get the staffs and save the world, or, get out of the temple and be in the arms of a giant sloth.

Don't forget we're still in the OdDimension.

I took a peek from the opening and into the tunnels. No sign of Stephanie or Sparrow. We're safe for now.

"Our only hope is Mr. Cleave, because he's the only one who can control solid stuff." I explained. "Adrien controls air, while I control fire. None of those will work is someone is chasing us."

"Unless you want to burn them." Adrien said.

"But they would still be chasing us." Mr. Cleave said.

"So now what do we do?" I asked.

"We find the Staff of Salt." Adrien said. "Sparrow is looking for the Staff of Sulfur, right? If we can get the Staff of Salt, then we can just sit back until he found us!"

"Bad plan, good idea." Mr. Cleave said. "Let's roll."

Salt in alchemy represents the body. Usually resembles the element of earth. When we found the room, it was gorgeous.

Vines hanging from small cliffs. A waterfall that fell right into a lake. A tree in the middle with the staff on the front of it.

"This is beautiful." I whispered under my breath.

"The staff of salt. How interesting." Said Mr. Cleave as he took the staff.

"Interesting indeed. Mind handing it over?" We turned around and saw Amanda. She's made out of stone. Like a caveman carving came alive.

"Never." Adrien held out his sword.

"You want a fight?" Ifkar said from above the tree. "I'll give it to you." He looks like frickin Iceman from X-Men.

I shot Ifkar in the head while Adrien and Amanda fight with their weapons. Ifkar threw a bunch of snowballs back at me, which sucks btw. Mr. Cleave managed to take cover, since he was the one holding the staff. I managed to knock Ifkar down to the ground and attacked him.

"Children, stop fighting." We heard a voice echoed from the tunnels. "You'll get wounded if you keep on fighting."

"Yes master." Amanda and Ifkar said in unison. Their eyes turn light blue and they stood still.

"Nice meeting you again, Alison." Sparrow said. "I've been wanting you to meet my new friends."

"They were my friends. Let them go!" I demanded.

"Well, we can't have everything, am I right?" He laughed. "They're dead, Alison! What are you going to do? Cry? Or will you just die?!" He tried to ambush me with the Staff of Mercury. But I blocked the attack.

"No, you're wrong." I said. "I will not cry and neither will I run. I will laugh in the face of death and spit on the grim reaper!"

"Crybaby. We all know that's a lie." He whispered to my ear. "I'm not here for your drama. I'm here for your staff."

"You will never have it!" Mr. Cleave yelled.

"Oh, but I will. Believe me." He said. "If I can't have the staff, umm... what do you call it? A la carte, guess I'll take the full package!" He lift up Mr. Cleave and took him somewhere. I tried to move, but somehow I can't. I realized Ifkar trapped my feet in ice.

"You monster!" Adrien yelled. Amanda trapped him in a stone cage. Unbreakable.

I took a pebble and started smashing the ice, leaving it shattered. I managed to break Adrien free by using some tools that were left in Mr. Cleave's bag.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We should find them." We ran into the dark tunnels in search for the staffs. 

We were led to a cliff with two rope bridges.

"None of them seem capable of holding the weight of two." He said. "We should split."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Nope, but we'll give it a shot."

The bridges led to different caves. Adrien is going to the right one, and I'm going for the left one.

1/4 through..


almost at the end...

I did it!

I looked to my left and saw...


The bridge wasn't there.

Neither was Adrien.

I looked down and saw him, lying dead on the ground.

The bridge was just an illusion.

Now I am truly alone.


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