Chapter 10

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Alison's POV

Today, we will start our journey to defeat Cosmo. We followed Mr. Cleave towards a room (which was strange, because we're not heading outside). When we went in, we saw a portal.

"You didn't told us about 'dimensional travels'." Adrien said.

"How in the world can you see the portal?!" Ifkar asked.

"Hey, I can see through air." Adrien answered.

"So, where there is air, you can see the surroundings?" Stephanie asked.

"Yes." He said. "Air equals eyes."

We all stepped into the portal, and it seems to take us into a middle of a rainforest. Seems normal, but there are weird-looking flowers.

"Do you really know where we are heading?" I asked Mr. Cleave.

"Yes." He said. "We are looking for a temple."

We walked and walked and then Stephanie had nausea, so we decided to take a break. Adrien was walking around, exploring the jungle. Ifkar was taking care of Stephanie. The others sat under a giant tree.

I looked around, and in the distance I saw Adrien, talking to an elephant-like creature. With HORNS. He looked really happy, but I'm sure he's worried too about what will we face. A cosmic creature, holding the powers of time, space, and matter. Somehow, I felt worried too. About Cosmo, and about something else.


He was so annoying yesterday, but today he seems excited. But there is a 60% death in the battle later. Also, Mr. Cleave said that there is a 'so-called mini boss' in the temple. We need to go to the deepest level of the temple to find the portal. I just have a feeling deep inside that I maybe have a- NO! I am not going to say it! I don't like him. He's strange, weird, bipolar,

Or are those the reasons that I like him?

I just don't know. 

Please. Step aside feelings. We have a cosmic creature to defeat. If I always think about those stuffs (Adrien mostly), I won't be focused on the task at hand.

"Well, we better get going." Mr. Cleave said, and we all followed him. 

(Three minutes later)

We have arrived. This temple is HUGE! It is covered in vines, but they are flower vines. It's still beautiful.

"We'd better make a campfire. I only collected some branches and leaves, but that should do." Adrien said.

"Good idea." Mr. Cleave said. "So we do have a brain here."

"Hey, it's natural logic!" I said. "Anyone could think like that!"

"Did I sense some jealousy here?" Stephanie said.

"Oh shut up!" I said, punching her arm.

"Ow!" She said in response.

(Later that night)

I can't sleep! I have too many thoughts in my mind. Do I like Adrien? Am I really jealous of his logic? Will we actually defeat Cosmo? What's in the temple? Maybe I can find the answers tomorrow. I'm just gonna close my eyes, and pretend that I'm sleeping.

I can hear the sound of the wind, blowing past my face. The sounds of crickets, squirrels, and-what's that in the bushes?

I prepared my arrow, which is also useful for stabbing. But I would never stab a person! Wait, what if I'm hearing a person in the bushes? I put my arrow in the pocket of my jacket, with it's shaft sticking out.

I creeped closer to the source of sound, to found out that it was Adrien, sitting near the campfire, cooking up some salmons.

"What're you doing?" Adrien said. "It's creepy you know, to spy on people."

"How could you know I was here?" I asked.

"I see through air." He said. "And there is a lot of air around you. Unfortunately, you can't see it. You should've learnt that in 3rd grade."

"So you think I didn't go to school?!" I asked.

"Woah, easy! I'm just kidding!" He said. "You know, you need to increase your sense of humour."

"You know what? I'm going back to bed." I said, walking away.

"You sure you don't want some salmon?" He asked, making me end my steps and turn around.

"I am a bit hungry." I said with a smile. He smiled back and gave me a plate with a cooked salmon on top. "Thanks."

We sat there next to each other, not talking to each other, making an awkward silence.

"Umm.. can I ask you a question?" He asked.

"That is already a question, so, go on." I said.

"Do you feel annoyed when I'm around?" He asked.

"It's really obvious, isn't it?" I asked back.

"I just wanna know the reason you act like that." He said.

"You're being annoying!" I explained. "Rudely telling me to knock, acting weird, being "smart", making me jealous,"

He sat there in silence, waiting me to continue.

"I guess hating you was just a stupid mistake I made." I said, ignoring the tears that ran down my cheeks. "I was hating you, when suddenly I started liking you."

I was waiting for him to talk, but he didn't speak out a word.

"I'm going back to my bed." I leaved him alone, feeling awkward to confess my feelings to my-



So? What do you think? Adrielison? That is a long ship name. Well, I suddenly felt my grammar wasn't as good as the last chapter, so I'm so sorry to all of you grammar Nazis. And for some reason, I almost forgot that Adrien is blind. So that is all for today, guys and girls and mystical creatures! If you enjoy it, please leave a comment, and if you want to, vote!

(You really don't have to vote. I'm not going to force all of you amazing readers to vote!)



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