Chapter 26

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Alison's POV

"This mission is a journey to the afterlife!" Ifkar said. "We're all doomed!"

"Stop being a pessimist!" I said. "There's this thing called 'sacrifice', and we have to sacrifice our lives for our dimension. For Earth."

"That is totally fine." Amanda said.

We are in the temple. There are some traps that are hidden. The plants are overgrowing, and the whole thing is lit with candles. And the candles are dying. This temple has been here for a long time!

There are a couple of signs and writings. Someone must've been here.

" 'The Gong shall not be hit' ?" Amanda read the writings on the wall. "What gong?"

 "This place gives me real chills down my spine." Adrien said.

"Can you guys focus?" Mr. Cleave said.


We've been here for a while. I'm pretty much tired. The traps are nowhere to be found, which is weird. We're walking through a long corridor that lead us towards a red light.

"Mercury is known to represent soul in alchemy.  It was used to make red mercuric oxide." Adrien said while opening his book.

"Then that has to be it." Mr. Cleave said. He ran towards the light, as we followed him.

And then, he stopped.

I walked right next to him and saw a huge body of water. We need to cross it to get to the other side.

"Do we have to swim?" Ifkar asked. I understand why he asked though. His cousin died in a river.

"We have no other choice." Mr. Cleave said as he jumped in.

I shrugged as the others jumped in.

I took a deep breath and dived. As soon as I am in the water, I looked back to see if everyone's going.

"Ifkar!" I yelled. "Let's go!" He's still standing there. He isn't moving. "We have to go!"

He looked back to the entrance of the corridor. I sighed and I swam to him.

"Look, I know that you don't want to, but you have to do this." I said as I patted his shoulders. "You have to be strong."

Ifkar nodded as he continued swimming. I followed him, but eventually I preceded him.

I looked back to see if he's okay, but I saw something. Someone. He, or she, was in the entrance.

"Ifkar! Hurry up!" I yelled as I panicked. How should I tell the others without alarming the mysterious individual?

The others saw the person and they rushed towards the end. The person held up his hand. He was holding a ball of some sort. A glowing energy ball. 

Glowing the color of ice.

The others have reached the end, while Ifkar and I are struggling to keep up.

The person threw the energy ball. Into the water.

The water started to freeze.

Amanda's hand was reaching out to me.

But Ifkar is out of reach.

As I got out of the water, Ifkar's fingers are starting to freeze.

"HELP!" He yelled for the last time.

But it was too late.

His whole body was frozen.

As the water finished to freeze, the person started to chase us.

"What do we do?!" Amanda panicked. If we try to save Ifkar, the person will get us, but if we run, Ifkar won't be safe.

"RUN!" I yelled as we ran as fast as we could.

I broke out in tears.  

I'm so sorry.



Ifkar Hasanain

Still DK When-2017

  ( ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )  

It is love we must hold onto

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