Chapter 1

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*Demi's POV*

Dear Journal,

Yesenia's been distant these past few months. I know it isn't easy but I thought we were going to get through this together. I don't know what else to do. I've asked my mom and friends and they all say the same thing, "give her some space." The more space I give her the more I feel her pulling away from me. I feel like she's slipping away and there's nothing I can do about it.

*Yesenia's POV*

So things have been rough since the media found out about us. Saying that lovatics hate me would be an understatement. The worst thing is that I still am a lovatic, and it sucks to have your own family against you.

I walk out of Pulcher Hall and see someone very familiar. I run to her and cover her eyes with my hands.

"Guess who," I say.

"Hmm could it be the most awesome writer on this planet?"

"Just this planet? Do you honestly believe an alien can write better than I do," I ask ,removing my hands from Lauren's face.

Lauren turns around and smiles at me.

"Well I mean..."

"Lauren," I shout.

"I'm kidding! You're the best writer in this entire galaxy!"

"Now that's more like it!"

Lauren links our arms together and we walk to Berner Hall where we have Advanced American Lit. together.

"So how are you and Demi?"

"Can we please talk about anything else," I ask pleadingly.

"Yesi... It's perfectly normal that you two are going through a rough patch. The media is all over you two, I mean just yesterday ten paps snuck onto school grounds just to snap some pics of you. You didn't ask for any of this."

"But I knew what I was getting myself into Lauren. I knew what fame did to Demi and how hard it is to be in the public eye. I just thought that it'd blow over by now. It's been two months."

"Well I bet Simon is loving all the publicity you and Demi are getting. I can assure you that The X Factor will have higher ratings this year."

"Ugh don't even remind me about the X Factor. I don't even know how I'm going to fit that into my schedule. In between studying for psych class, doing homework for my classes, and writing my second book I have absolutely no time."

"Then just tell Demi you can't go."

"Are you kidding?! She'll flip her shit. She's already freaking out, she thinks we're drifting a part."

Lauren stops us and steps in front of me.

"Are you?"

I look up and stare into Lauren's deep, beautiful green eyes. For a moment, a quick one, I lose myself in them. I shake myself out of my trance and smile.

"Not at all...we should walk a little faster or else we'll be late."

Lauren sighs then links our arms together once again. I know I shouldn't- I won't even bother to acknowledge it.

We get to class and sit down next to each other. Just then a really cute guy walks in the room and everyone stares at him as he walks over to where Lauren is sitting.

"Is this seat taken beautiful," he asks Lauren and flashes a dazzling smile.

"Uh- not at all," Lauren manages to spit out.

He sits down next to Lauren and I frown. I don't like him. I turn to look at Lauren and notice the way she's staring into the guy's eyes. It's too late, she's hooked, and I don't like that one bit.

When class ends Lauren and I decide to go get some frozen yogurt. As we get out of the car paparazzi swarm us, as usual.

"Yesenia how are you and Demi?!"

"Yesenia can you please look over here?!"

"Yesenia how does it feel to know that all of Demi's fans hate you?!"

"Yesenia how did you make Demi Lovato a lesbian?!"

"When did you convince Demi to turn into a lesbian?!"

"Lauren are you a lesbian now too?!"

"Lauren are you Yesenia's new girlfriend?"

"Lauren are you and Yesenia cheating on Demi?!"

"Yesenia have you now turned Lauren into a lesbian?!"

The list of the stupid things they say is endless and I could go on for ages. Anyways we manage to get inside safely, thank God. We get our yogurt then sit down at a nearby table.

"So that guy in class today was cute huh?"

Lauren looks up from her yogurt and smiles sheepishly.

"Yeah he was so cute! His eyes were just-omfg I could melt," Lauren says excitedly.

I looked away from her and at my yogurt. This had to stop. I'm happily in love with Demi. Lauren noticed my distress and reached for my hand.

"Are you feeling okay Yesi?"

I didn't dare look up into those green eyes. Instead I just nod and excuse myself to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh.

"Yesenia you can't do this to Demi. She's been there for you and you know she truly loves you. And you love her. You love Demi Lovato and no one else," I say to myself in the mirror.

It sounded like I was trying to convince myself instead of reassuring what I felt.

I walk out and sit at our table.

"Yesi look at this trending topic," Lauren says while giggling.

I take her phone in my hand and look at the trending topics.



Miley Cyrus

Stay Strong Billy Ray


Green Bay Packers



The last topic was the one which Lauren wanted me to see.


What? Harmonizers ship me and Lauren? They're okay with it? I looked up at Lauren and smiled.

"Your fans are so nice."

"Look at the photos in the tag, they're really great with photoshop."

I clicked on the tag and saw the photos. They were mostly of me and Lauren but then I came across a picture of me and Demi. I clicked on it to see the tweet.

Yeseren is cute but it will never be Yesemi.

That gave me a bit hope. Some hope that not all lovatics hated me. I handed Lauren back her phone and suggested we leave. We get up maneuver our way through the paparazzi and to the car. I feel a sudden buzzing in my pocket. I check and as I expected it was Demi. I ignored the call and put it back in my pocket before the light turned green.

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