Chapter 3

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I wake up the next morning cuddling a pillow instead of Demi. I sit up and scratch my head. That couldn't have been a dream, right? Just as I'm about to get up Demi walks in with a tray full of food. I smile and lean up against the headboard.

"Surprise sleeping beauty! I brought you breakfast in bed," Demi says and places the tray on my lap.

"Demi, you didn't have to do this."

"I know, I wanted to. Besides not all of it is for you," she says and snatches a piece of bacon from the plate.

I smile once again and start on my French toast. As I chew it in my mouth I feel the soft, airy bread soaked in syrup slide down my throat.

"Mmm! I forgot how good your French toast was!"

"Seems like you forgot about many things I'm good at," she says and lowers her gaze.

I lift her chin up with my fingers and her gaze meets mine.

"I didn't forget, I still remember everything you're good at babe," I say then wink.

The ends of Demi's mouth curve upward just a bit. I smile and laugh at the blush on her cheeks. Her phone rings and she gets up to check it. Demi leaves the room and I finish my breakfast . As I look down at the plate I take in all I've eaten. Then I look at my stomach. No. Stop it Yesenia. You're better than that. I throw all the blankets off me and walk to the bathroom. I open the medicine cabinet and take out my meds. I still need to take them every day or else... the hallucinations of me being obese will slowly return. God, I don't want to go back to that. Since it's a Saturday I figure Demi and I can stay in and cuddle all day long. As I brush my hair in the mirror I smile. Maybe there is hope for us. Demi comes in the bathroom and goes straight into our closet.

"Babe I thought we could stay in today, watch movies and stuff."

"I would love to do that but I just got off the phone with my dad. Looks like I have to go do an interview tomorrow in New York so I'm flying out today," she says from within the closet.

The corners of my mouth curve downwards and I brush my hair at a slower rate. Demi comes out from the closet and sees my frown.

"Babe I'm sorry. To be honest I didn't think you'd mind, I mean the way you've been acting for the past couple months....I didn't think you'd care."

I turn around to face Demi.

"I know I've been acting like a total bitch but I want to change that. Everything I said last night I meant. I want us to go back to the way we used to be."

"And we will, I'll only be gone for two days max."

Demi walks over to where I stand and kisses me on my cheek. I half smile at her then turn around. We both get ready and then I help her pack.

"I'll call you when I land okay?"


After Demi was all packed we went to her parent's house where she and Eddie would leave for the airport. Once they left I only spent an hour or so there and talked to Diana. She was up to speed on just about everything happening between her daughter and I. She didn't seem angry at me, Diana was incredibly understanding and gave me some sound advice.

"just because the flame has been put out doesn't mean the coals aren't still buring and ready for rekindling."

As I was driving home that day I felt good about myself. Lately I'd felt so bad and guilty that I was always in a bad place. Once I was back home I heard my phone ring.

"Hey Lauren what's up muchacha?"

"Can you hang right now or do you and Demi have plans?"

"Demi is on a flight to New York, she has an interview tomorrow. So yes I am in fact good to hang right now."

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