Chapter 9

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~*Yesenia's POV*~

In the morning when I wake up Dustin is still curled up next to me so I get up as quietly as possible. I take a shower and let the hot water relax my muscles. When I finish I get out and put on some clothes. I need to get a job and quick. Dustin is still asleep on my bed when I walk out so I just head down to the kitchen alone. My mom isn't awake yet either. I guess I'll make breakfast then. I make pancakes for everyone and soon enough everyone wakes up. We all sit down at the table and eat.

"So Yesenia what do you plan on doing now?"

"I don't know, get a job I guess."

"Where? You won't get a very good job I mean you only had one semester of college."

"I know but I mean I've made some friends here and there. I think I can get a pretty decent job."

My mom shakes her head.

"You should go back to school."

"Mom I can't."

"Why not? I mean before you said it was because of all the paparazzi and the problems you had with Demi. Now you won't have problems with Demi and the paparazzi have backed away."

I chew on the inside of my cheek. My mom does have a point. Maybe I should go back to school. That was my initial plan when I was younger. Go to college and get my Masters in psychology. Then go to grad school and my doctorate.

"You know what mom, you're right."

"Sweetie I'm always right."

After we finish breakfast I drive to Wesley's place. He answers the door still half asleep.

"Dude it's noon and you're just waking up."

"I planned on having a lazy day."

"Well plans have changed. We're going out so go take a shower."

He groans but does as I say.

~*Demi's POV*~

Today is pretty exciting, I'm meeting up with the writers and producers of the show Glee. I've been offered to guest star and today I get to see who my character will be. I'm excited I get to be acting again but nervous that my leg won't heal in time. My doc said it would only need about two weeks since it was barely a sprain. Marissa and I walk into the building and take an elevator to the second floor. During the meeting they pretty much tell me my character is going to the love interest of Santana who is played by Naya Rivera. I'm not nervous about playing a lesbian, I'm more nervous about how Naya will feel. I've never met her before. I sign a few contracts then ask them if it's possible to wait two weeks. They say it's fine and in a few hours we leave. Driving home I stop at In and Out. When we walk in we see Yesenia and Wesley standing in line directly in front of us. Marissa smiles and starts to walk towards her. I pull her back.

"What the hell were you planning on doing?"

"I'm still planning on punching that whore in the face. You didn't think I believed the whole clumsy story did you?"

"Marissa please don't. I don't need this on magazines and blogs. Just let it go."

"Fine but if she tries to talk to you I'm going to cuss her flat ass out."

I smile and hug her.

"Thanks for being so caring babe."

She hugs me back.

"Anything for my best friend."

We stand in line behind them. Wesley's arm is around her but I highly doubt they're dating. Wes sees us but doesn't say anything. Thank god too.

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