Chapter 19- The Final

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Two weeks in Paris. Two weeks in paradise. Demi and I have decided to go couples therapy. We love each other, there's no doubt we want to be with each other, but we also know that we can be toxic to each other. We want to have a healthy relationship, we want this happiness to be everlasting instead of fleeting. So tommorow we're going to Dr.Hanford's office. We landed today but we're so doggone tired we decided it would be tommorrow.

Demi sets down the last bag of luggage on the bedroom floor. Then she lays down on the bed and sighs. "I'm so tired I could go to sleep for ten days," she says. I smile. "The flight wasn't that long. If you want I could give you a massage?" Demi sits back up and smirks at me. "A massage?" I put on a devilish smile. "Well you are extremely tired, and I know a few ways to help you relax." She stands up and wraps her arms around my waist. "Oh really," she says seductively. I nod and kiss her. "I know a few tricks," I say in between breaths. As we continue to make out Demi starts unbuttoning my blouse. Then her hand moves up my torso and under my white lace bra. My hands dig into her hair as her other hand slides beneath my underwear. Her cool fingertips just slightly hovering over my sex. Demi lays me down on the bed and kisses me hard. She bites down on my lower lip causing me to let out a small moan. Her fingers resume their previous position, and she beings to knead at my sex. As I open my eyes and look at her, I'm glad I get to call her mine again.

The next morning we get up and go to Dr.Hanford's office. He's a well known marriage counselor so we thought he could help us move on from the past in a healthy manner. Dr.Hanford is a tall, golden haired man of, what I guess to be, 45. He takes us into his office and tells us to sit down on the nearby couch. Once everyone is seated he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"So how can I help you two ladies today?"

"We were hoping you could help us resolve some of our relationship issues. We know you are a very good marriage ocunselor and we thought you could help us. See Demi and I have a lot of history together but most of that history is bad," I begin to tell him.

"We know we are toxic to each other but our love is stronger than us. Yesenia and I would like to form a healthy relationship, and for that we know we need therapy."

The doctor scribbles down a few things on a notepad then asks us a lot of basic questions. He asks us how we met, about our first date , and what kind of problems we've had in the past. Demi gets a little tense and my voice cracks here and there but we get through the entire hour and a half session. We leave with a date set for the next appointment and with the feeling of a large burden being taken off our shoulders. In the car Demi tells me how good it felt to just tell someone else the whole truth, and I agreed. Demi and I both said somethings we never even told eachother. It was a good experience though and we left with hope in our hearts.

Over the next several months we went back to see Dr.Hanford, leaving each session with a more open heart. After an entire year of going to see a couples couselor we realized we could maintain a healthy relationship.

Demi and I still aren't perfect, and we know we won't ever be. I hate the cameras, the red carpets, the paparazzi, and the pointless galas. Demi hates my constant trips to New York to see old friends. Yet we always tell each other how we really feel which prevents us from bottling things up and later exploding. We work through our problems, we accept our imperfections, and we don't try to be perfect. Demi and I don't pay attention to stupid tabloids, we don't read any comments on our Instagram, or twitter, or even tumblr accounts. We focus on each other and also on ourselves. We know that to be part of a healthy realtionship we first must be healthy ourselves.

Demi takes trips to spas, and goes on retreats with her family. I go to the east coast and texas. We take time for ourselves. Our relationship this time around is stronger because we are individually stronger. Our path has been long, with more downs than ups, and with more tears than kisses but we've come to a place we want to be.

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