Epilouge 1

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"Rayne will you hurry up you'll be late for school," I yell at her from the bottom of the staircase. Then I hurry into the kitchen where Demi is just about done making Rayne her lunch. When I walk past her I roll my eyes. "How long does it take a nine year old to get ready for school?" Demi shrugs. "She's growing up, she wants to try different looks." I sigh as I grab the carton of orange juice from the fridge. "As long as she still thinks boys have cooties I can deal." We both laugh. When she finally comes down she's wearing her blue plaid skirt and white button down shirt like usual but she's added flare to it. It's is now adorned with chains and a mix and match of patches. Her shirt now has a breast pocket, a Wonder Woman patch hot glued right on, and Rayne has applied make up to her face. I almost spit out my orange juice. "Young lady what are you wearing?!" She rolls her eyes at me then looks at Demi. "Momma can you please tell mom to chill out," she says nonchalantly then sits down to have breakfast. I look at Demi for support. She smiles and puts the lunch in Rayne's backpack. "Do you approve of this?" I ask still flabbergasted. Demi let's out a breath. "It's just a little eyeshadow and mascara, it's innocent." My eyes grow wide. "Little girls don't wear mascara and eyeshadow Demi. The little girls that do that usual end up being....you know," I say. Demi folds her arms against her chest and arches her brows. "No I don't know Yesenia, please tell me what I ended up being because I wore make up as a young girl." Under he breath Rayne let's out a long, "oooooh." I smile nervously. "Demi," I say trying not to embarrass myself in front of our daughter for once. "Yesenia there is nothing wrong with her wearing a little make up." "I don't want my daughter wearing make up so young." "I think you're forgetting she's my daughter too. Do you remember how long I was in labor? I was in labor for-" "24 hours we know," Rayne and I say in unison. Demi unfolds her arms and walks to Rayne's side. She hands her the backpack. "Are you done with breakfast sweetie?" Rayne nods. "Yeah I can finish my cereal in the car." I turn to face them. "Uhm no I just had the car cleaned yesterday, and do you remember what happened last time when you brought food in my car?" "That was one time," Rayne says innocently. "You got milkshake and ranch all over the carpets!" Demi stands in between us and puts her hands up. "Enough you two. I swear it feels like I'm raising three kids instead of two. Speaking of two kids, Rayne is your brother even up?" She shrugs. "How am I supposed to know?" "You were supposed to wake him up," Demi says. Rayne slowly slides out of her chair and walks backwards towards the garage. "Rayne Lovato get back here," she commands. "Ooooooh," I say under my breath. Rayne glares at me and Demi smacks my arm. "Cut it out you're supposed to be the adult." I stick my tongue out at her and she smiles. "Rayne go wake up your brother and tell him to hurry up. You two are already going to be late so," she says and turns to me, "you'll have to go with them to the main office and get them a note." I nod. Rayne sighs and runs back upstairs. A few minutes later she comes down with Eduardo half asleep still wearing his pajamas and with his hair a mess. Demi and I laugh. I go to him and spritz a little water on his face. "Wake up champ it's time for school." He jerks awake and frowns. "Mommmm!" I smile and lead him back upstairs. I hand him his school uniform,plaid slacks, a white button down shirt, and blue blazer with the school's crest on the breast pocket then wait for him in the bathroom. When he comes in he combs his hair and brushes his teeth. Then he looks at me to make sure everything is okay. I nod and we go back downstairs. Demi hands him his backpack and lunch. "Rayne's in the car. Here Eddy eat this apple at least," she says and gives him an apple. "Thanks Momma," he says then gives her a kiss and runs into the garage. I look at Demi and smile. "I hate mornings," I say tiredly. She half smiles then puts a hand on my shoulder. "Talk to Rayne, she feels a little sad." "Why?" Demi gives me an 'are you serious' look. "Right, okay I'll talk to her." "Thank you," she says and turns around. "What I don't get a kiss?" Demi turns back around and smirks at me. Then she comes close and kisses me. When she pulls away she pats my arm. "Now go before you make them really late." I nod and go to the car. Rayne and Ed are fighting for the passenger's seat again. I roll my eyes. I go up to them and shush them. "Mom it's my turn to sit in the front. Rayne sat in it last time," argues Eddy. "But I'm older so I get to sit there, right mom?" Rayne says and looks at me pleadingly. I close and rub my eyes. "Listen neither are you are twelve yet so technically neither of you get to sit there, at least not today. So both of you in the back, now." They both let out groans and say it's unfair under their breath but they do as I say. When I get in I set my bag in the passenger's seat and put the car in drive. The traffic is fairly light and thankfully they don't fight in the back during the ride to school. When we pull up in the front I park and hurry with them to the office. I walk in and give the head secretary, Ashley, a sympathetic look. She smiles and walks up to us. "Late again?" She asks cheerfully. "Yeah sorry, as you can see Rayne is trying something new today." Ashely looks at Rayne and chuckles. "I love your eyeshadow, did your momma help you with it?" She shakes her head proudly. "I did it all myself, my clothes too!" Ashely nods. "Looks cool Rayne. Here let me get you two some passes." Then she walks back to her desk and writes up two late passes. She hands them to Rayne and Eduardo then looks at me. "I would tell you that I hope this doesn't happen again...but I know your family too well by this point," she says with a laugh. I smile. "I'll try harder next time, bye Ashley." "Bye Yesenia, bye Ed and Rayne," she says and waves at us as we walk out the door. I drop off Eduardo first, and explain to his teacher what happened. Mr.Oriel was Rayne's teacher two years prior so he knows how things go in our house. Then as I walk Rayne to her classroom I decide to talk to her about the makeup. Just before we walk in I turn to her. "Hey can we talk for a sec?" She looks at me suspiciously but nods. We sit on a bench opposite her room. "Listen sweetie I'm sorry about the way I acted towards your make up. I know your growing up and you want to try new things. I overreacted just a little bit, forgive me?" I ask. She nods. "Of course, you're my mom. You're the coolest mom I know, even if you hate the way I look." I hold her hands. "I don't hate the way you look Rayne. You're beautiful, with or without make up. It's just that when I was your age my mom wouldn't let me do anything I wanted to, I was just being like my mom. I don't want to be my mom, and I want you to try new things. Your makeup does look pretty and so does your outfit." She smiles, "you really think so mom?" I nod. "Of course I do sweetie. Hey what if we get you some sowing lessons? That way you can stop using hot glue that eventually falls off?" She jumps up from her seat in excitement. "You'd do that for me mom?" "Duh! I'll talk to momma about it but I can pretty much promise you those lessons." She hugs me. "You're the best mom ever," she says and squeezes me tightly. I smile. Then I get up and go to the door. "Come on you're already twenty minutes late." She nods and we go inside. After I talk to her teacher about what happened I walk back to the door. I turn to my left and see Rayne and her friends. They're admiring her skirt and make up. All their eyes lighting up, most in admiration but some in jealousy. Then she sees me and runs to give me another hug. "I told them about the sowing lessons and they think you're really cool!" I smile as she runs back to her friends. When I get back home and tell Demi she laughs. "She's lying to you, you know that right?" I give her a confused look. "I'm so the cool mom," she says and flips her hair.

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