Chapter 14

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*Yesenia's POV*

Selena and I agreed to go out to dinner tonight. I've decided I'm not going to keep leading her on or give her false hope of a future relationship. She's a nice girl and I don't want to hurt her. However before I go with Selena to dinner I'm watching a movie with Demi. She texted me the day after our beach talk and told me she wanted to spend as much time as she could with me before I left. As friends of course, and I'm very happy regardless. I'm trying to decide which movie to see, there are a lot of good ones out and I want to make sure we see the perfect one. I walk up to the girl at the ticket booth and ask her what movie she thinks is the best. She asks me if I'm here with anyone so I tell her I'm seeing a movie with a friend and that I'm waiting for her. Then she tells me we should see Her, it's got a good score on rotten tomatoes so I bought two tickets. When Demi arrived she was wearing a cowboys jersey, blue skinny jeans, and white converse. She looked so casually beautiful that I didn't feel the moment my jaw dropped. Demi walks over to where I stand and closes my mouth. She smirks then gives me a hug. I hug her back and lead her inside the theater. We buy a bucket of popcorn, some licorice, and two medium sodas. She gets Dr.pepper and I buy coke. Demi and I walk to the theater room without talking and sit down at the very top and all the way on the far left. Once we're seated Demi asks me why I picked the movie.

"The chick at the ticket booth said it was really cute so I was like why not."

Demi laughs and pops a few kernels in her mouth. Soon the movie begins and more people file in. Not many people are seated by the time the previews are over. I mean it is like 2PM on a Monday. It's not a bad thing either; if there were a lot of people some would recognize us and by the time I went to dinner with Selena our movie date would be all over the internet. Since Demi pretty much hogs the popcorn I tell her to feed me if she won't give me the bucket. I thought she'd refuse and give it to me but she actually starts feeding me popcorn. The more she gets into the film the more she starts missing my mouth. We laugh and some of the people around us stare. That only prompts us to laugh more. The movie is a little weird but extremely beautiful. Demi looks over at me a few times and once she smiles and wipes away a few tears from my eyes. She doesn't say anything, just wipes the tears. Towards the end of the movie I look over at her and she's now the one crying. I lift my hand and wipe the tears away. Demi smiles but doesn't look away from the screen. When the film ends Demi and I decide to take a walk.

"So what'd you think," she asks earnestly.

"It was beautiful and I really liked the plot. Once you get past the initial weirdness of him dating a computer. In all honesty though, if I had an OS with the voice of Scarlett Johansen I think I'd fall in love too. Joaquin Phoenix's performance was brilliant. The cinematography was brilliant. I really loved how the technology wasn't all in your face, how it wasn't a big deal ya know?"

Demi stops walking and just looks at me. I stop too and ask why she's looking at me like that.

"I was expecting a 'yeah it was good' not an entire critic review," she says then laughs.

I smile and feel my cheeks redden. Demi puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay though, your answer was very insightful."

"Thanks doll."

Demi loops her arm around mine and we continue to walk. We talk about future plans, what I'll do when I get back from Kenya, and she tells me about the memoir she's writing.

"Do you mind if I write about the abuse in our relationship?"

I bite the inside of my cheek and stop walking. Demi stops too and just looks up at me waiting for an answer. Just three years ago I was praised by literary critics for my beautiful prose and now they would be accusing me of being a farse. I know the answer Demi wants to hear and I'd like to give it to her but I don't think I can do that. Demi steps in front of me and cups my cheek with her hand.

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