Chapter 11

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~*Demi's POV*~

I wake up to the smell of pancakes. I get off my bed and go freshen up in my bathroom. Since Wilmer wasn't asleep next to me I'm assuming he's making 'sorry I was jealous' pancakes. He's made them a few times. As I'm brushing my teeth I remember my dream. I couldn't even sleep well after that, it was all I could think about. Since Wilmer is the deepest fucking sleeper I know ,I had to do some self loving last night. It was the only way I could calm myself down enough to sleep. Even then all I could imagine was Yesenia in lingerie. I don't know why I'm acting like this, all that is behind me. Yesenia is behind me. Is it really that impossible to be near each other without one of us falling for the other? Well I'm going to make sure nothing else happens between us, everything will be strictly platonic. Which means I can't stare into her deep, chocolate brown eyes, or her wonderful, white smile , or stare at her soft, strawberry tasting lips. I shake my head and rinse out my mouth.

"Demi you have to stop this. Yesenia cheated on you multiple times, she pushed you, she physically hurt you," I say aloud trying to stop all the thoughts of lust running through my mind.

It's not like I love remaining myself of how stupid I was but it's the only thing I can think of to snap me out of this.

"The man downstairs...he's your one and only future. He's good to you, he's been there for you. He doesn't lie to you and he treats you like a princess. Don't be stupid Demetria," I continue aloud.

Wilmer is good to me and he truly loves me. I love him too, a lot even, but- no this doesn't mean anything. Yesi and I have a lot of history together that's why I'm acting like this. I'll get over it soon enough. I walk down to the kitchen and wrap my arms around Wilmer's waist.

"Mm they smell delicious."

Wil chuckles and nods.

"They're chocolate chip."

"I love your chocolate chip pancakes babe," I say and grab a plate.

"I just wanted to apologize for my sophomoric behavior yesterday."

I give him a sympathetic smile.

"Just forget it Wilmer, I know you just let your jealousy get the best of you."

"I wasn't jealous," he says defensively.

I laugh and serve myself some pancakes.

"Sure you weren't hun."

Once he makes a plate for himself we both go and sit down at the table.

~*Yesenia's POV*~

My pillow feels softer for some reason. It feels lighter and fluffier. It's almost too soft for me. I turn around and lay on my left side. That's when I realize why everything feels different. I'm not in my bed, and there's someone else next to me. I'm almost scared to open my eyes. The person laying next to me wraps my arms around them and I realize it's a girl. Her skin is smooth and soft. I inch closer to her and she smells like fresh peaches. She smells good. I open one eye slowly and then the other. It's Selena, she's the one in bed with me. I quickly sit up and thankfully I'm fully clothed. Just to make sure I didn't make some horrible mistake last night I take a peek at Selena. Sel is in pajamas too so I let out sigh of relief. If we didn't have sex last night then why the heck am I in her bed?

*flashback to night before*

"No seriously though come over, even if you aren't going to have sex with me."

I laugh.

"Selena I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Oh come on stop being a buzzkill. What's stopping you?"

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