Chapter 10

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~*Years Later*~

I walk into Orgasmic Caffeine and stand in line. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out to answer it.

"What's up Lauren?"

"I have some bad news, I can't make it to dinner. I'm sorry Yesi."

"It's fine I mean you girls are on tour, but once you get a chance we're going to have a girls night."

Lauren laughs on the other line and I smile.

"Definitely. The girls and I have to go get dressed, I love you Yesi."

"Love you to Lo, now go knock 'em dead."

"Will do!"

I hang up and order my usual vanilla soy latte. While I wait I sit down at one of the tables. It sucks Lauren couldn't make it. Not that I expected her to I mean she's four hours away. I knew there was a a big chance she couldn't make it. As I go to take out my laptop something catches my eye. I look up and read a neon blue flyer. It reads, "Poetry night at the Orgasmic! Bring your lover and come listen to some sick Iambic and free verse!" I smile,maybe I should come. I place the MacBook on the table and press the power button. Once everything is on I open my e-diary file and type in today's date.

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written on here. Two years to be exact. Well let me catch you up laptop of mine. When Demi and I broke up I flew to New York and ended up attending Columbia University. The last few years have been great. I've been able to clear my head and think a lot more clearly. I'm still not sure returning to Los Angeles was the best but Wesley kept insisting. Living in NYC was amazing ,and I had so many friends. Here I only have Wes and Lo who are both touring. Besides I'm in the same city as Demi. There's a chance we might run into each other and I haven't exactly prepared for that. Losing Demi was easily the worst moment in my life but I think it was necessary. I've grown and matured so much since then. I wish we could've remained friends but being honest if I was her I wouldn't want to be friends with me either. I hurt her more than anyone, I don't deserve her friendship. I'm glad Wesley and I still remain friends. He's been through so much with me and I'm glad his career is skyrocketing. Lauren and the girls have also been doing really well on the charts. Lauren and I are friends but our relationship is strictly platonic. At first she wanted nothing to do with me ,but after a long conversation we managed to agree to try to remain friends. Over the course of several months Lauren and I became good friends again. We aren't as close as we were before the whole affair thing but we're close enough. I'm actually enjoying being single right now. I even got accepted into the Peace Corps and a few days before New Year's I'm set to fly out to Kenya and help some villages learn to read and write. Going back to school really helped a lot too. I've bettered my writing and even got my teaching credentials. Originally I was studying psychology but then I found my love for teaching. I'm still not 100% sure what I want to do with my life but I'm only 20 years old. I've got all the time in the world to figure out what I want to do.

"Yesenia?" I hear a voice say and I look up from my MacBook.

A smiling brunette is holding my coffee. I get up and grab it.

"Thank you," I say and walk to the nearby stand to grab a straw.

"Yesenia?" Another voice asks.

I turn around and my heart stops. It's Demi. I haven't seen her in years. I blink a few times just to make sure I'm not dreaming.

"He- Hi," I stutter.

Demi smiles and wraps her arms around me to hug me. I hesitate at first but end up returning the hug.

"Wow, what's it been? Two years?" She says as we pull away.

"Yeah two years," I manage and let out a nervous giggle. "How have you been?"

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