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I woke up in a room full of sleeping boys. I was between Niall and Liam. They were still asleep. I quietly slipped away from them and I looked at the clock. It was 9 A.M. I walked into the kitchen. I put my slippers on and put my hair in a messy ponytail . I went into the kitchen and decided to make pancakes for breakfast. I carefully got out pancake mix, two eggs, a cup of milk, a bowl, and a whisk. I started making the batter. I was surprised that none of the boys had woken up yet. I finshed making the batter, so I carefully pulled out a pan and started cooking the pancakes. Soon, I was done. Once I finished, Niall shot up. He must've smelled the food. He thanked me and grabbed a plate. One by one, the other boys got up (Zayn was the last to wake up). They did the same as Niall and sat at the counter. I joined them and we ate our breakfasts. Everyone was sort of groggy, so there wasn't much conversation. Hm, I think this is a good time to ask the boys something that's been bothering me for a while. I typed:

'Do you think I should get a twitter account?'

They stared at me for a moment, wide-eyed. I bit my lip nervously. Suddenly, Niall exclaimed,"No, don't do that!"

I looked at him confused. Liam explained for me,"Our fans can be mean, let's put it that way..."

"More like jealous," Zayn muttered. Suddenly, Liam's eyes grew wide. He pulled out his phone and unlocked it. He looked at it for a second and exclaimed,"It's 9:30!"

"So?" Harry asked, with food in his mouth.

"We have an interview at 10!" Liam exclaimed. They all jumped up at the same time and ran upstairs. I started cleaning up the dishes. Within five minutes, they ran downstairs. Harry first, Liam second, Louis third, Niall fourth, and Zayn last.

"Are you okay with staying here alone?" Liam asked, as he put his shoes on. I nodded. They quickly said their good byes as they ran out the door. I heard the engine start, then the garage door open and close. Okay, they're gone. I finished cleaning up the kitchen. I went up to my bathroom and took a shower. I combed out my hair and left it hang down loosely. I put on light makeup and a top and jeans . I decided to start to work on school. I sat on my bed and pulled up my laptop. I logged on and started working. It had been about an hour, and I got a text from Liam.

(Liam's texts)

'Hey we finished r first interview, but we hav a lot more. We'll b done around home. We'll bring home food for dinner c u soon luv!'

'Ok Liam c u then'

I continued on my school work. It was around noon when I decided to take a break. I went downstairs to make myself lunch. I ate some leftover pizza and an apple. When I finished, I went back to my room. I didn't want to work on school work, so I just went on the internet. I checked my email. I had an email from some random girl. It said:

Hey! I'm Sofia, I saw your interview with One Direction. Are you really dating Niall Horan? That would be so cool Do you have a Facebook? I want to friend you on their so we can chat sometime!

I was really happy to see that someone actually wanted to be friends with me! I replied:

'Sorry, I'm not dating Niall, but i can make one. I'll tell you wen im done making one!'

I went to facebook and started to create an account. I know the boys told me to not create a twitter, but this isn't twitter. When I finished. I emailed Sofia asking for her facebook name, and then, I friended her. I chatted with her for a little on facebook. She asked me normal questions like how is it like living with One Direction? And stuff like that. Soon, Sofia had to go, and I decided to get off the internet for a while. I went downstairs and had a snack. The house was sort of messy, so I started doing some cleaning. By the time I was done, it was 5:30. I decided to go back on Facebook. I had a lot of new messages on my facebook wall. I looked at a few!


•I can't believe you are actually living with one direction!? How dare you live with the boys I love! We are the ones they love not you! You're ugly and stupid. You deserved to be abused! I can't believe Niall actually would date you! Go get your own house you slut!•

•I hate people like you who think that just bcuz ur life is sad that u deserve to live with one direction! u know how many fans hav wanted to meet them and u get to live to live with them! You are not a real Directioner!•

•What the hell is your problem? Get away from one direction you idiot!•

I shut my computer off. I can't look at this anymore. The urge is coming back. The urge to cut. I know I'm trying to stop, but I deserve this. All the fans hate me, why shouldn't I hate myself, too? Everything they say is right! Do I really deserve to live with them?

I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I started to cry. I grew mad at myself and pulled out my razor. I rolled up my sleeves. It's October, so I'll be wearing long sleeves most of the time, so the boys won't see. I let the razor slice my skin. The pain felt good, like I was getting what I deserved. I cut my other arm, letting the blood drip down. I liked seeing the red stain my skin, making me look ugly, that's what I really am. I cut myself one more time. I read three pieces of hate mail, three cuts. I started to grow mad again, and went back on facebook. I typed: •You r rite. I'm a horrible person. I deserve to be abused. I hope your happy that I cut myself bcuz of u.•

I got a new message right a away.

•Good. You're right. You should cut yourself. An ugly girl like you needs to be given pain. I'm glad your doing it urself, so we don't have to.•

I started to cry again. Why do people say stuff like that? I started reading more hate mail, letting myself cry. I let the blood from my arms drip onto the floor. I was crying so hard, that I didn't notice the boys come home. I didn't even notice Niall walk in. Then, he gasped, and I immediately stopped crying, and turned towards him. I pulled down my sleeves. It was too late. He already saw what happened. He ran over and grabbed my laptop. He saw all the hate mail, and my newest comment. He was about to say something, when I broke down crying. He was going to get mad at me, but instead sat beside me, trying to comfort me. Then, Zayn and Harry walked in and saw the drops of blood on the floor.

"She got a Facebook," Niall whispered. They immediately understood. Liam and Louis walked in and the news spread around. The blood started to seep through my shirt. I hated myself so much. If you hate yourself so much, how can you love anyone anymore? How can others love you? Why is Niall comforting me? I'm a mess. Do I actually deserve anything?

Harry grabbed the laptop and deleted my Facebook account. That's the end of Facebook for me.

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