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I to the sun shining through my window. I walked downstairs, and saw the boys groggily getting breakfast ready. It was 7:30... I wonder why they're up so early. Liam saw me and walked over to me.

"We have an autograph session today," Liam explained,"I would invite you, but there are a lot of fans, and it's hard to control all of them. It's best if you just stay home."

I nodded. They think the fans will attack me. That's probably right, after all the threats I got yesterday. I grabbed a breakfast bar and a banana and ate it, standing.

"You can stay home as long as you don't cut yourself," Niall said. He sounded like a mother. I nodded. I'm just going to stay away from social sites today. Zayn walked down the stairs, all ready. He had jeans, a plaid shirt, and a red sweatshirt on.

"Since when are you ready on time?" Harry asked, groggily. Zayn looked at him oddly.

"We have to leave in five minutes," Zayn replied. The other boys looked at each other and quickly sprinted up the stairs to get ready. I looked at him confused.

"Okay, fine we don't really have to go in five minutes," Zayn admitted,"I just wanted to get the good breakfast food before them.'

Zayn grabbed Harry's bowl of Fruity Pebbles, and ate it.

"Plus, this way, they do the work for me," Zayn replied. I grinned. He has good logic. Harry ran down to the kitchen and saw Zayn eating his breakfast. He gasped.

"How dare you?!" Harry exclaimed. Harry snatched his breakfast back. Zayn shrugged and stood up.

"At least I didn't eat Niall's breakfast, I think I'd be dead if I did," Zayn said. The other boys ran downstairs. And they ran out to the car. I guess they'll never figure out Zayn's prank. They left the house, and I was left to clean up the kitchen. I looked at the mess. It could be worse, at least they didn't have another food fight. Oh, crap! That reminds me! We had that huge food fight outside! I got a lot of work ahead of me. I needed to get dressed first, to go outside. I went up to my room and changed. I didn't bother to wash up. I first cleaned up the kitchen. I had to dump the bowls of unfinished cereal. I then had to put it all in the dishwasher. Then, I went outside. It was cold, so I zipped my jacket. I brought in the bottles of ketchup and mustard. I put away the water guns, and scrubbed the walls of the house with soapy water, to get the food off. It took a while, but I was finally finished. I walked inside, I was really dirty. I trudged up to my room. I slipped off my dirty outfit, and took a shower. I looked at my arms. I saw all the cuts, making the skin around it swell up. My stomach also had the same look. Also, the ugly scar from my stiches. I started to shampoo and condition my hair. I shaved my legs, and carefully washed my skin. I had to be careful around all the scars. I drenched myself in hot water to remove the soap. I finished showering, and washed up. I threw some clothes on and I decided to check my email. I walked into my room and got onto my computer. I checked my inbox. I saw messages from unknown people.... hate mail. I don't even look at them anymore. I just delete them. I was about to delete a random message when I saw it was from Rachel Everense. I quickly opened it up.

(Rachel's emails)

'Hey cous! It's me, Rachel! I haven't seen you in forever! I miss you so much. Where have you been. I looked up your name and found your email address. Are you still living with your Dad? Reply!'

I hadn't seen Rachel in two years! I can't believe she just emailed me! I gotta see her!

(Nicole's emails)

'Hey! I cant believe u actually emailed me! i havent seen u in 4evr! I miss u 2 can u get 2gether 2day?'

I waited five minutes, and got a reply from her

'Yeah, im not busy. where are u. and are u living with ur dad.... i just want to know'

'U really don't know? u said u looked up my name to find my email right? look closer. btw I'm not living with Father anymore.'

'OMG!!! It says you live with One Direction! Is that seriously true!'

'Yep! Niall found me... wen Father kicked me out. And he offered me to live with them later on. They were going to put me in a foster home, but changed their minds. I want u 2 com please please com!!!!'

'Sure hon, b there in a sec! i live about 30 minutes away. i'll drive ovr now! Luv u!'

Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm going to see Rachel! We were like best friends. Before Mom died. Father wouldn't let me see anyone anymore. She must've been worried, when I no longer saw anyone. It was like I disapeared from the face of the Earth for two years. Those were the two worst years of my life. I'm so happy to be able to escape from them. I cleaned the remaining house while I waited for Rachel to come. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and I quickly answered it. It was Rachel. She smiled broadly and threw her arms around me. I hugged her back.

"I missed you so much!" She exclaimed. I smiled, then my face went blank. I don't... talk. Rachel looked at me confused when I didn't reply. I had to pull out my phone and type:

'I don't talk anymore. Um, Father made me not, and I don't now. I can't get over some old habits.'

Rachel looked at me sadly. She understood how I felt. She's the only one who does. I motioned for her to sit on the couch.

"So, your Dad abused you?" Rachel asked. I nodded.

"You know, my Dad abused me, too," She replied. I looked at her surprised,"Yeah, he used to be so nice. Well, two apples fall from the same tree. Our Dad's are brothers. It makes sense. I used to be abused horribley, until Mom called the police, when he hurt me badly. They got divorced, and he's in jail. I guess you didn't have your Mom to help you. You have even better..... ONE DIRECTION!"

I grinned at her usually happy, funny attitude.

"So, what's it like to live with them?" Rachel asked. I typed:

'They're awesome! They are hilarious and really fun. They are also supportive and very generous. They even gave me this phone and bought me clothes!'

"You're so lucky!" Rachel exclaimed. As she said that, the garage door opened, and five loud boys walked in. I heard Rachel quietly gasped. I grinned, she's going to be so happy. They looked at her curiously.

"Gotta friend, Nicole?" Louis asked, confused. Rachel smiled and stood up.

"I'm Rachel, Nicole's cousin," Rachel said happily. I'm glad she didn't do a fangirl scream. I know she's a One Direction fan.

"How'd you two get in touch?" Harry asked.

"Email. We hadn't see each other for two years!" Rachel said. They understood immediately why we hadn't seen each other in two years. There was a moment of awkward silence. Niall broke it,"So, anyone wanna go out for lunch?"

All of our hands shot up. We laughed at the awkward unison. We jumped into the car. I sat in between Rachel and Niall. I didn't notice how much Rachel had changed. She looked much older from when she was fifteen. She's now seventeen. She grew out her long, blonde, curly hair. She was wearing her nerd glasses, too. She had her own sense of style, and always had a smile on her face. You couldn't help but want to be around her. We eventually reached the restraunt. It was a small, cozy cafe. We walked in. We sat at a table and ordered. This time, Rachel ordered for me. It felt good to have a friend that's a girl. We got our food, and we started eating. Zayn and Rachel were having some small converstation about music. I knew that Rachel loved music. I ate in silence, until Rachel dropped her fork. She stared at something in shock. I looked where she was staring. There stood Dad. Ordering food in the same place as us.

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