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We finally arrived home, after a long plane ride. I sat by Marie, and Harry was on her other side, so she and Harry were acting all couple-like, and it was seriously annoying me. I was staring out the window the whole time, trying to ignore them. I was almost celebrating when we got home. It was late, so I walked up to my room, and unpacked. I took a quick shower. I put on a pair of pajamas and put my hair in a braid I slipped into bed, and went to sleep, trying not to think of Niall. But, that's hard.


"Nicole, don't you love me?" Niall asked.

"I do, Niall," I replied. Suddenly, I saw a stream of light hit the dark walls. I looked to see a blade in Niall's hand.

"Niall, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice quivering.

"I should've done this a long time ago," Niall said,"I don't deserve to live anymore if I don't have you."

"Don't do this!" I yelled,"I love you!"

"Too late," Niall answered, quoting the same thing I said to him when he told me he loved me. He plunged the knife straight into his stomach, I screamed as the blood poured out, and left him falling to the ground.

"NIALL!" I screamed.


I felt myself being shaken, and I woke up. I saw Niall's face in front of mine.

"What are you doing?!" I asked angrily. He looked shocked,"You were screaming my name."

"No I wasn't!" I protested.

"Yeah, you were I heard you screaming, and came in here," Niall argued.

"You shouldn't be in a girl's room at night!" I yelled at him.

"I was just trying to help you, okay!?" Niall yelled.

"Yeah, like you 'helped' accuse Harry of cheating on me!" I yelled.

"Well, if you were me, you'd think Harry was cheating!" He yelled.

"Well, I would've listened to you, unlike you!" I yelled.

"I did listen, okay?!" Niall yelled.

"Oh, definitely," I said sarcastically,"Punching Harry definitely proves you were listening!"

"God, just shut up!" He yelled at me. I glared at him,"How dare you say that to me!"

"I can do what I want!" Niall yelled, suddenly, he pulled me close to him, and crashed his lips onto mine. I pushed him away.

"What the heck are you doing!" I yelled.

"Um....." Niall muttered.

"We're broken up, Niall!" I yelled,"You don't go kissing me!"

"I thought it would change your mind....." Niall muttered, sadly.

"Well, it didn't so don't go kissing me when we're in an argument!" I yelled.

"What the hell do you think you guys are doing?" I heard Zayn groan,"It's two in the morning!"

Niall and I began yelling nonsense at each other. Then, Harry and Liam trudged in. Niall and I were on the verge of attacking each other.

Liam and Zayn intervened, and tried to stop us.

"Come on, there's no need for you two to fight," Liam said, sleepily.

"HE TRIED TO KISS ME!" I yelled. I was about to attack Niall, when Liam held me back, and Zayn held Niall back.

"You two were so close, you shouldn't be trying to attack each other!" Liam tried yelling over Niall and I's bickering.

"I thought you two loved each other," Liam said, quietly, but Niall and I both heard him.

"We do!" Niall and I both said at the same time. Zayn grinned,"Then, why are you fighting?"

"Because he came in my room in the middle of the night," I replied.

"That's because you were screaming my name!" Niall argued.

"Oh, so Nicole, do you oppose yelling?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I didn't yell!" I argued.

"Yeah, you did!" Niall protested,"You yelled something about me not killing myself!"

"Oh....." I murmured,".... I did..."

Niall smiled triumphantly,"Ha, I'm right."

"Shut up," I muttered,"I'm going to bed."

"Problem solved," Harry said. Then, Louis walked in,"What's going on?"

"A little late Boobear," Harry replied. Louis groaned, and walked back to his room. I sat on my bed, with my arms crossed.

"Don't think of kissing me again," I told Niall. I saw his face fall, but he played it off like a joke,"Oh, didn't you like it, love?"

"Don't call me love!" I argued. Niall frowned,"Calm down, it was just a joke."

I fell onto the bed, as Niall left, and went to sleep. And, the worst part is, I didn't feel any sparks, fireworks, anything when he kissed me. Why don't I feel as in love anymore?

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