Car Accident

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I saw Zayn's face grow horrified,"You're lying to me."

I shook my head,"Zayn, it really happened, we have to go see her."

"No!" Zayn yelled,"You're lying!"

Niall walked over to Zayn,"We need to go visit her. You're her boyfriend."

I saw Zayn's face fill with sadness, when he realized that it was the truth. Zayn leaned against the wall to gain balance, I could hear his breathing go shaky,"Is she okay?"

"I don't know," I answered,"But, she's in the hospital, so she is probably hurt."

Zayn's face looked like he was punched in the stomach. He was able to mutter out the words,"Let's go visit her."

I nodded, and we all put on coats and shoes.

"Lads, we're going to the hospital!" Niall yelled.

"OKAY!" Louis replied. There was a pause then, Louis yelled,"WAIT, YOU'RE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL!?"

Louis ran downstairs,"What happened?"

"Rachel was in a car accident," Niall said, and Louis glanced at Zayn who looked like he was in pain because of this. Louis nodded, and stared at the floor. He looked up, and replied,"I think only you three should go. I think it would be best if not all of One Direction went. If the paparazzi found us, it would be all over."

Niall nodded, and we left. Niall drove us to the hospital where Rachel was. We walked in, and asked to visit Rachel. We were directed to her room. We opened the door, and walked in.

Rachel was asleep on her hospital bed. She had a cast on one of her legs, and her arm. Zayn quickly walked over to her.

"Rachel, are you awake?" He asked quietly. I saw Rachel's eyes flutter open. I could see a weak smile form on her face when she saw Zayn.

"Zayn..." She breathed. I saw Zayn's face light up when he heard her speak. He leaned in, and delicately kissed her on the lips. They parted, still smiling.

"I was worried you died," Zayn said.

"And leave you? I would never do that. I love you too much to ever leave you," Rachel replied. Zayn smiled,"I'm just glad you aren't dead. What happened?"

"Well, I was turning, and a car who skipped a red light crashed right into my car. The car hit my door, damaging my leg and arm. I also have a bruise on my side. I'll be fine only. I'll have to be on crutches for six weeks only," Rachel explained. Niall and I decided to join them, since their romantic moment was over.

"Hey, Rachel," I said,"How're you feeling?"

"I've felt better, but I'm on pain medication, so I guess I could be worse," Rachel replied. I nodded.

"When will you be getting out of the hospital?" Niall asked.

"Um, I think in two days," Rachel answered.

"Great," Zayn replied, smiling,"Then, you could come over then."

"Sounds good," Rachel replied. Suddenly, Rachel's phone rang. Zayn handed Rachel her phone. Rachel answered it,"Oh, hey Mom..... Okay, see you in a few."

She hung up the phone,"Well, my Mom's coming in a few minutes. She was already here, but she's coming back again."

"Okay, well, we probably should go then," I replied. We waved good bye, and Zayn kissed her one last time. We headed home.

"Hey!" Louis said. We greeted Louis back, when we got in.

"Is everything okay?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, she's going to be fine," Niall replied. Zayn walked upstairs, without saying a word.

"Is he okay?" Louis asked, once Zayn walked upstairs.

"I thought he was," I replied. Niall and Louis exchanged glances.

"We should check on him," Niall said. We walked upstairs. I smelled something wierd, but I assumed that my mind was playing tricks. Niall and Louis looked at each other nervously.

"No, he can't be, I thought he quit," Niall said to Louis quietly.

"I don't know," Louis said.

"What?" I asked, confused. Niall and Louis ignored me. We walked over to Zayn's bedroom. Niall knocked on the door,"Zayn, open up."

No reply. Louis joined in,"Come on Zayn, just open the door."

No answer. Louis walked over to the table in the hallway and opened the drawer. He pulled out the key to Zayn's room, and unlocked it. Louis opened the door, and we walked in. The smell was more potent. We could see a light on in the bathroom. Niall opened the door, which was fortanutely unlocked. Zayn was fixing his hair, acting like nothing was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked, trying to look confused. Niall and Louis didn't buy it.

"Zayn, we know what you were doing," Louis said, seriously. Zayn tried to hide his secret, which I still didn't know.

"No, that's not true," Zayn replied quickly. Niall walked over to Zayn's trash can, and pulled out a cigarette.

"Zayn, you smoke?" I asked in disbelief. Zayn didn't answer, he glared at Niall, and left. Louis and Niall quickly walked after him, and I followed behind them. We followed Zayn outside. He gave up, and turned around.

"Stop bothering me okay!" Zayn yelled,"I don't want to do this, I just have trouble stopping!"

"Well, isn't that all that counts?" I asked,"That you do want to stop?"

Zayn fell silent, and looked at the ground,"I guess you're right...."

I smiled, and hugged Zayn, he was surprised that I didn't care. I let go, and we all walked back inside.

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