The Perfect Day

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"WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TWO DOING!" Louis yelled. Niall fell off the side of the bed at the sound of Louis's voice. I shot up,"What's your problem, Louis?!"


"We weren't doing anything like that!" Niall argued,"She had a nightmare, and wanted me to stay with her!"

"Sure," Louis answered sarcastically.

"Stop being a pervert Louis," I muttered.

"I'M NOT THE PERVERT HARRY IS!" Louis yelled. Then, Harry came in,"Whoa, were you two in bed?"

I groaned,"No, I had a nightmare!"

Harry grinned deviously,"You can tell me the truth."

"I am!" I protested. Harry's cheeky grin turned back to normal,"It's okay, I believe you."

I sighed,"At least you do..."

Then, Liam and Zayn came in.

"THEY WERE IN BED TOGETHER!" Louis loudly announced. Liam and Zayn stared at us, shocked.

"No, Louis's lying!" Niall replied. Liam looked confused,"So, you weren't in bed together?"

"Well, no, we were, but that's because Nicole had a nightmare, and wanted me to stay with her," Niall protested.

Louis was about to say something, but Liam interrupted,"Louis, we all believe them. Do you really think they'd do something like that?"

"Well... no.... but, it's fun to mess with them," Louis answered, awkwardly. They all went downstairs to eat, then, Louis came back in.

"Since when did you two get back together?" Louis asked.

"Last night," Niall answered. Louis looked at him suspiciously, but left anyways.

"It can be annoying living with four guys....." Niall muttered, and I giggled.

"Well, I'm gonna go change," Niall said, and he left. I made my bed, and took a quick shower. I put my curly hair up, and threw on some shorts and a floral tank top. I put on some makeup and the necklace Niall gave me. I threw on my maroon TOMs, and headed downstairs

"I made food!" Harry yelled, and Niall rushed over to the counter.

"What did you make food for?" I asked. Harry gave me a cheeky grin,"In celebration of you and Niall getting back together."

"You guys must've really wanted us back together," I said. They all nodded simultaneously.

"Ever since you two started yelling at each other in the middle of the night, we all agreed that we wanted you back together." Liam replied. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed some food to eat for breakfast, that Harry made. I looked over to see Niall eating, and I felt relieved. Thank God he's eating again. I was worried he wouldn't eat. He can't eat as much as he usually does for a while, but he's doing better than before.

"What do we have to do today?" Zayn asked.

"We have an interview this morning," Liam replied,"But, I don't think Niall should come."

"Why not?" Niall asked.

"You're pretty skinny right now," Liam answered,"The press might get suspicious."

"Why's Niall skinny?" Louis asked, confused. Crap, we forgot to tell him.

"Zayn you tell him!" Liam exclaimed.

"Fine..." Zayn muttered,"Niall stopped eating for two weeks."

"WHAT!?" Louis and Harry yelled at the same time.

"After the breakup, I stopped eating," Niall muttered.

"But you love eating!" Louis protested.

"But, I love Nicole more...." Niall answered.

"AWW!" Harry, Louis, and I all yelled it at the same time, and made Niall blush. We burst out laughing.

"How did we not notice you stopped eating?" Harry asked. Niall shrugged,"I tried to hide it."

"Well, you're good, my friend," Louis answered, and Niall looked at him confused.

"You're going to eat again, right?" Harry asked. Niall nodded. Louis, Harry, and Niall continued eating again. I went up to my room, and started working on schoolwork again. I had been working on that a lot lately, so I actually was able to pass eleventh grade. I'm already a senior. I want to be able to graduate, so I can go to college. I'm planning to go to a college nearby, so I can still live with the boys. I don't think I could stay without Niall for that long.

"WE'RE LEAVING!" I heard Louis yell. I assume they're going to the interview now. I continued working intently for fifteen more minutes. I didn't even hear Niall walk in. I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around me. I smiled, and stopped typing. I leaned back to see Niall.

"Hello, love," He said romantically, causing me to giggle.

"I was thinking, we haven't been on a date for a while. Why don't we go somewhere today?" Niall asked.

"Sounds good to me," I answered.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked. I thought for a moment,"Hm, we could go walking downtown, and go into some of the stores. I haven't been down there in a while,"

"Good idea," Niall answered,"I'll meet you downstairs in five minutes."

I grabbed my purse, and wallet I walked downstairs, to see Niall ready.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded, and he grabbed my hand, and intertwined our fingers. We got in the car, and Niall started to drive. We soon arrived, and Niall parked. We got out of the car, and Niall walked back over to me. We rejoined hands, and started walking. We talked, and looked around the beautiful sites. We had been walking for a while, and it was around noon.

"Wanna go eat?" I asked.

"Sure," Niall answered. We walked around, searching for a restaurant. I found a small sandwich shop, and decided to go there. We walked in, and got a table. I looked at the menu, searching for something good to eat. The waiter came, and we ordered. For once, Niall got a small order. I'm not used to him eating less. I hope he starts eating more, but I understand that he really can't now. We got our food, and started eating, Niall was eating slowly. Not shoving all his food in his mouth at one time like he usually did.

We finished, and Niall paid, not letting me, as usual. Niall grabbed my hand, and we walked out of the restaurant, and back around town. We were walking, not talking much, when Niall saw a park.

"We have to go there!" Niall begged. I laughed,"Sure, why not?"

Niall dragged me over to the park across the street. When, we got over there, we raced each other over to the swings, like little kids. I sat down, and started swinging. Niall and I made up a game to see if you can hold hands and swing really fast. It doesn't work.... Niall and I laughed, after we fell off the swings. We decided to walk around the park. Suddenly, a group of girls, around ten ran up to Niall.

"Hi!" One of them said to Niall, grinning from ear to ear.

"Could we get your autograph?" Another asked.

"Sure," Niall answered. They handed him a piece of paper and pen.

"What's your names?" Niall asked. They told him, and Niall wrote a note to them on the paper. He handed it back to them, and they were thrilled. They thanked Niall, and ran off.

"What's it like having fans?" I randomly asked.

"It's amazing," Niall answered,"It's great knowing that people love what you do. But, you have fans, too."

"Yeah, I guess I have a few," I answered.

"Are you starting a sequel soon?" Niall asked. I nodded,"Yeah, I talked to the editor, and he suggested I write about living with you guys. But, I still need approval from your management."

Niall nodded,"How much are you going to write?"

"... I'm going to try to write everything. From Father to my relationship with you," I answered,"I don't need my life to be a secret anymore."

"I'm glad," Niall replied. I stopped in mid track,"Oh. My. God. There's seesaws! You have to come on with me!"

Niall laughed,"But, we'll look stupid!"

"Since when have we cared about looking stupid?" I asked. Niall shrugged,"Okay, let's look stupid then."

I laughed, and dragged Niall over to the seesaw. I laughed when I was always on above ground, and Niall would complain how he wanted to go up. We gave up, and started to walk around again. Suddenly, I got a call. It was Marie.

"Hey Nicole!" She exclaimed.

"Hey, Marie," I answered.

"Can you come over?" She asked.

"Well, I'm sort of on a date with Niall," I replied.

"You got back together?!" She yelled.

"Yeah," I answered,"We're sort of on a date now."

"AW!" She yelled,"That's so cute! When will it be over?"

I frowned, even though she couldn't see my facial expressions.

"Um, I don't know," I answered.

"Come to my house when you finish, kk?" She asked, cheerfully.

"Sure, Marie, see you soon," I said, ending the call.

"Was that Marie?" Niall asked, once the call ended.

"Yeah, she wants me to come over," I answered.

"Well, we've been out for a while, might as well go over," Niall said,"I can drop you off."

"You sure?" I asked. He nodded. We walked back to the car, and drove over to Marie's house. When I arrived, I waved good bye, and rang Marie's doorbell. Marie answered.

"NICI!" She yelled, and pulled me into a hug. She pulled me in.

"Hey," Rachel said.

"Oh, hi Rachel, didn't realize you were going to be here," I said.

"Well, I had to have my two best friends come over!" Marie yelled, and Rachel and I laughed. Marie grabbed my hand, and pulled me up to her room, with Rachel following behind.

"We should do makeovers!" Marie yelled. I looked at her suspiciously. Makeovers, seriously?

"What, it will be fun!" Marie exclaimed.

"I volunteer Nicole goes first, and I go never!" Rachel yelled, and Marie laughed. I groaned,"Do I have to?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Marie said, and sat me down on a chair.

"Okay, Rachel, hand me my makeup pouch that's on my bed," Marie commanded. Rachel handed her the bag, and Marie started on my makeup. It took a while, then she fixed up my hair.

"Rachel, there's this one dress in my closet," Marie said,"It's the gray dress that's strapless."

"Found it!" Rachel called from the closet. She pulled out a gorgeous dress. Rachel handed me the dress, and pushed me into her bathroom, and forced me to change. I put on the dress. I walked out, and Marie handed me some sparkly heels. I put them on, and they examined the outfit

"PERFECT!" Marie exclaimed,"Now follow me!"

Marie grabbed my hand, and pulled me downstairs. She opened a door, and led me into her garage.

"Why are we in your garage?" I asked.

"Because I'm taking you somewhere," Marie said.

"Where?" I asked, suspiciously.

"To Niall!" She yelled, and pushed me into the car. Rachel sat in the back, and Marie quickly jumped into the driver's seat.

"Why are we doin that!?" I yelled.

"Because......." Marie began, but started driving.

"Come on, Marie, tell me," I begged.

"It's a surprise!" She yelled. Throughout the ride to the unknown destination, I kept begging them to tell me where they were going. They wouldn't tell. We arrived at an old building, that I've never seen before. Marie and Rachel pulled me out of the car. They pushed me into the front door, where I entered a beautiful room, and right in front of me was a grinning Niall in a tux.

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