I Knew You Were Trouble

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Another day has passed and, I'm growing more concerned over Niall. He is always near me, and practically clinging to me. He almost always has his arm around my shoulder or waist. Or, he would be holding my hand. He was always looking at Harry, too. It was starting to get annoying the way he was acting.

Marie and I were sharing a room, so I quietly slipped out of my bed, making sure not to wake her. I walked into the bathroom, and took a quick shower. I put my hair up, put on a dress, threw on some sandals, put on some jewelry, and put on a little makeup. I walked out of my room, to the living room, to see Niall already awake. Niall's eyes lit up when he saw me, and immediately walked over to me, and held my hand. He kissed my cheek, and said,"Good morning, love."

I smiled weakly, still unsure of his clingy behavior.

"Niall, is something wrong?" I asked. He looked at me, confused,"No why would you think that?"

"It's just that you're always clinging to me...." I replied.

"Well, I just don't want you to get hurt again," He answered,"Last time I wasn't there for you when you needed me, so this time, I will be."

I nodded,"Well, okay. Hungry for breakfast."

Niall happily nodded, and we walked to the mini fridge together, still hand in hand. I pried my hand away from Niall's grasp, so I could open the refrigerator door. Nothing.

"Why don't we get coffee?" Niall suggested.

"What about the others?" I asked. Niall grinned,"Why don't we go alone, together. You know, like a date."

I grinned, too,"Good idea."

I grabbed my purse, and Niall threw on a pair of shoes. I felt his arm go around my waist. We walked out of the room together. We walked out of the hotel, and Niall got on a taxi. We got in, and were driven to Starbucks. We went into the coffee shop, and ordered. We sat down and ate, while sipping coffee. We chatted a little, and then someone said,"Niall, Nicole? What are you doing here?"

Niall and I turned to see Liam. Oh, hi Liam!" I exclaimed happily. He sat at a chair at our table.

"What are you two doing here, anyways?" Liam asked.

"Well, we're were out of food, so Niall suggested we go get coffee, so here we are." I explained.

"How did I not notice you were gone if we were sharing a room?" Niall asked Liam. Liam shrugged.

"Um, I'm going to go to the bathroom," I said, and walked over to the bathroom, which was close to our table. I finished washing my hands, and was about to walk out, when I heard Liam and Niall talking. I leaned against the wall and listened.

"I just don't know, I feel jealous over Harry," Niall said.

"Because he was there for Nicole, and you weren't?" Liam asked.

"Yeah," Niall muttered,"She was yelling my name, and I wasn't there. Harry was, and I wasn't. I don't want to leave her side."

"I understand, but you shouldn't be mad at Harry. It's not his fault," Liam replied.

"I guess," I heard Niall answer. It seems like a good time to walk back in. I walked in, and Niall's eyes looked happy when he saw me. I sat down, and sipped my coffee, not bothering to join their conversation. I was too busy thinking.

I can't believe Niall feels that way. Well, I guess it's understandable. If you're the boyfriend, you always want to be there for the girlfriend. So, when someone saves the one you love when you couldn't, I guess it hurts a little. But, Niall shouldn't be mad at Harry. Harry only helped me. He was there at the right place, and the right time.

I finished my coffee, and we decided that it was time to go. We got a taxi, and were driven back to the resort. We got out, and walked up to our hotel room. We opened the door to see five faces staring at us.

"Where'd you go?" Zayn asked.

"Starbucks," Niall answered,"We didn't realize Liam left, too, so we ran into him there."

"We should go swimming," Eleanor suggested,"It's warm out."

We all agreed to do that. I changed in my room, and Marie changed in the bathroom. I put on this polyvore.com/nicoles_swimsuit/set?id=65425170. I walked out of the room, to join the others. We left our room together. We were about to walk out, when I realized we forgot the sunscreen,"Hey, we forgot the sunscreen. I'll run back and grab it. You can go ahead."

I quickly ran up to our room, and grabbed the bottle of sunscreen from the bathroom. I started running towards the door, when it flung open, knocking me to the ground, so I was on my back. The sunscreen slipped out of my hand, and towards the door. The door was open, and it was Harry. He saw me on the ground, and started to run to help me, but slipped on the sunscreen. He fell right on top of me. As he tried to get up, the door opened again. Niall was in the doorway when Harry fell on top of me.

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