Fake Assumptions

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"She needs immediate care, she's in critical condition!" I heard someone yell, as I slowly drifted into consciousness.

"What happened?" Someone else asked.

"She was stabbed, and I think one of her veins might have been punctured. She needs to go to surgery immediately."

"Okay, got it."

I felt a needle being injected into my arm, and I passed out again.


I woke up again, and I saw that I was in a hospital room, again.

"Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to talk to you," I heard a man say. I turned to see the man that saved me sitting in a seat beside my bed. He was wearing a suit, and had short light brown hair.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself," He said,"I'm Shane Sevault."

Sevault? That sounds familiar, oh yeah! I remember now.

"Are you related to Evan Sevault?" I asked. He nodded,"Yes, I'm his Dad."

"So, you know about what happened to him, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did," He replied,"I wanted to thank you for saving him."

"Well, I didn't really save him," I mumbled.

"You were the one who helped him out of the burning house, right?" He asked.

"Well, he helped me out, too," I answered.

"I'm just glad both of you are okay," He replied, sighing.

"Thanks for helping me, by the way," I said,"If you weren't there to help, he could've kidnapped me again."

"I'd help anyone screaming for help," He half-joked. I smiled weakly.

"Well, I have to go take Evan home, thanks again, bye," He said.

"Bye," I replied, and he left. When he left, I looked at my arm. It had stitches on both sides, because the knife completely penetrated through. I sighed, why am I always getting hurt?

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY!" I heard Louis screech. I looked up to see the boys walking in, and Louis looked like he just had a heart attack. I looked at Louis suspiciously.

"Well, I'm alive, so I guess I'm okay," I answered. Louis shrugged,"Good answer."

"So.... you actually got stabbed in the parking lot of the hospital?" Niall asked. I nodded. I saw Niall holding in his laughter, he eventually gave up, and burst out laughing,"How more ironic can that get?"

I rolled my eyes,"I don't know, injuries just attract to me."

"No kidding," Louis muttered.

"Hey, when do I get to go home?" I asked.

"Today," Liam answered. I looked at him confused,"Today? I got stabbed, don't I have to stay in longer?"

Liam shook his head,"No, you were out for three days."

My eyes widened,"Three days?!"

"Well, your vein got punctured," Liam explained,"They had to do surgery."

I glanced at my bruised arm that was covered in stitches, from the incident in the parking lot, and when I got cut with glass on the window. I groaned, I looked horrible.

"Well, the doctor said you can go home," Niall said,"So we'll leave you to get ready."

The boys left, and I noticed a new pile of clothes on the side table. I grabbed it, and went to the bathroom to change. I put on a loose sweater and a pair of jeans with some moccasins. I threw my coat over my sweater, and walked out. I walked out of the room, and the boys were waiting.

"Ready?" I asked. We walked out of the hospital. There were a few fans, and they were all yelling at me, and cussing at me. Why were they doing that? I thought the fans were finally stopping hate... I just got stabbed, can't they be nicer. I just stared at the ground, and tried to zone out their comments. We made it to the car, and got in.

"Why were they mad?" I asked. Niall shrugged,"I have no idea..."

We just left the subject unsolved, and drove home. I walked into the house, glad to finally be home. I walked in, and collapsed on the couch.

"Exhausted?" Niall asked, sitting beside me. I nodded,"Yeah."

"How can you be exhausted if you slept for three days?" Niall asked. I shrugged, and Niall chuckled. He switched on the TV, and we started watching some random show. After about an hour, Liam interrupted us,"Um, guys, I think you should see this...."

Niall switched off the TV, and Niall and I joined Liam at the counter. Liam had his laptop opened to his twitter page. On the screen was a picture of Liam and I holding hands.

"What is this...." I mumbled.

"It was the time when the paparazzi surrounded us in New York," Liam explained,"They've made it out like Nicole and I were actually holding hands...."

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know..." Liam muttered.

"I could do a twitcam explaining what happened?" Niall suggested. Liam shrugged,"Might work."

Niall took Liam's laptop away from Liam, and went back over to the living room. Niall posted on twitter that he was going to do a twitcam, and started it up. Niall motioned for me to come over. He wrapped his arm around me. The twitcam started.

"Hey everyone," Niall said happily into the camera,"I'm here with my girlfriend, Nicole. Say hi to the camera, Nicole."

I smiled, and waved,"Hi!"

"So, how is everyone doing?" Niall asked. There was a burst of comments, and I could see Niall skimming through them.

"Thanks, I'm good," Niall replied. I found myself looking through the comments, too. I saw a ton of hate towards me. I bit my lip nervously, and glanced at Niall. Niall quickly said,"I had to tell you guys something. A lot of you think Nicole is cheating on me with Liam, but that's not true. It was just Liam pulling Nicole away from the crowd of paparazzi. That's it."

Another explosion of comments, and the hate continued. People were saying how I was still a 'slut' and a 'bitch' and I didn't deserve Niall. I don't understand why people say that. Niall's saying the truth. Niall tried to continue answering questions. I felt my hands playing with the end of a strand of my hair. I tried ignoring the comments, but it was hard. I bit my lip, and stared at the ground. I saw Niall glancing at me nervously.

"Well, we gotta go, bye!" Niall exclaimed, quickly ending the twitcam. Niall turned to look at me.

"Are you okay?" Niall asked, nervously. I nodded,"Yeah... I'm fine."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have had you do the twitcam with me," Niall replied. I shook my head,"No, it's not your fault.... but, I just don't get why they don't believe you...."

"I don't know either," Niall muttered,"I'm sorry that all this happened to you, love."

He pressed his lips against mine for a minute, and parted. I stared into his blue eyes, thinking about how lucky I am to have him.


Niall is just to sweet(:


Love you guys<3 ~Madison

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