This can't be happening

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I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling extremely sick. I ran into my bathroom, and threw up in the toilet. What is happening to me? I didn't feel sick earlier. I flushed the toilet and walked into the hallway bathroom. I opened the cabinet, and pulled out some medicine. I carefully poured it into the tiny measuring cup, and quickly sloshed it down. Assuming I'd get better, I went back to bed. I fell asleep for two hours, then woke up again in the middle of the night, feeling sick. I quickly ran into the bathroom, and threw up again. I thought the medicine would work.... why isn't it working? I gave up on trying to figure out why and just went back to bed. I fell asleep until seven in the morning, and I got sick again. I was getting worried. I heard Niall knock, then walk in. He saw me sitting on the bathroom floor by the toilet. Usually people don't take that well. Niall rushed over to me.

"Are you okay?" Niall asked frantically. I nodded, and flushed the toilet. I carefully stood up, and sat on the closed toilet seat.

"I think I'm sick," I told Niall. He nodded, I saw his face calm down a little. He probably thought I was making myself throw up, but I don't do that.

"I'll take you to the doctor later, is that okay?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, that's fine," I answered,"I'm just going to take a shower now."

"Oh, okay," Niall replied, and walked out of my room. I pulled out some comfortable clothes, and took a nice hot shower. I put on some leggings, a cami, a cardigan, some comfortable boots, and put a beanie over my curly hair. I laid on my bed, and I hear knocking on the door.

"Come in," I answered. I saw Niall walk in. He had a tray with a nice breakfast, for two.

"Hungry?" He asked.

"Surprisingly, yes," I answered, smiling. Niall grinned back, and sat beside me on my bed. We happily munched on our breakfast. Thankfully I didn't puke. We finished, and Niall took the tray downstairs. I laid down on my bed again, and fell asleep.

"Nicole, wake up," I felt Niall's voice whisper into my ear, sending tingles down my spine. I slowly blinked my eyes open, Niall's bright blue eyes were right in front of mine. I saw him leaning in to kiss me, but I stopped him by putting my finger up to his lip.

"Don't kiss me, I might be sick," I said. Niall fake pouted. I rolled my eyes, and pulled myself out of bed.

"Why'd you wake me up?" I asked.

"We got a doctors appointment to go to," Niall answered.

"Why is it so early?" I asked.

"It's eleven," Niall answered,"Not that early."

"I slept until eleven!" I exclaimed. Niall shrugged,"Hey, you're sick, so it doesn't matter."

I nodded, and Niall took my hand, leading me downstairs. The boys were there, but they didn't say much. Niall and I threw on our coats and got in the car. Niall carefully drove down the road, making small talk with me. We didn't really have much to say. It didn't take long to get to the hospital. We walked in, and Niall led me to the room we were supposed to go in. I signed the paperwork, and sat beside Niall. We were called up to go in. Niall and I walked in. We sat down waiting for the doctor. It didn't take long before she came in.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Harris," She introduced herself. Niall and I introduced ourselves.

"Do you have any parents with you?" Dr. Harris asked. I shook my head,"They're both dead."

"Oh, I'm sorry," She replied,"So, legal guardian?"

"Does Niall count?" I asked, pointing at Niall.

"What's his relationship towards you?" Dr. Harris asked.

"He's my boyfriend, and I live with him and his band," I answered. She nodded,"How old are you?"

"Nineteen," Niall answered. She nodded again,"What about you?" she asked me.

"I'm sixteen," I replied. She wrote it down on her clipboard.

"So, you are here because of sickness, correct?" Dr. Harris asked. I nodded,"Yes, I woke up in the middle of the night, and went back to sleep. I did that two more times. I took medicine, but it doesn't seem to help."

She nodded,"Hm, um, can you come with me?"

She asked me. I nodded, standing up. Niall was about to stand up, but she stopped him.

"Sorry, but we have to be alone," Dr. Harris said. He nodded, and sat back down. The doctor led me into another room. She motioned me to sit down. I did so, and she sat down in the chair beside her.

"So, have you been throwing up a lot lately?" She asked, seriously.

"Um, yes," I answered. She nodded, and wrote it down. I began to feel nervous, what is this about?

"When was the last time you had your period?" She asked. I shrugged,"I can't remember, a lot has happened in the last few weeks."

She nodded, and wrote it down. Why is she asking this? I felt nervous.

"Follow me, please," She said. I nodded, and followed her. She handed me something,"Follow the instructions."

She led me to a bathroom. I quickly followed the instructions, and handed back to her. She looked at it, and her face grew grave. I felt really concerned. She led me back into the room with Niall. She motioned for me to sit down. I sat beside Niall.

"Um, I have big news for you," Dr. Harris said awkwardly. Niall and I waited in anticipation.

"..... You're pregnant."


Oh my goshhhh..
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