One - The Beginning

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Planes were always something I was slightly nervous about. It wasn't the fact that I was in a metal box, thousands of feet in the sky, being held up by magic. It was the fact that we were high up. As in, really high up, and heights weren't something I was good at. But today I had to face my fears and board a plane all the way to London.

I put the last of my clothes in my suitcase and zipped it up. I then grabbed my laptop and its charger, my phone and its charger, my vlogging camera, a book, and my headphones, and put them in all in my small backpack. As I left my room and made my way to the elevator at the end of the corridor I took out my camera and flicked the record button.

"Hey guys! So, I'm moving to London today and I'm a little nervous, but I'm also pretty excited." I smiled a little. "So it's about..." I looked at the imaginary watch on my wrist. "Eight forty-five in the morning. I'm gonna catch a bus to the terminal, then wait for the plane."

The doors slid open and I walked out into the reception. "Also, yesterday elysaisinthehotellobby became a worldwide trend on Twitter, which is amazing. I met loads of you guys yesterday so thanks for stalking me!" I laughed. I stopped recording and put my camera back in my bag.

I waited a few minutes for my bus, payed for a ticket, found a seat near the back, and filmed the passing scenery.

Inside the airport I pulled out my camera again. I felt a little weird as the only person vlogging in Sydney airport, but over the years I had gotten used to the weird looks. "So, I'm the only person with a camera," I said as a loud scream came from my right. I turned to look and saw a girl with hear hands covering her mouth. "Uh-oh."

The girl jumped up and down, screaming at the top of her lungs, "ElysaAndEverything! Oh my God, you're here, you're here! I found you!" She ran over, occasionally stopping to jump. Once she reached me she threw her arms around me, squeezing all air out of me. It was certainly a weird reaction.

"Hi there." I said.

"Oh my God, you spoke! Oh wow, this is just too amazing."

"Did you come here just to see me?"

She nodded violently, her glasses slipping down her nose. "Yeah, you're my favourite YouTuber ever! I've watched all your videos at least ten times!"

"Oh, wow, that's commitment."

"Yeah, it is. Anyway, can you sign this?" She thrust a pen and a notepad in front of me. I took both of the items in my hands and quickly uncapped the pen.

"What's your name? And is there anything you want me to write?"

"Oh, my name is Sarah. And can you write 'to my biggest fan, you're the best, love you'? If you did, that would be amazing."

I quickly wrote what Sarah wanted, adding my signature to the end. I handed it back to her and handled it delicately, as if it were a precious artifact.

"Thank you so much," she breathed. "This is great. My friend is going to be so jealous. Can I get a photo now?"

"Yeah, sure."

Sarah pulled out her phone and took at least 20 pictures. Eventually I had to ask Sarah to stop, telling her that I had to catch my plane.

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Will you be coming back to Sydney? You won't be gone forever, will you?"

"No, I plan to come back. Don't worry. Okay, bye Sarah." I waved as she gave me one last hug and then ran off.

I handed in my passport and all other details, waiting for a few minutes to get my boarding pass. Eventually I did and made my way to Gate 48, the furthest gate away from me. Of course.

Going through security was difficult, especially through the metal detector. I took one step in and it began to beep immediately. The people behind me began tutting immediately. I apologised to everyone before explaining my little 'problem' to the security guard. He let me through after assuring him multiple times that I was not a terrorist.

I made my way to Gate 48 and took my seat with half an hour to boarding. That is until an announcement resounded through the area.

"The Boeing seven-four-seven, flight AH three-seven-nine to Heathrow Airport, at Gate forty-eight, has been delayed by one hour. I repeat, flight AH three-seven-nine to Heathrow Airport has been delayed by one hour."

I sighed in annoyance but got out my camera. "Alright, so my flight to London has been delayed by one hour, which is really annoying. But, oh well." I shrugged. I flicked the button to stop recording, then started editing what I had already filmed, with my headphones plugged in and Chameleon Circuit blaring loudly.

Over the loudspeaker a voice came out, saying, "Flight AH three-seven-nine to Heathrow Airport  is ready to board at Gate forty-eight. Flight AH three-seven-nine at Gate forty-eight is ready to board."

I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder and rolled my suitcase to the checkout area. I received my complimentary headphones and walked down the long hallway to the plane, where it was making a horrible screeching sound. It certainly didn't make me feel better about flying.

"Welcome to QANTAS flights, you're seat is in the thirteenth row, on the left beside the window. Have a nice flight." She smiled and I walked to my seat and sat down. I looked out the window at the tarmac and the plane wing.

As the plane began to ascend into the air, my hands tightened on the armrests. I was a little nervous at the way the ground rapidly disappeared underneath the plane.

I didn't relax until the plane stabilised and I could easily fall asleep, listening to various artists and bands, such as Cage The Elephant and Ben Folds Five.

Numerous hours of sleeping later the plane began to shake as it descended into Heathrow Airport. I quickly turned off all my devices as instructed and my heart began beating faster as turbulence rocked the plane. It finished after a couple of minutes, just before the plane landed.

I hastily got off the plane and gathered my suitcase from the luggage carousel. I pulled my camera out again and turned it on, flicking the record button.

"Hey everyone! So I'm at Heathrow Airport and I am so tired. I mean, Sydney to London is such a long flight, I don't know how I survived. Anyway, I'm meant to be meeting Emma soon but she's not here..." I look around once more but didn't see Emma's blond hair anywhere. It was then that I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Emma's familiar face but this time there was a massive smile on her face.

"ELYSA! Oh my God, it's so good to see you! I can't believe you're actually here!"

We hugged each other tightly before separating.

"Okay, let's get home." I said. We walked outside and I was immediately shocked by the frigid weather. The clouds were covered by clouds and the trees weren't the same green as Sydney's trees, as weird as it sounded.

After a short taxi drive to our apartment, I nearly crawled up the stairs. Planes made me so tired, weirdly enough. As soon as we got in I collapsed on the couch. As I had just moved here, I didn't have a bed, let alone a furnished room. But the couch would do for me when I was so tired.

"G'night Em."

"Yeah, good nigh Lys. See you tomorrow." She chuckled before leaving me to fall into a deep sleep.

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