Eleven - Preparing for Halloween

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It was the night of the Halloween party at Chris'. Emma and my costumes had just arrived and Emma was handing me mine. I actually had no idea what it was.

"So, I'm seeing black and red. Am I going as Deadpool?"

"No, you're going as Harley Quinn." I did a little celebratory dance.

"Okay, get your butt in my bathroom so I can do your makeup?"

"Wait, Harley Quinn has a red and black hat? There isn't one here...what am I going to do?"

"Elysa, we died your hair yesterday. Red and black. Remember?"

"Oh yeah!" Finally, the pieces of the puzzle came together. In the bathroom Emma sat me down on the toilet.

"Okay, so I'm putting my own twist on the makeup."

"Wait, why are you filming?"

"Well, I have to have some kind of video, don't I?"


"So, I'm going to not make your face really pale, like the original, and just use foundation and blush on your face and then black eye shadow and mascara on your eyes. Because you've already got a mask." I nodded. A couple of minutes later she had finished all of that. "Now, red lipstick."

"It's not gonna be really red, is it?"

"You tell me." She smeared the lipstick on my lips and held a mirror up to my face.

"Alright, it looks pretty good. What about you? What are you going as?"

"Well, my original idea was TInkerbell but I get the feeling it's going to be a bit too cold for that. So I did a bit of research and I remembered my favourite kid's movie, How To Train Your Dragon, and chose Astrid."

"Cool, but will people know who you are?"

"Well, I think the battleaxe gives it away."

"Okay, So, can I do your makeup?" Emma just looked at me, as if to say 'really?'.

"Alright, nevermind. We've got," I pulled out my phone. Phil had texted me to say that the party began at 7:30pm and it was 6:00pm. "An hour."

"Okay, put on your costume. It may take a bit to get the zipper all the way up so I'll have to help you."

"Okay." I walked to my room, my costume slung over my shoulder. I lay the costumed on my bed and saw the right side of my chest was red, the left side black, the right left black and the left leg red. My right shoe was red and my left show was black. The waist had laces that tied up at the front, kind of like a corset. With my makeup and new hair, I figured I'd look pretty good. I put on 'It Never Ends' by Bring Me The Horizon and stripped off my old clothes. I pulled on my costume. THe outside was made of leather but the inside was a soft fabric, which made it easier to pull on. I zipped it up on the side but struggled at the very top. I left it till later, when Emma could help me. I slipped my feet in the ankle boots and I was super glad that they didn't have really high heels. I tied the laces and stuck them in the shoes so they wouldn't be seen. I walked out of my room and wandered to Emma's room. Emma was in there, pulling on her shoes.

"Elysa, that costume looks amazing."

"Thanks, but it's nothing compared to yours." Emma's costume had gotten every last detail right. She ahd the brown boots, black leggings, leather skirt with spikes, skull belt, striped shirt, spiked shoulder pads and the material around her wrists. Her makeup was very simple. "You're the spitting image of her."

"Um...alright. Did you need anything?"

"Yeah, the zipper." She stood up and instructed me to put my arms up. She yanked the zipped up secured it with the button so it wouldn't fall. "And, it may be slightly awkward, but can you do the laces on the front."


After we had both perfected our costumes my phone went off. I picked it up, saw Dan's contact picture and answered..

"Hello good chap. Isn't this a fine evening?" I said in my best (yet still terrible) British accent.

"Yeah, it's alright, ya bogan. How're ya doin'?" Dan's Australian accent wasn't much better.

"Shall we agree to never do accents again?" Dan laughed.

"Yeah, sounds about right. So, are you two ready? Because we've got a taxi and we're outside you're apartment block. And I swear that sounded less creepy in my head."

"Yeah, I think we're both ready. We'll come down now." I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket. "Dan and Phil are in a taxi down stairs, wanna ride with them?"

"Sure. Let me grab my phone and wallet." She rushed to her bedroom and came back with a small wallet and shoved her phone down the side of her shirt, so it was in her bra.

"You phone? In your bra? Isn't that bit weird?"

"Well, my costume doesn't have pockets. Let's go, come on." We caught the lift down and saw a taxi out the front. Phil, dressed in a black suit and cloak, fake blood dripping put his mouth, was leaning on the door.

"Hey girls. Your costumes look amazing. Harley Quinn and...Astrid! From How To Train Your Dragon, right?"

"See Elysa, I told you people would know who I am!"

"Yeha, but Phil doesn't count. He's basically a 3-year-old."

"Harsh. But come on, let's go. It takes half an hour to get there." We all piled in to the taxi and Dan looked really good as Slenderman. He was wearing white face paint and a black suit with a red tie. He looked super sexy.

So, here's chapter 11. If you don't know who Harley Quinn is, then search her up.

Now, I know this chapter is shorter than most but that's because there's a bit of drama in the next chapter. No spoilers, but Dan and Elysa get some alone time ;)

Who saw Dan's new video? The Photobooth Challenge? I watched it in science class and I was laughing so much, I even started crying. My friend next to me was like, "Ella, what the hell is wrong with you?" Good times ;_;

~ Ella

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