Sixteen - Rushed Decisions

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"Elysa, think this through. You got here about 2 months ago and now you're rushing back because your dad is in a coma." Emma said.

"That's the point," I said, rushing around my room, stuffing clothes into a bag. "My dad is in a coma and I want to be there when he wakes up. And yes, I know, he may not wake up. But he has to. He has to! I don't know what I'd do without him." I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands, letting out the tears. Dan put his arm around and pulled me in, resting my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my arm to comfort me. I wiped away my tears.

"I'm sorry, guys. It's just I've always been close with my dad and if he died...I don't know what I'd do without him."

"It's okay. I would hate it if my dad died. But do you really want to rush to Australia without thinking first?" Dan questioned.

"I have thought. Admittedly, I've thought very quickly but I'm not changing my choice. If my dad doesn't wake up from the coma and I haven't seen him since I left Australia, I won't forgive myself. So, you have two choices. You can sit in the corner, sulking, or help me pack."

"What do you need me to get?" Dan asked. I pointed him to the drawers. He opened the first one and his face flushed red.

"Are-are you sure you want me to grab this stuff?" He asked, holding up a pair of red lacy underwear. I laughed.

"Go ahead, Dan, I really don't care. I just need to pack my clothes and leave tomorrow."

"Okay then." He grabs a handful of undies and bras and dumps them in my bag. "Do these need folding?"

"No Dan, they're just underwear. Who folds their underwear?"

"Normal people do." Emma said.

"Do I look normal?"

"Very true." Dan laughed. I stood up and grabbed some more clothes to shove in my bag.

"Okay, I think I've got enough. If I'm not home for Christmas, meh, I'll be with my parents."

"Wait, you kept calling Sydney home but now you're calling here home? Which one's home?"

"Um..." I thought about it. "Well, Sydney has my parents but London has you guys. Sydney has good and bad memories, so does London."

"What are the bad memories of London?"

"I found out about my dad. And I hurt my wrist? Remember?" I lifted up my bandaged wrist.

"Oh yeah. That's right."

"But, if I think about it, both Sydney and London are my homes. I'm going to miss you guys. I'll be back before you know it." Emma stood up from the seat at the drum kit and walked out of my room, wiping away tears.

"Oh shit, I didn't mean to upset her."

"It's okay, Elysa. She'll be okay. Phil and I will be here for her when you're gone."

"Oh God, I'm leaving her alone. Dan, she can't be alone for more than a few hours."


"It's not my place to say. But she's really bad when she's by herself. Something had happened when she was younger and she hates being by herself. She has a panic attack."

"Maybe you should tell her mum or dad."

"That's a brilliant idea, Dan." I exclaimed. I grabbed my phone and dialed Emma's dad's number. It rang until it went to voicemail.

"Hey Mr Robertson. It's Elysa, Emma's roommate. Basically, I have to go back to Australia for a bit and that means leaving Emma at home. I haven't left yet, I leave tomorrow, but Emma's not handling it very well. If you could maybe send someone up to stay with her, if you could get Lucas, then that'd be great. Because I really don't want her getting worse. Okay, that's all, bye!" I hung up the phone and laid back on my bed.

"You did the right thing." Dan joined me lying down.

"I know. I really am going to miss you."

"I'm really going to miss you too. And I know we're not a 'thing' right now, but when you come back, I'd like it if we could give being a 'thing' a try. What do you say?"

"Sounds great." I rolled over and kissed Dan on the cheek. "Now, I need to get all my carry-on. That includes all my electronics and books and Nutella."

"Alright. Let's get going."


"I'm going to miss you Emma. I'll be back before you know it." Emma ran at me, hugging me tight. "You'll have Lucas so no need to be scared. And you can invite James over."

"I'll make sure to clean your sheets before you get back. I don't know what Lucas might do." I giggled and pulled back.

"Bye Emma."

"Bye Elysa. And even though you're in Australia, Elma will continue to sail." I laughed.

"Very true." Emma stood back and Phil replaced her.

"Sup, Phil?" I said.

"You're from the ghetto now?" I shook my head. "Okay. Well, I hope you dad gets better. And you better get home soon. I'm gonna miss you and your immaturity." He ruffled my hair.

"I promise to not be gone for more than a year. And I'll miss you and your innocence." He gave me one last hug and then it was Dan and I.


"Hey." I didn't know what to say and neither did he. He held his arms out and I rushed in, memorising his smell. Honey, that deodorant smell all guys have, and something else that made me think of home.

"I'm gonna miss you. So much." My words were muffled in his chest. Despite being taller than the average height for females, I was shorter than Dan.

"I'll miss you more." He kissed the top of my head and sighed, wrapping his arms tighter around my waist. Well, it was more like just below my shoulders, he was that tall. I hung on to him like my life depended on it. One thing I could look forward to was Dan and I becoming a 'thing' once I got back. I reluctantly let go.

"I'm going to miss all of you." I waved at them and walked onto the plane, leaving my friends and my home behind.

Yay, another chapter done. I hope you enjoyed. I guess it's kind of a sad chapter since Elysa's leaving. But trust me, this chapter is nothing compared to the next one. I can't tell you any more because that will spoil it. But sorry in advance!

It's my birthday today. The same day as the 50th Anniversaryry of Doctor Who. I got season 3 & 4 of Supernatural on DVD and season 1 & 2 of Supernatural Anime (I didn't even know that it existed) from my brother. From my parents, I got Nutella, 2 pairs of earphones (because all of my mine break really easily) and Special Edition Season 7 of Doctor Who. It's so cool. I've then got friends coming over later today. And we're gonna see Catching Fire.

And PhilIsNotOnFire 5! That was amazing! I just watched it now! I can't believe they uploaded it on my birthday! I laughed so much. It was briliiant.

How are you guys? Are you going to watch Doctor Who tonight? Or tomorrow if you love in Australia like me?

~ Ella

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