Four - Dinner

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"Emma! Are you nearly done?" I called out as I tapped my foot. Emma was still doing her makeup and it was taking forever. I had finished getting changed 10 minutes ago.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm done." She shouted as she walked out. She was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with a white collar, denim jeans and bright yellow high heels.

"You look good, Elysa." I was wearing a three-quarter length pale blue blouse, black skinny jeans and black Converse.

"Thanks. You do know that your shoes are a tad bright. I reckon we won't need lights anymore, your shoes will do the job."

"Oh haha, Elysa. Very funny." Emma said, sarcastically.

"I know, I should be a comedian. Anyway, in the words of a legend, allons-y." We walked out our  apartment and caught the lift down. Outside we caught a taxi to the Nando's near Picadilly Circus.

"What time were we supposed to meet them?" Emma asked.

"Um..." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the text message Phil had sent me in the morning. "7:15pm. So, we've got 10 minutes."

"All right, let's go Elysa. Geez, you take so long." I laughed and we walked out, catching the lift down to the bottom floor. Emma refused to walk down all the stairs because of her high heels. Outside, we clambered in the waiting taxi. The taxi ride was pretty boring, I was playing Temple Run whilst Emma stared out the window, looking at the passing scenery. The taxi stopped suddenly and the brakes squealed. Emma and I were thrown into the seat in front of us. I groaned in pain, my nose smooshed against the head rest of the driver's seat.

"That'll be £30.20, thank you. Please choose the London taxi service again."

"Oh, we won't be using the London taxi service ever again if we stop like this all the time. Seriously, I could've broken my nose." I shouted as I threw the money at him. I got out of the taxi and slammed the door behind me.

"Oh God, my nose. Emma, does it look okay?" I asked but she all she did was give me a tissue. "What's the tissue for, Emma?"

"You've got a"

"You've got to be kidding me?!" I half shouted. I grabbed the tissue a put it top my nose, trying to stop the bleeding but failing. "Shit!"

"It's all right, Elysa. It's not too bad. You've gotten rid of most of the blood."

"Really?" I asked and Emma nodded. "All right, let's go in. We're 5 minutes late so let's going inside." We walked inside and saw Dan and Phil close to the back of the restaurant. Dan was weaing a plain white button-up shirt and black skinny jeans and Phil was wearing a red, checked shirt and black skinny jeans. Getting closer to them I saw Dan point at me, Phil turn his neck to look at me and put a hand over his mouth.

"Hi Dan and Phil. Nice to meet you. I'm Emma." Emma put her hand to shake theirs and sat down next to Phil. The boys said their hellos and shook her hand.

"Um, Elysa...are you okay? You've got a little blood on your nose. What happened?" Phil asked.

"Our taxi stopped really quickly and I smashed my face into the head rest. But I'm still bleeding? Shit." I looked around our table for a napkin but I didn't find one. Dan stood up and walked to a bench with cutlery, jugs of water and the much needed napkins. He came back, sat down and told me to face him.

As I did as he said, he pushed my head to face down (not forcefully) to let the blood drip out and gently placed the napkin on my nose, holding it in place. I smiled gratefully at him and he returned it.

"What a lovely beginning to the night." Emma said and we all laughed.

"So, ignoring your bloody nose, how are you Elysa?" Phil asked.

"You know, I'm pretty good. Just tired." It was difficult to talk with a napkin and Dan's hand covering my nose. "How are you two?"

"Well, Dan took forever to get ready since he likes to change out of his tracksuit pants until 5 minutes before we leave which he knows makes me frustrated but he still does it."

"Looks like there's trouble in the Phan household." Emma stated and Dan and I laughed. Phil just looked at her.

"Oh God, it hurts to laugh." I groaned in pain. Dan laughed at me. "Don't laugh at my pain, Dan. You wouldn't be laughing if this were you."

"I'm sure I would be in pain but Phil and I use other people's cars, trains or buses. Not taxis. So it's wouldn't happen...unless on the bus my head leant down to the seat in front."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Has my nose stopped bleeding?" I asked. Dan removed his hand and the napkin.

"It's mostly stopped but you might want wash your face because there's quite a bit of blood around your nose."

"All right. Emma, you order for me. Nothing spicy! And chips, don't forget the chips." She nodded and I headed off to the bathroom.

There was a woman in there already and she looked at me oddly. In the mirror I saw that I had blood covering my nostrils and above my top lip. I grabbed a bunch of paper towels, dampened them in the sink and wiped around my nose. I whistled as I washed my face and ignored the woman staring at me. I dried my face and walked out.


We had finished dinner and had learnt quite a lot about each other. Dan, Phil and Emma had swapped phone numbers and we were walking out of the restaurant. Dan told a classy your mum joke and we all had different reactions. Phil facepalmed, Emma shook her head and I laughed at his horrible joke.

"And I thought your jokes couldn't get any worse." Phil said. Emma and I laughed whilst Dan pouted.

"I hate you." Dan said, his arms crossed across his chest.

"You know, I had fun tonight, despite starting off on the wrong foot with Elysa."

"Very true, Dan. We've become quite good friends." I smiled at him and melted as he returned the smile. Oh God, why must he be so sexy?!

"Yeah, I had so much fun with you guys tonight, we should definitely catch up again."

"Yes!" Dan shouted enthusiastically. A bit too enthusiastically. "Are you guys free tomrorow?"

"Ooh, I don't know. I'll have to check our schedule." I joked. I can't believe Dan actually wanted to meet me again. I mean, I'm pretty weird at the best of times and I must have been an absolute freak since I met my idol. Oh God, what if I made a complete fool of myself? Oh well, #yolo (ironically).

"Well, call us when you know." Phil said.

"Okay, well, um...bye guys. See you tomorrow, maybe." I winked and linked arms with Emma, walking off to the taxi Emma had hailed down.

So, that's that chapter over and done with. Chapter 4, I reckon the story's done now. Just kidding! Sometimes I'm so funny I crack myself up. So, I can't decide what actresses should play Elysa and Emma so I'm going to give you a quick description of what I imagine they look like and you can help me find two actresses to play them.

Elysa has dirrty blonde hair, normally quite messy. She's quite tanned with either brown or blue eyes but the colour of her eyes don't really matter. She's basically the stereotypical Australian girl with a thick Australian accent. But she's not a bogan (or chav if you're British. I don't what Americans call bogans). She's average height for a 22-year-old.

Emma has very pale blonde hair (almost white) that's straight. She very pale (like Phil) and she has blue eyes. A Queen/posh/articulate accent. She's a bit short for a 19-year-old.

I should also say that this story is set in early October 2012 so it's Halloween soon! I think that's everything I need to say for now so bye!

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