Fifteen - Dan & Dad

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"How were Dan and Phil?" Emma called out. I walked into the lounge and flopped onto the couch.

"Uh, Phil wasn't feeling well. I spent time with Dan and we"

"What did you do?"

"He taught me how to teach the piano. We went on Tumblr and then I left." I remembered how distraught Dan had seemed when I left. He let me leave once I promised to come back within 2 days.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. How was James? Are you two a couple now?" Emma didn't answer. I looked at her and saw her face flushed, hidden behind her hands. "You totally are!" I squealed, jumping up. "Give me all the details, Emma. Ooh, is he a good kisser?"

"I'm not telling you that." She said indignantly.

"Okay. But are you a couple? As in, boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"We're boyfriend and girlfriend. He didn't ask me, I asked him. Apparently he was too nervous to ask me himself."

"Cute." Oh, if looks could kill I would have been dead a long time ago.


I rolled over, looking at my alarm clock. It 1:00 in the morning and I couldn't get to sleep. I picked up my laptop and opened Skype. A couple of seconds after it had loaded, the ringtone went off, showing my mum's picture.

"Elysa, why weren't you online earlier? I sent you an email."

"What, no 'hi Elysa, how are you?' for me?"

"Please Elysa, not now." My mum rubbed her temples. She sighed and wrung her hands together. Something wasn't right.

"Mum...what's wrong?"

"I just thought oyu should know that your dad has fell off a ladder and hit his head." My heart plummeted in my chest. "He drifts in and out of consciousness (I spelt that right the first time. Be proud!) and but the doctors aren't completely sure what's wrong. Something's wrong with his brain. It's either a brain hemorrhage or it's affected his ADHD."

"Okay. Let me know if something happens. You have to keep me posted, okay?"

"Sure honey. So, how's London?"

"It's really great, mum. It's freezing but I'm having so much fun. I've made friends, so don't worry about me spending too much time with Emma."

"How is that girl? Is her mum okay with her staying with you?"

"Emma's great but her mum...I don't think she likes me. You know how when I filmed a video I put a note on my door saying I was making a porn video?"

"I think I know where this is going."

"Yeah, Mrs. Robertson didn't like it very much. I told her it was a joke but..." I shrugged. "She's a bit uptight."

"Well, I kind of understand where she's coming from. She's letting her 19-year-old daughter stay with a 21-year-old who she's never met before. The first thing she finds out about this girl is that she's a pornstar, even though it's false information. You obviously made a joke when you should have been serious, which shows that you're a tiny bit immature. You've described Emma to be a really sensible girl, so her mother doesn't want your changing her good girl into a wild child. Understand?"

"Yeah, kind of."

After chatting with my mum for an hour, I layed my head on the pillow and fell asleep.


"Elysa, someone's at the door and I can't go down 'cos I've only got a towel on." Emma shouted from the bathroom. I groaned but pushed myself up. I pulled on a purple jumper over my gray singlet and black leggings. I never buy proper pajamas, they're a waste of time. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, grabbed my keys, and stumbled down the stairs. I opened the door to see Dan wearing a leather jacket, a black shirt with the Joker on it, black skinny jeans and white shoes.

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