Six - Supernatural Marathon

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"So, Elysa. I notice you've got a tattoo on your hand. What's that about?" Dan asked.

"Um, in year 8 my friend told me that if you always have an A on your hand and you see it you pinch yourself to make sure you're awake. If you're dreaming you can't feel pain. After a while you get used to it and it becomes a second nature. So, when I'm in a dream and I see an 'A' I pinch myself in my dream and then I can make whatever I want to happen in the dream. For example, infinite Nutella or the best WiFi in the world so I can do whatever I want through the whole dream. So...yeah...I got sick of writing on myself everyday so I got a tattoo."

"Okay...that's pretty cool. Does it work?" Dan asked and I nodded.

"Okay. So, Emma. We don't know much about you. What do you like to do?"

"Um...I enjoy painting quite a bit. I'm quite a boring person. Like, Elysa is much more interesting than me."

"No, Emma, you're so interesting. That's why we're friends. Along with enjoying painting you're extremely good at it! You're an amazing singer but you don't like people to know that. You can dance really well. Better than me at least, and that's saying something. As I said earlier, you're really funny when you do skits."

"Right, well, let's stop making me seem more amazing than I am. I mean, if anything, Phil's the amazing one."

"Funny, aren't you, Emma?" Dan commented.

"So, what now?"

"Um...I don't think we actually ended up subscribing to your guys' channel. What were the names again?"

"Emma's World and Everything and Elysa." I said. Dan got his laptop out again and searched my channel, subscribed to me then searched Emma's channel.

"Hey Emma, you reached half a million subscribers. Congratulations!" I shouted.

"Emma, that's great!" Dan joined me in congratulating her and Phil started clapping.

"You know, to celebrate, I reckon we should all make videos on each others channels."

"Yes! That would be great." Phil said and he ran to grab his camera and Dan's camera.


On Emma's channel we did a questions video where viewers sent in questions and we answered them. Badly I might add. On Dan's channel we did would you rather? Phil's video was about times we had misunderstood something. And finally, on my channel, we played truth or dare. It was fun to make all the videos and we were laughing most of the time.

"Alright, Emma, your video is on this USB and Elysa, yours is on this one." We both took the our respective USB's and promised to give them back once we met up again.

"Thank you guys so much, we had loads of fun. It's also unbelievable thatI'm meeting 2 of my idols. Like, holy crap."

"Well, it was our pleasure. See you two at a later date."


"So, Emma, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Um...I want you to tell me why you passed out at the gym." Emma answered and I admit, that was not the answer I was expecting.

"How did you find out about that?"

"Phil told me. Now, you're going to tell me why." She looked at me, determined for an answer.

"Alright, sit down. I'll tell you the truth and not some bullshit story." She looked at me expectantly and I told her the whole story. (Did you think I would tell you her problem this early? Nope! I'm so evil *shakes head*)

"Okay. Is there anything I can do to help you?" She asked and I shook my head.

"so, what shall we have for dinner?"

"I'm in a pizza mood. And then sundae's for dessert. And a Supernatural marathon. But first, we must change into comfy clothes that we can relax in." I agreed and we both went into our rooms. I searched my cupboard (all my clothes had finally been delivered) and chose grey Abercrombie and Fitch tracksuit pants, a black singlet and a teal (that's what Emma said, at least) hoodie.

I walked out of my room and saw Emma on the couch, wearing red and black plaid leggings and a black hoodie. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped herself in out, curling underneath it.

"Alright, do we want homemade pizza or d'ya want me to order in?"

"Just order it." I called up Domino's and ordered one Hawaiian pizza and one meatlover's pizza. I grabbed 2 cups (not wine glasses because we're not that classy) and poured in red wine.

"Yay, alcohol. Let's get drunk tonight! Woo." I handed Emma her glass and sat down next to her. She pressed play on the remote and Season 1 Episode 1 of Supernatural began. I was up to date already but I like watching things over again.

We were halfway through the episode when our apartment buzzer thing went off. Emma nudged me to answer it and rolled off the couch.

I pulled on knee high black Ugg boots and trekked down the stairs to the pizza delivery guy. I opened the door and he placed the warm pizza boxes in my hand.

"Thank you. Here's your money, keep the change." I walked back up the stairs, opened the door, slammed it shut and threw myself gently on the couch.

"I am ready to devour one whole pizza by myself and get drunk off my tits." I said and Emma laughed.

She pressed play and I stuffed my face. At the beginning of episode 3 I stood up and filled my 3rd glass of wine.

"Elysa, is it okay for you to have this much wine? With your leg?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Wine doesn't affect my leg. Seriously Emma, you won't need to worry about me unless I pass out or I'm in lots of pain." She nodded and I went back to the couch but Emma didn't press play.

"My parents are coming over tomorrow so can you...keep your swearing to a bare minimum. And try to show them that you're a responsible young adult, because they're not completely comfortable with me, being 19, staying with you, being 22."

"Yeah, sure. I understand. I'm filming a video tomorrow, anyway, and then I'm going out."

"To do what?"

"Well, I couldn't afford to bring my drum kit over here so I thought I'd buy a new one."

"Okay. Let's get back to Supernatural." She pressed play and I watched Dean's eyes, falling in love with him all over again.


We had finished season 1 but Emma was asleep. I tugged her half empty glass out of her hand, and the pizza box off her lap and placed them on the kitchen bench. I pulled off the blanket, gently so I didn't wake her, and picked her up in the way people call 'bridal style'. She was pretty small and light so there wasn't much burden to carry her to her room. I thought of Emma as my little sister that I never had. I laid her on her bed and pulled her blankets over her.

Back in the lounge I cleaned up, putting dishes in the dishwasher, empty pizza boxes in the recycling bin. I put the blankets back in place and turned the TV off. In my room I pulled my hoodie off, threw it on the floor and climbed into my bed, pulling my covers tight around me.

So, that's chapter six. Hope you enjoyed. I'm really enjoying writing this story. I'm watching Supernatural right now and I'm in season 2 and I'm loving it. I should be studying for all my exams but I can't be bothered. I procrastinate so much.

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