Twenty-Two - Dad

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"What's the time?" I asked, looking at Sam. We were sitting on my bed with blankets hanging from the ceiling to resemble something close to a bedroom fort. Earlier I had hung up fairy lights and covered the whole room with cushions. In all honesty, it was one of the best forts I had ever made.

"Ten past ten." Sam answered. "Next episode?" He stood up and made his way to my laptop plugged into the TV.

"You bet. Next episode is when Cas is introduced." I did a little happy dance at the thought of the angel, Castiel.

"Your love for Cas is getting a little out of hand." Sam commented.

"It's not as great as my love for Dean. Never forget that Dean will always be my favourite, no matter what he does."

"I know, I know." Sam shook his head in mock disappointment.

"At least I don't have a fetish for Crowley." I gibed.

"Hey! There is nothing wrong with Crowley." Sam cried indignantly.

"He backstabbed Sam and Dean multiple times." I said as I chucked a piece of popcorn at Sam's head.

"Lots of people backstabbed them, El."

"I know, I know. It's a pretty big plotline, people backstabbing the Winchesters."

"Alright. Season four, episode one, here we go." Sam sat next to me and shoved his hand in the bowl of popcorn seated on my lap. The opening credits rolled onto the screen and I relaxed into the mound of pillows beneath my head.


"El, Sam, you need to get up."

A wave of cold air rushed over me as the blanket was lifted from my body. I groped around blindly for it, my eyes still closed. "Sam, El. Come on, we need to go. Now. You need to get up." A hand shook my shoulder and I blinked in response. I blearily looked around, stretching my back.

"What's going on?" Sam groaned from the spare mattress on the floor.

"You two need to get up and get dressed as soon as possible." My mum's voice cut through the air.

"Why? What's wrong?" My mum's urgency had peaked my interest.

"It's your dad. Come on, get up. We need to leave as soon as possible."

I pushed myself up off the bed and rubbed my eyes. I nudged Sam with my foot as Mum left the room.

"Come on, lazy head."

"What's going on?" He asked lazily.

"I'm not sure. Something to do with Dad."

Sam lifted his head. "Dad?"

I nodded. He stood up and walked out of my room and into his. I closed my door and hurriedly pulled on a shirt, jeans and shoes. Mum obviously wanted us to hurry so there was no time for makeup, so I joined my mum and brother in the lounge.

"Are you going to tell us what's wrong?" I asked.

"Your dad, he's, well... He's becoming more responsive. Which is a good thing, but the doctor's aren't sure how long it'll last and I wanted you to say hello before he goes out of it again."

"Okay. Let's go, then."


 "El? Is"

I grasped my dad's hand and my heart twisted at how soft his voice was. "Yeah, it's me, Dad."

" look so...grown up." He smiled weakly.

"Thank you." I smiled in return, rubbing circles with my palm on his palm.

"How' in...London?"

"It's been good. Really good."

"And how's...Emma?"

"She's good. She's got a job and her YouTube channel is doing really well. What about you? How're you feeling?"

"I'm...okay. I get...words...out."

"It's okay, I understand. Sam's outside. Do you want me to get him?"

Dad opened his mouth to talk but his voice failed him and nodded instead. Outside of his room Sam was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"Dad wants to see you." I said, smiling. Sam nodded and slouched into the room.

I rested my back against the wall and pulled out my phone to play Flappy Bird. It was one of the best and worst games in the world. A couple of minutes later I could hear Sam crying softly. It was a little odd to hear him cry. Sam often kept his emotions to himself, maintaining a steely outer shell which he rarely let down. I wanted to go in, give him a hug, but I figured he'd want some time alone.

"Elysa! Mum!" Sam shouted from inside the room. His voice was followed by a fast, pulsing beep that didn't quieten. I pushed the door open to see Sam clutching Dad's hand, tears streaming down his face.

"Dad?" I screamed, my voice cracking. "Dad?"

He didn't reply. His head slumped to the side and his breathing became ragged. It was then that my mum ran in, instantly collapsing to her knees at the sight. She screamed, covering her mouth with her hands.

Dad began to cough, a small dribble of blood pooling in the corner of his mouth. Tears ran faster down my face. He was awake, this wasn't meant to happen. He woke up, he was meant to stay awake and get better.

A hand pulled me away from the room, pushed me towards the door, the person ran towards my dad, two nurses closely following behind. The doctor began shouting orders but any kind of sound seemed muted. I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't feel anything. I could only see my dad lying on the bed, his body rising upwards when the defibrillators connecting with his chest.

The world seemed to be crashing around me. I had only been talking to him minutes before. My dad, the man who taught me to ride a bike; the man who bought me my first camera; the man who helped me build numerous bedroom forts; the man who taught me to read, to walk. He had taught me so many things; encouraged me so much; had done so much for me; and I hadn't done anything to repay him. I hadn't thanked him enough, I hadn't been grateful enough. I had missed so many chances and now I wouldn't get any more.

Phew *wipes brow* that was a tough chapter to write. Well, the end bit was...for obvious reasons. The next chapter is happier, though, and I have a few happy chapters in store. So you can look forward to that.

I've been in sunny Brisbane for the past week and because Brisbane is so sunny I actually got a tan line. Not because I was in my swimmers, sunbaking for too long, but because I was in the sun for an hour and didn't put sunscreen properly on my arm so I got a tan line from the hairbands I had on my wrist. My hairbands, for god's sake!

So yeah, how was your Easter, guys? My cousin ate too much chocolate and threw up.

- Ella

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