Five - Lunch at Phan's

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I opened my eyes due to the sun streaming in through the window.

"Emma, what are you doing?" I groan, pushing my face into my pillow.

"We're meeting up with Dan and Phil at their place in an hour. And you need to shower, get changed into nice clothes and then put some makeup on."

"Sounds like a lot of work." I rolled out of bed and slumped to my bathroom. Turning on the shower I stripped off my clothes, hopping in. I washed my body with pomegranate body wash and my hair with vanilla essence shampoo and conditioner. I turned the shower off, dried myself off and walked into my room.

"Alright Emma, leave my room so I can get changed."

"I'll leave as long as you promise to wear everything I've set out for you." I nodded and ushered Emma out of my room. On my bed was a beige-y/yellow long sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans, gray Converse with spikes on the side near my ankle and a denim jacket with soft, dark green sleeves. I pulled on all my clothes and dragged my brush through my hair. After all the knots were gone I walked out to Emma. She was wearing a gray jumper with a cat on it, plain skinny jeans and black Vans. She had winged eyeliner (which would have taken an hour for me but she had it mastered and could do it very quickly), bright red lipstick and blue eyeshadow.

"All right, sit on the toilet, I'm doing your makeup. We have 20 minutes left."

Ten minutes later I had dark eyeshadow, a small amount of eyeliner and pink lipgloss.

"Yeah, I'm not having the lipgloss." Emma sighed but let me wipe the ligloss off my lips. Outside the bathroom, I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my pocket. I grabbed a banana and ate it as Emma and I waited for the bus. I wasn't using a taxi again after last night. We got on the bus and the whole trip I playred Temple Run. The bus stopped at the end of Dan and Phil's street.

"Emma, I'm nervous. I'm about to go in to my favourite YouTuber's house, this is big." I wrung my hands together.

"Elysa, it'll be fine. You were amazing last night, you never let the conversation drop or get awkward. It really made the night fun, even though your nose must have been sore all night."

"Oh my God, does my nose look fine?"

"It was slightly red but I covered it with concealer, foundation, and blusher."

"Okay. Well, let's go then before I procrastinate even more." We walked down their street, stopping outside a large tree and their apartment block. I texted Dan to let them know we were outside.

"Do they know we're here?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, I texted Dan."  After waiting for a couple more minutes Phil opened the door.

"Hey, you two. Nice to see you. I see your nose is better, Elysa."

"Yeah, Emma caked makeup on it because it was red this morning." He nodded and led us up many stairs. By the time we had reached their door Emma was out of breath.

"Geez Emma, you need to join me at the gym." She nodded and Phil opened the door.

"Hey guys, I would've come down but I needed to stay with the food. It's still got a bit to go so sit down in the lounge and talk to Host Phil." Dan shouted from the kitchen. Phil lead us to the lounge room and I immediately went and turned on the Tetris light.

"Seriously Elysa? You're that much of a kid?" Phil said but I death stared him and he backed away, apologising.

"It's all right, Phil. But this is just so cool, I couldn't resist."

Phil went to speak but was broken off by a loud crash from the kitchen and Dan cursing.

"You all right, Dan?" Phil asked in a concerned voice.

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