Nineteen - Sam

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I rolled over and fell out of bed. I groaned in pain and slowly pushed myself up. I slumped to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I dried myself off and threw open my wardrobe. I couldn't decide what to wear so I ended up shoving my hand in and wearing whatever I pulled out.

I picked up my phone and opened the photo gallery. It was only my second day away from London but I was already missing everyone. I pulled up a picture of Emma, Dan, Phil and I, all with cat whiskers. I swiped my finger across the screen and saw a picture of Emma and I at a café with milk moustaches. The next picture was of Dan laughing, his nose pressed up against the glass of the pod of the London Eye. He looked so happy in that moment. Another was of Dan and I on a lion at Trafalgar Square. I placed my phone on my bed, tears pricking my eyes. I missed them so much. I stood up from my bed and rubbed my face with my hands.

I entered the kitchen and headed straight to the fridge. I opened it out and then closed it straight away because I saw a note next to a picture of Sam and I from when we were younger. I pulled the note from the fridge and quickly read it.

Elysa, I'm with your dad. You're brother is coming home soon. Remember to be nice. - Mum

 I crumpled the note in my hand and chucked it behind me.

"Ow." I turned around quickly and saw Sam. He was standing there, rubbing his head. He looked like a slob, with his blonde hair messy, and his dark clothes were ripped and dirty.

"Uh, hey." His voice was rough.

"What do you want?" I crossed my arms and leant against the fridge.

"Um...I...I don't...what?" He stumbled over his words, blinking rapidly.

"Still on drugs? Because I don't care what you do in your own time but right now you shouldn't be."

"I'm-I'm not...why?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Dad's in a coma. Mum needs you right now. You can't be high. And dad seriously doesn't deserve a fuck-up of a son, ever, but especially not now."

"I haven't...done drugs...I-"

"Don't lie to me. We're twins, I know when you're lying." Anger coursed through me.

"I'm not lying. You left and I - I stopped."

My breath hitched in my throat. "You stopped? Like, actually stopped?"

"I've been clean since you left."

"Sam...oh my God, Sam."I took a step towards him, stopped, walked away, turned back and threw my arms around him. Mixed emotions ran through my body but one was most prominent: relief. He was finally making the right decisions.

"'re my sister and I love you but you don't need to hug me for that long."

"I'm sorry. But you're not doing drugs. That's all I ever wanted." I said but I reluctantly released him.

"Well, I'm glad that you're happy."

"So you're not doing drugs? None at all?"

"No, I've been clean for a while."

"If I may ask, why? Why'd you stop?"

"You left and we're twins and I didn't feel right. I missed you."

I had missed him too. He lost himself when he was doing drugs. We didn't get along then but we disliked each other even more when he left home at 17. I was glad that he'd stop because I knew we'd become closer. Despite him being an annoying dick when he was younger, he seemed to have changed. I was happy.

I know this is a shorter chapter than usual and I'm sorry. But I couldn't think of anything else to write. And I know I haven't uploaded in a while but now you know who Sam is and why Elysa wasn't all that fond of him.

I watched The Time of the Doctor yesterday. It was amazing! I was on the brink of tears but I didn't cry. I'm not going to say more, just in case I say anything that spoils it.

I also saw The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. That was amazing as well! If I didn't know that dragons weren't real, I would have thought that Smaug was real. That's how amazing the special effects were. My friends and I stayed until the end of the credits and we found out that the horses had make-up. Seems kinda crazy but oh well.

Merry late Christmas everyone! I would have uploaded but I didn't get time Sorry! I had a great time though with the family. But I got the most amazing thing! My parents bought me a tripod and a new lens for the camera. It's the family camera but I'm the one that uses it the most. I also got a bunch of Doctor Who gear, including bubble bath in a Dalek container.

How was your Christmas day? What did you get? Did you have fun? Or was it boring? Let me know! I love hearing from you guys.

If you didn't see my post, this story reached over 1000 reads! I never expected that. On chapter 3 (or something) I was celebrating because this story reached 100 reads. I never expected to get 10 times that amount. You guys are amazing!

~ Ella

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