Seventeen - Freak Out

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I watched as Elysa walked onto the plane, leaving me behind. Ever since year 8, I've never been able to be by myself for too long. I wiped away my tears and turned to Dan and Phil.

"Well, I should get back home. Elysa left her room in a mess and I hate messy rooms." Dan gave a worried look to Phil.

"Emma, Elysa told me that you don't do well by yourself." My eyes flashed with anger. She shouldn't tell people my story, I don't tell hers. "Oh don't worry, she didn't tell me what happened. She just said that you don't like being alone. So I was wondering if you wanted to stay at our place tonight. We've got a sofa bed that you could stay on."

"No, I don't want to intrude. I'll be fine, it's not that bad." I said. It was true when I said it's not that bad. But it wasn't the complete truth. It's actually worse. A lot worse.

"You won't be intruding. It'll be fine, it'll be a pleasure to have you. Honestly." Phil said, his eyes shining with earnest.

"I'll be fine, guys. You don't need to worry. Elysa just made a mountain out of a molehill. She exaggerates a lot."

"Are you sure?" Phil asked.

"Yes," I said, exasperated. "For the last time, I'll be fine."

"Alright. Let's get home." We walked away from the airport and caught the bus to London. I got off and waited for the next bus. I waved as the bus pulled away from the stop, taking away Dan and Phil. 5 minutes later my bus came. I hopped on, paid for my ticket, and took a seat, watching houses, parks, and people pass by quickly. I rested my head on the window and closed my eyes. 'I'll be fine, tonight,' I thought. 'I'll be by myself, but I'll be okay. They don't know I live in London. They can't find me. I'll be okay.' The bus screeched to a stop, the doors opening with a loud groan. I stood up, grabbed my bag and walked from the bus stop to home.

After locking the door behind me, I dumped my bag on the couch and entered the kitchen. I opened the freezer, grabbed the container of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream, a spoon and sat on the floor. I dug my spoon in, pulled it out with a mound of ice cream and shoved it in my mouth, savouring the flavour. It had become a ritual to eat ice cream if I was ever alone.

My phone rang, giving me a shock. I rushed towards it, grabbed it and answered.

"Hey Emma, it's your favourite cousin!"

"Oh, it's just you. Hi Lucas."

"Just me? I'm more important than being a 'just'."

"Yes, yes, sorry Lucas." I apologised.

"Apology accepted. So, your parents may not have told you this but I'm coming to stay with you till Elysa comes back."

"You are?" Thank God. I wasn't going to be alone.

"I am. I'm coming tomorrow. So you're going to have to survive one night."

"Um, okay. I can do that."

"Now, I know you're worried about them but they don't live in London. They're still in the North. You know?"

"But what if they came down for a holiday and they find out where I live."

"They won't. Trust me on this."

"Okay Lucas. I have to go now," I said. I couldn't stand him telling me those things that might be wrong. "I've got to make dinner. Bye Lucas." I hung up the phone, not waiting for his answer.


A loud bang came from outside, shaking me from my stupor. I crawled further into the corner, tears streaming down my face. Another bang made me scream, shaking even more. It was dark outside, a storm steadily getting worse. I knew I needed to get someone but I wasn't sure if I had the bravery to leave the corner to get my phone. The rain intensified, banging down on the window, sounding like fingers, taunting me. I shakily stood up and slowly made my way to my phone. I stopped halfway when I heard a tree snap outside. I continued to walk and snatched my phone. I quickly dialed Phil's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" He said groggily.

"Phil? Oh, thank God."

"Emma? What's wrong? Are you OK?"

"Um...I told you I'd be okay but I'm not. Can you...can you come over? I can't be alone for much longer." I sniffed and wiped away the many tears.

"Yeah, Dan and I will be there as soon as possible." He said something away from the phone, probably to Dan. "But don't hang up, I want you to continue to talk to me, so I know that you're okay. Got that?"


"Alright, Dan and I will be there soon. You'll be okay. Just keep talking."


I closed my eyes and cowered as my bedroom door opened. Two people walked in, the light from outside shining behind them.

"Emma?" One asked tentatively. I recognised the voice as Dan. I opened my mouth to speak but the words stuck in my throat. All I managed was a choking sound. Dan and Phil walked up to me, sat down on either side, and put one arm each around my shoulder.

"It's okay Emma, it's okay. Dan and I are here. It's okay. We're here now. It's okay." Phil's words only comforted me slightly. I sniffed.

A blanket was wrapped around me and Dan turned on the heater. He left my room, leaving Phil to hug me, warming me up. I began shivering again. I was so cold.

"Here Emma, drink this. It's a hot chocolate. It'll warm you up." I took the blue and yellow mug gratefully and went to take a sip but stopped.

"Emma? What's wrong?" Phil's tone was encased with worry.

"This is Elysa's mug. She never lets me use it."

"That's okay. You can use it today. She won't know."

"Mo. You don't understand. This is Elysa's mug. I can't use her mug. It would be like her using my mug. We can't use eachothers mugs. We have loads of mugs but we both have one mug that only we can use. You may think it's silly but I can't use her mug. This is Elysa's mug and I'm not using it."

"Okay. That's okay. I'll get you a new one." Dan grabbed the hot chocolate and went back to the kitchen. He then cursed and I'm pretty sure it was because the hot chocolate had poured out of the mug and either onto the bench or his hand.

"Do you need us to stay the night?"

"If-if you don't mind. Just for tonight, though. My cousin is coming over tomorrow and he's staying with me." Dan entered my room again, carrying another mug. This one was plain white.

Dan sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I took a sip of the hot chocolate and felt the drink flood warmth within me.

"Thank you." I whispered quietly.

Hooray, another chapter done. A slightly sadder chapter, admittedly. I just thought I'd throw another spanner in the works. Please don't kill me! Feel free to fan, vote and comment. Let me know what you think of this story. I want your feedback!

Guess who I get to meet tomorrow? FunForLouis and Troye Sivan and Jacksfilms! I'm so excited. I get to take a photo with them but not a signature, unfortunately. Oh well, I'm still excited.

Buh bye! Have a great life!

- Ella

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